On Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership

In my current situation at Stanford University, I am able to observe many streamlets of efforts to discover knowledge and hence exert leadership. As you would expect, there are students, researchers and even administrators engaged in this endeavor. More curious, I see a multitude of centers and institutes formed at Stanford, and other universities around the US and the rest of the world. In this academic universe, there is much discussion circulating around the topics of creativity, innovation and leadership, and often I find myself with a view that there is so much more to learn, and a long way to go to get it right.

Myself, I am also highly dedicated to education. At one level is the university setting where I teach knowledge-based courses, and also design and execute programs to instill useful interactive skills. Having school-aged children of my own, I have several avenues of becoming involved with youth: from judging at science fairs to coaching youth basketball and being on academic committees. My own elementary and high school experience was fascinating and memorable; highly unique and enlightening.

So, I am going to use this web site to compile articles, resources and thoughts relevant to youth creativity, innovation and sustainable leadership. I expect it will become quite a hodge-podge, but I will also attempt to tie things together periodically with impressions and supported viewpoints as a result of this effort. And I am happy to share these with others.

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