Science Art-Nature


What is
Science Art?


  Thanking Donald Kennedy, co-founding Science Art-Nature Board Member and former Chair
  who died of COVID-19 April 21, 2020

  Those who knew Don Kennedy knew of his
  exuberant good cheer, dedication to teaching
  and public works, love of science, nature, and
  birds, and steadfast interest in Science Art.

  See this retrospective by Gretchen Daily and
  Paul Ehrlich in Science. It includes mention
  of our book, Humans, Nature, and Birds: Science
  Art from Cave Walls to Computer Screens
, which
  led to the formation of Science



This image was fabricated to convey that we designed our book to resemble a gallery. In it, Donald Kennedy points out a detail in Portrait of Robert Cheseman (1485-1547) chief falconer to the English king Henry VIII, painted by Hans Holbein the Younger. The painting was used as the book's Frontispiece.


There would be no Science Art-Nature without Don. It feels like yesterday, but it was 15 years ago that he, Paul Ehrlich and I had lunch at the Stanford Faculty Club and decided to form a non-profit to promote the production, publication, and exhibition of images of nature that offer viewers a science lens. Within a day, psychologist Pamela Meadowcroft, with expertise in NPO development, and naturalist, artist, and writer Tony Angell completed our founding board.

Don was there for every meeting and every conference call. He was behind the scenes of every virtual exhibit and a whole lot more. How he kept track while serving as Editor-in-chief of Science and fulfilling any number of academic and other responsibilities, I never could fathom, but year after year he never missed a beat. Even after his stroke, he always wanted news about SA-N.

Don's wife, Robin, wrote to me that Don would be enthusiastic about Science Art-Nature's developing virtual exhibit on climate change. I agree. I was able to show him a sample during the early stages of production. He nodded affirmatively and said it was terrific. That was Don.

The Challeges of Climate Change exhibit is slowly rolling out. We'll surely dedicate it to Don, so we'll have to make it the best virtual exhibit SA-N has yet to launch. We need to do him proud.

Darryl Wheye, CEO
