Lab Manual:Computing Resources

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Lab Computers

Connecting to the Linux computers (don’t do this unless you’ve talked to the lab manager about accessing data)

On a Windows computer use Xmanager:

  • Click the Xstart button on the toolbar (lower left)
  • Select a session (span@dmthal usually)
  • Click “Run”
  • If a license window pops up, cancel it, and click Run again. The program isn’t registered but can run free forever.

On a MacOS X computer use X11:

  • Launch the X11 utility (in the launch bar at the bottom of the screen or in the Applications folder)
  • Open a terminal window if one does not open automatically (select Applications → terminal from the menu bar)
  • Type “ssh –X” to connect to dmthal, then enter password -- note that it is best to use “ssh –Y” when on the insula MacBook, lest emacs will crash.

The lab computers are:

Name & Room 465 (the main Linux station) 465 (mac; knutson@) 469 (Mac; RA computer) 480 (Linux) 467 (Windows machine for the behavioral room) roaming (windows laptop) 469 (Mac; Dan's computer) 470 478 (Linux; Jeff uses this one) 467 469 (mac; knutson@)

Lab Scripts

visit the scripts page

Purchasing Software

Stanford has some great deals for both departmental and personal purchase. - Visit here and choose the software you want to find out if Stanford has a deal on it. - You can see what is available at the Stanford Bookstore here.

Stanford Unix Computing Resources

Stanford has some nice powerful servers you can use to run Unix/Linux programs, such as STATA.

This page has information on which computer to connect to: Choosing the Right Computer is a good bet. Just connect with your SUnet ID and password.

Psychology Department Resources

Using BIAC

BIAC is the psychology department server. It is a good place to store data, because it has a nice backup routine. There are nightly backups as well as less often (weekly?) backups which are stored off site. BIAC lives at

Mounting BIAC

To get access to BIAC for your computer, you will need to be connected to the Psychology Department network, and may need to send Martin Frost an email with your IP Address.

You can mount it to your mac using the command:

 sudo mount_nfs -P biac2:/biac2/knutson <destination folder>

Its a little funky because it seems that no mater where you mount it, a link to it called "knutson" shows up on your desktop. Also I'm still working out the permissions issues, so you may have trouble changing the files on there at the moment.

~Stephanie 2008/06/13

Using Symbolic Links to BIAC Space

If you use full directory paths in your scripts instead of relative paths, you might find some of your scripts broken when your data gets moved to BIAC. You can do a search and replace with 'sed' or you can create a symbolic link to the new location of the data.

Here's an example:

 ln -s /path/to/biac/mount /path/to/symbolic/link


help: Jeff Cooper


help: Jeff Cooper, Stephanie Greer

open source alternative: Octave

computers: dmthal, amygdala


If matlab does not start, you might need to go into the matlab73/etc directory and run './lmstart'

Adobe Illustrator

help: Kacey Ballard, Dan Yoo

open source alternative: Inkscape

resources: Kacey Ballard's Illustrator Cheat Sheet

Adobe Photoshop

help: Dan Yoo

open source alternative: GIMP


help: Dan Yoo, Logan


help: Greg Larkin


Resources for learning Stata -

Princeton Tutorial on Stata -


Lab Copies: