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!!!Science citation: 30.9 turnaround: 3 wks, cycles: 1-2, ingredients: novelty, broad applicability, best, high tech/computational, newsworthy, multimodal formula:

!!!Nature citation: 31 turnaround: 3 wks, cycles: 1-2, ingredients: novelty, broad applicability, best, newsworthy, concise formula: (note: submission letters must explicitly state importance, novelty, readership, and applications)


!!!Nat Rev Neuro citation: 27 turnaround: ingredients: formula:

!!!Nature Neuroscience citation: 15.5 turnaround: 3 wks, cycles: 3 ingredients: novelty, newsworthy, simplicity, style formula:

!!!Neuron citation: 14.1 turnaround: 3 wks, cycles: 2 ingredients: novelty, newsworthy, replicability, controls formula:

!!!PNAS citation: 10.2 turnaround: ingredients: formula:

!!!J Neuroscience citation: 9 turnaround: 3 wks, cycles: 3 ingredients: replicability, controls, incremental contribution formula:

!!!Bio Psychiatry citation: 7.2 turnaround: ingredients: formula:

!!!Neuroimage citation: 5.6 turnaround: ingredients: formula:

!!!Neurobio of Aging citation: 5.5 turnaround: ingredients: formula:

!!!Neuroreport citation: 2.1 turnaround: ingredients: formula:


!!!Psych Bull citation: 12.7 ingredients: not primary data

!!!Psych Review citation: 8.8 ingredients: not primary data

!!!JEP General citation: 6.2 ingredients: many studies formula: bridges 2 or more subfields of psychology

!!!Psych Science citation: 4.6 turnaround: 6-8 weeks, cycles: 2 ingredients: formula:

!!!J Abnormal Psych citation: 4.4 turnaround: ingredients: formula:

!!!Journal of Personality and Social Psychology citation: 4.2 turnaround: 12 wks, cycles: 4 ingredients: many studies, conceptual replication formula: phenomenon, mediator, moderator

!!!Emotion citation: 3.1 turnaround: ingredients: formula:

!!!Psych and Aging citation: 2.8 turnaround: ingredients: formula: