August 18, 2020 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Zoom - See Description for Zoom Link
Ashley Williams
PHIND Seminar - Sylvia Plevritis, Ph.D. @ Zoom - See Description for Zoom Link

PHIND Seminar Series: Identifying Fibroblasts Subtypes Contributing to the Progression of Preinvasive to Invasive Lung Adenocarcinoma


Sylvia Plevritis, Ph.D.
Professor of Biomedical Data Science and of Radiology
Integrative Biomedical Imaging Informatics at Stanford
Stanford University


Webinar URL: https://stanford.zoom.us/s/93945120934?pwd=a29GNjFCUzBtWjRsbFdnUnVUOTMzUT09
Dial: +1 650 724 9799  or +1 833 302 1536
Webinar ID: 939 4512 0934
Password: 767148

11:00am – 12:00pm Seminar & Discussion
RSVP: https://www.onlineregistrationcenter.com/SPlevritis



Dr. Sylvia K. Plevritis is Professor and Chair of Biomedical Data Science, Professor of Radiology at Stanford University and Program Director of the Stanford Biomedical Informatics Graduate Training Program. Dr. Plevritis leads a computational biology cancer research program that bridges genomics, imaging and population sciences to decipher properties of cancer progression and treatment response. Dr. Plevritis received her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and M.S. in Health Services Research, both from Stanford University, with a focus on cancer imaging physics and modeling cancer outcomes, respectively. She has had a primary authorship role on over 100 scientific cancer-related articles. She is a fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) and Distinguished Investigator in the Academy of Radiology Research. She serves on the NCI Board of Scientific Advisors,  the Program Leadership Committee of the Stanford Cancer Institute and the Leadership Council of the Stanford Bio-X Program. Dr. Plevritis has served on numerous NIH study sections,  chaired scientific programs for the several professional societies including the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) and presented keynote lectures across multiple scales of computational cancer biology.   Currently, she is the Program Director of the Stanford Center in Cancer Systems Biology (CCSB) and has been a Principal Investigator with the NCI Cancer Intervention Surveillance Network (CISNET) for over fifteen years.  She has served as Program Director of the Stanford Cancer Systems Biology Scholars Program (CSBS), and co-Division Chief of Integrative Biomedical Imaging Informatics at Stanford (IBIIS).


Sponsored by the PHIND Center and the Department of Radiology