Duncan Wardle: The Theory of Creativity (TEDxAUK)

I’m working on a YCISL White Paper currently on the question “Where is your creativity?” so that we can feel more secure by finding our own creativity and having it at the ready for when we need it. Speaking of which…Duncan Wardle asks in his 2018 TEDxAUK talk the question “When does your creativity flourish?” and describes a variety of “brain states” which explain our creativity behaviors.

One common theme in response to this “When?” question is when we are calm and relaxed. This is consistent with our YCISL approach through positivity and intrinsic motivation. The “door” to creativity is typically shut tight when we are stressed or feeling negative. And just being in a particular place that virtually reminds us of stress or negativity can have that stifling effect making the “when” seem like never.

In the YCISL, we have a variety of training methods to access our creative energy:

  • seek creative flow and avoid pre-mature self-editing
  • learn to frame the problem in different ways
  • set a cyclic rhythm between divergent and convergent thinking

With these skills, we should have more control on the question of “when do find creative ideas?”

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