Michelle Kaufmann Studio

I looked up Michelle Kaufmann because she and her work was mentioned in a Seth Godin TEDTalk. Actually, it was the photo of a home designed by her (or her firm) in Godin’s slide set that caught my eye and moved me to Google her. The Michelle Kaufmann Studio home page opens with the (vision) statement “Sustainability isn’t just about the way we build. It is a state of mind. Good design embodies, inspires and nurtures that way of thinking and living.”

Especially useful to the sustainability theme of the YCISL are the “Eco Principles” at http://michellekaufmann.com/category/green-living/eco-principles-green-living/ which include:

EcoPrinciple One: Thoughtful Design
EcoPrinciple Two: Efficient Materials
EcoPrinciple Three: Energy Conservation
EcoPrinciple Four: Water Efficiency
EcoPrinciple Five: Healthy Spaces
EcoPrinciple Six: Systems Built

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