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Recruiting Protocol (07/22/03)

Screen - use screening form criteria and schedule US CITIZENS ONLY

Find subject (consult lab coordinator on how).

Call subject.

Print out and fill out screening forms one and two from the participate page (forms also in spanlab file cabinet, 2nd drawer).

Direct subject to the additional form page. Give them name (fmri) and password (fmri). Have them fill out additional forms (EHI, NEO-SF, PANAS-T) and bring to scan (only if it's a new subject). Alternatively you can attach them to an email. Explain that they will be credited for time spent on the forms (at the $20/hr rate)

Subjects will receive $20.00 per hour for scan (including filling out questionnaires, which usually takes .5 hour, i.e., 2 hours total). Session usually lasts 1.5 hours. Subjects will also get to keep whatever cash or food they score during the experiment. Subjects should arrive 10 minutes early.

Get contact phone number for subject and give them a number to call if necessary (cell phone of experimenter, Lucas 1.5T suite is 650 723 8693). They can also print out a map from the web page if desired.

Enter the time in the SPAN lab calendar at (user:spanlab, pass: ask lab coordinator). Check the Scan Protocol document for detailed scanning procedure (outlined below).


Scheduling Protocol (updated 06/06/05)

Schedule at Lucas Center: point a web browser to ID: "knutson" (or your own ID) password: "xxxxxx" when done, logout

Add event to the lab calendar: go to name: "spanlab" password: "xxxxxxx" when done, logout


F. Eugene, R. Cooney, J Bhanji 4/26/2005

Before leaving for Lucas you’ll need: -the right study questionnaires -participants’ screening forms -brian’s log book -human subjects payment sheet -cash!! -subject phone #’s (just in case) -your card key

Meet participant

1. Check that magnet screen is okay. 2. Review consent form. 3. get participant a locker, have them remove metallic objects from person

Set up in magnet room

1. head coil, mirror, bite bar set up, pad, sheets, earplugs 2. turn on projector

Refer to task specific training document for training script

1. Emphasize understanding of the task, stimuli

Bite bar

1. Explain concern about head motion – “When inside the scanner, please remember that it is important to keep your head motionless. To make this possible we will make a bite bar with an impression of your teeth.” 2. Explain the position that they will be in when inside the scanner (with head tilted back slightly) 3. Take teeth impression. Hold the bite bar yourself and make sure it is straight and that the participant’s head is tilted slightly back when they bite down.

General set-up

1. enter info into Lucas log book 2. enter info into Brian’s log book (name, gender, ethnicity, subject number, task

Prepare Signa (GE Operation Program)

Set up patient profile (RX manager) – Before landmark is made 1. Click picture of scanner, then “NewPt” 2. Complete the following fields using info from the screening form: a) Patient ID: [Principal Investigator] <enter> b) Patient name: [First Last] <enter> c) Weight (lbs): [xxx] <enter> d) Exam description (head and participant’s DOB): [head DOB mm/dd/yyyy] <enter> 3. After landmark: a) Click on the head b) In the list of protocols, select your protocol If it’s not there, click “Site”, and try again

Entering participant into scanner

1. Double check for metallic objects 2. Remind participant about using the restroom 3. Have participant put in earplugs (remember to speak loud and clear now) 4. Have participant lie down and position bite bar, pillow underneath legs, ask if they want a blanket. 5. Make sure participant is completely comfortable, make appropriate adjustments. Do not continue with scan unless the bite bar setup is straight, the participant is comfortable, and the head coil slides into place without trouble. 6. Hand the participant the button box and squeeze ball and explain both. Squeeze ball should lie over the participant’s stomach (use tape if necessary to hold it in place). 7. Explain the sequence of scans (Pre task localizers, #of sessions of task, post task structural) 8. Align participant (press ‘align on’, move until crosshairs are right above eyebrows, press ‘landmark’) 9. Slide head coil into place and then check that the participant can see the mirror. Remind participant not to touch the mirror or head coil. 10. Tell the participant that you will communicate over the intercom and then move participant into place.

When participant is ready to start...

Make sure scanner is in research mode 1. Click on “scan mode” 2. Make sure “Research” is selected (NOT clinical! If the scanner is in clinical mode, it will not run spiral in-out research sequences.)

