Thoughts: The Relationship Between Parent, Student and Teacher in Molecular Terms

With the view of developing YCISL-derived toolkits to help a student interact better with parent and teacher in order to maintain optimum support from these two resources, I have been reflecting on the structure of the relationship involving student (child), parent and teacher. I feel it meaningful to me that I put it in molecular structure terms which depict arrangement, bonds and interactions.

The three structures applied are (1) linear, (2) angular and (3) cyclic. Imagine these structures with translational as well as vibrational motion. The field or medium in which this structure exists will also influence behavior. One thing we can be sure about is that this is not within a vacuum.

So I offer three figures, each with a few notes. The question for the student, parent and teacher is “Which structure applies to you and does it work well?” With these structures, I hope that all stakeholders can appreciate the stress and strain that is felt (more on this later) by the student. For the toolkits, I will attempt to develop exercises that make preferred and optimum structures more stable and resilient. For those who identify themselves as being in a linear structure, does angular or cyclic seem preferred? If so, would you be able to put energy into it?

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