

Workshop Details

June 21-24, 2021
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program
in Collaboration with E-Squared Learn with Leaders:
YCISL Design Thinking Incubator Workshop
An online workshop based on fundamental design thinking skills featured in the YCISL program. Organized in collaboration with Learn with Leaders (E-Squared).

Venue: Online


The YCISL Design Thinking Incubator Workshop is a series of lectures introducing students to an asking questions approach to design thinking which develops awareness and action skills. Students will participate in breakout sessions to develop an idea using design thinking.


  • Asking Questions: Fundamentals & Practice. Problem Scenario & Statement
  • Brainstorming: Fast Thinking & Ideation. Solution Concept Statement
  • Divergent-Convergent Thinking: Better Questions & Better Answers. Solution Concept Principal Features & Specifications
  • Student Team Design Thinking Design-a-(School) Club Concept Presentations.

This is an online activity using videoconferencing.

Visit the Learn with Leaders (E-Squared) web site for more information on this program.

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