Scan #1 – 3 plane local (~0:40) 1. Ask subject if he can hear you, and adjust volume with knobs on top of keyboard a) “ear” ‡ what we hear b) “mouth” ‡ what participant hears 2. Tell subject: “OK, we’re going to do three very short structural scans that are each under a minute. Please remember not to move your head during or in between scans. You’re going to hear some clicks in just a minute.” 3. Select: “3 plane local”, then “view edit” 4. Press: “save series” 5. Press: “Prepare to scan” 6. Press: “scan” 7. Write down exam number- to find the number, look at the scan window in the upper right corner (e.g, Ex. 4527)

Scan #2 – Axial Inplane (~2:00) (The inplane scan is dependent on your ROIs and what coverage of the brain you would like during the scan.) 1. Select “axial plane” , then “view edit” 2. Press: “graphic RX” ‡ this will bring up Inplane Anatomy 3. Click on the sagittal image once with the left mouse button. Now you can again click on the left mouse button and drag the slices. 4. Make sure the 24 slices cover from mid-pons to top of brain. If it doesn’t all fit sacrifice the top of the brain first. 5. Zero out “P/A center” and “L/R center” 6. Press “accept” F. Eugene, R. Cooney, J Bhanji 4/26/2005 3 7. Write down S-value and I-value in log book (these refer to the inferior and superior coordinates for the slices) 8. Press “Save series” 9. Press “Prepare to scan” 10. Tell subject: “ OK, the next scan will take about 2 minutes. Please remember not to move your head during or in between scans” 11. if the “move to scan” button is blinking warn the subject (“you’ll feel a small shift in the table before the scan begins”) and then press it. 12. Press “Scan”

Scan #3 – Functional scan –run1 (x:xx –duration of your task) 1. Select “sprlio”, then press “view edit” 2. Click ??specs?? and verify the number of volumes acquired (incant=370,midp2=298) 3. Put back in original S/I values (previously recorded in log book) 4. Press “Save series” 5. Press “Prepare to scan” 6. Press “Prep scan” 7. Make sure the task is ready on E-prime desktop 8. Remind subject of the task specifics (refer to training doc for the task) 9. Tell subject: “The task is about to begin. Please try not to move your head. You’ll know the task is starting when you see the screen change...” 10. Press “scan”, and when the white “Stop scan” button lights up on the keyboard, press <space bar> on E-prime desktop keyboard (within 24 sec). 11. When scan is complete, tell participant, “okay, you’ve just completed that session. Please remember to keep your head still while we set up the next scan.” Do not comment on the participant’s performance.

    • If you have more runs, repeat instructions for scan#3 accordingly **

Scan #6 – 3D volume (10:42) 1. Tell subject: “You’ve finished the last session of the task. Try to remain as still as possible, but now you can relax during the structural scan. This scan is about 10 minutes long.” 2. Select “3D volume”, then press “view edit” 3. Press “Graphic RX” 4. Click on the axial image once with the left mouse button. Now you can again click on the left mouse button and drag the slices. 5. Left click on brain, and center box and move until all coordinates zero out, except for L/R. 6. Press “accept”, and write down L/R values 7. Press “save series”, then “prepare to scan” 8. Tell subject: “The structural scan will start in a few seconds.”

    • If green light is blinking on keyboard (move to scan button), warn subject and

then press it before pushing “scan”** 9. Press “scan”

End exam

1. Tell subject: “Okay, we’re coming to take you out of the magnet.” 2. Press “end exam” Print pictures if participant wants them 1. Click Browser icon (picture of screen) 2. Click “browser” on left-hand side 3. Select current patient in left-hand window 4. Select series (3Dvolume, axial inplane, ...) 5. Click “viewer” 6. With image slider, choose nice looking image 7. In blank area at lower-left of screen, type: xr s# 8. Save screen 9. Click browser and choose the screen save series when it appears 10. Adjust brightness and contrast using middle mouse button 11. Print screen by hitting “print” on thermal printer

Post Scan

1. Record the amount of winnings the subject made in each session in Brian’s log book. 2. Pay the participant and have participant fill out the appropriate affect scores, make sure you have all the surveys you need (NEO, PANAS, EHI) 3. Have participant fill out Lucas post scan survey form and sign the payment sheet. 4. Thank the participant, make sure they have all their things, and help them out of the Center.

Moving Files

Moving P-files and structural images to a safe place (There are various ways to move p- files and specific options that can be selected or not selected.) -See Anne’s instructions next to the computer in the outside room. Moving behavioral files to a safe place -Use SecureFX from the eprime computer put files on the appropriate lab computer (mpfc or nac)

Tear down

1. Clean up scanner room 2. turn off the projector 3. put Lucas post scan forms in bin

Scan Set Up and Tear Down

Protocol (07/22/03)

Set up

Check button box, projector Train subject on task Make bite bar Have subject demagnetize, go to the bathroom Put subject in scanner, put in earplugs Adjust bite bar Remind subject not to move head or speak Landmark subject Check mirror and visibility

Tear down

Move files offsite ( Have subject fill out qaires and exit form Pay subject and fill out reimbursement form Clean up scanner room File forms in lab