Assignment: Photo Essay (Formalization)

Almost a year ago, I made an entry alluding to Praveena Sridhar’s photo essay and a few ideas of what a Photo Essay assignment could be on. First, I just realized that the entry did not have specific detail on the assignment. Second, I did not elaborate on Praveena’s Photo Essay.

Here are the notes I have shared with my interns:

Demonstrate a documentation method.
Encourage reflection.
Use photos to record things that might be missed the first time.
Long-term record.
Pictures are worth a thousand words.
Photos show perspectives.
Use photos to reflect personal viewpoint.
Taking photos is a creative exercise.
A collection of photos can be set along a theme.
A themed photo essay can be persuasive.
The theme can be “vertical” or “lateral” or perhaps both.
The product should be personal and contribute student’s personal identity “un-generic.”
Can be used as point of discussion in personal statements or interviews.
The combination of pictures and words is an effective start for future use. The words capture facts and emotions of the moment. The picture makes the overall exercise sustainable into the future

Students will be introduced to the idea of a photo essay.
Students will be shown Praveena’s photo essay as an example.
I will show two or three photo essays from last year’s group.
We will discuss the intellectual as well as emotional value of Praveena’s photo essay on Water Loss.
Students will be oriented to the photo essay assignment (separate document).
Mentors may help students develop theme ideas – using questions.
Mentors may only superficially help students with content – again, using questions.
Photo essay exhibition is intended for students to share and exchange perspectives.
Promote understanding. Minimize judging.

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