
Evolution of Predator and Prey
Mesa Schumacher |
Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) and
Eastern Cottontail Rabbit (Sylvilagus floridanus)
2012 |
Washington, DC, USA |
Prismacolor, acrylic, and pen on drafting film and toned paper in three layers and digital 94x71" (238.76 x 180.34 cm) |
In all living chordates, the physical structure of skeletal and musculature anatomy is testament to the evolutionary rule that form follows function. In a match of predator and prey, the Red-tailed Hawk and Eastern Cottontail Rabbit demonstrate their highly specialized function-determined forms. The hawk has developed highly acute eyesight, specialized talons and beak, and specializations for dexterous flight such as hollow bones. The cottontail has developed highly specialized hind-limbs with long muscles and tendons for quick ballistic jumping and the evasion of predators. Adaptations such as these are not planned innovations, but responses to evolutionary pressures.
keywords (defined):
keywords (additional): |
predation, birds, mammals, hawks, rabbits |