Stanford University Libraries

Subject Index

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AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science)
affiliation with, 13
symposia on, 16
Abstracts of papers
in Chemical Information Bulletin, 56–57
in Chemical Literature, 24, 25
ACS (American Chemical Society)
25th, 5
50th, 5
75th 3, 17, 75
100th, 3, 43, 75
automated services for Division, 13, 32
Campaign for Chemistry, contribution to, 73
CAS Committee
joint sessions, 41, 45
new role, 41
symposium (1973), 20
CAS Governing Board, 41
Centennial meetings, 43
Copyrights Committee chairmen, 40
Diamond Jubilee meeting, 17
Divisional Activities Committee (DAC) chairmen, 13, 40
Divisional Officers Conference (DOC), 49
dues collection by, 32
first accomplishments, 5
first literature-oriented symposium, 5
histories, 3, 75
National Charter, 5
National Meetings symposia
(1943–1948), 7, 8, 91
(1949–1975), 14–20, 92–96
(1975–1993), 41–46, 97–103
Nomenclature Committee liaison, 40
pre-1943 papers, 6
Professional Training Committee (CPT)
interaction with, 53, 55
Program Coordination Conference (PCC), 49
Program Development Fund, 32, 72
Publication Committee chairman, 40
Punched Card Committee, 8, 16
Regional Meetings symposia
(1949–1975), 21, 23
(1975–1993), 49–50, 51–52
Scientific Aids to Literature Committee, 12, 16
ACS Advances in Chemistry Series
Divisional papers in, 58
Group papers in, 8
ACS Outstanding Division Award, 62
ACS Symposium Series
Divisional papers in, 58
ADI (American Documentation Institute)
Documentation Abstracts cosponsor, 29
Literature Notes, 29
see also ASIS
in Chemical Information Bulletin, 57, 72
in Chemical Literature, 24, 25
Aids to Chemical Documentation Committee (1956), 12, 16
Alternate councilors, 90
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Chemical Society
American Documentation
papers in, 27
American Documentation Institute
American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
participation in 1989 meeting, 47, 49
American Library Association (ALA)
Information Science Abstracts cosponsor, 60
American Society for Information Science
American Society of Indexers (ASI)
Information Science Abstracts cosponsor, 60
Anheuser-Busch Brewery
tour, 71
25th, 5
50th, 5
75th, 3, 17, 75
100th, 3, 43, 75
50th, 18
75th, 44, 70
CAS Registry
25th, 70
20th, 61
25th, 19
10th, 45
50th, 55
10th, 31
25th, 3, 31
50th, 3, 4, 71
25th, 61, 76
25th, 59–60, 76
Merck Index
100th, 70
Annotated Bibliography
in Chemical Literature, 24, 25
Appreciation certificates, 67
Armed Services Technical Information Agency
tour, 19
Artificial intelligence
symposia on, 42
ASIS (American Society for Information Science)
article on cooperation, 39, 76
Information Science Abstracts cosponsor, 60
liaison, 13, 36, 40
Tri-Society Symposium cosponsor, 45, 46
see also ADI
Assistant secretaries, 89
Association of Information and Dissemination Centers (ASIDIC)
Information Science Abstracts cosponsor, 60
Association of Library and Information Science Education (ALISE)
Information Science Abstracts, 60
Audio-Visual Matters Committee (1971), 13
Award Fund, 73
(1949–1975), 30
(1975–1993), 62–69
Awards Committee
(1962), 13, 30
(1986), 67
social event sponsor, 69
Battelle Memorial Institute
tour, 20
Beilstein Handbook
seminars on, 50, 104
Beilstein Institute
social event sponsor, 69
Bibliographies of Bibliographies Committee (1958), 12
Bibliographic Retrieval Services
in Chemical Literature, 24, 25
of Divisional papers, 14, 25, 26, 27, 75
of guides to chemical literature, 55, 76
symposium (1893), 5
BioSciences Information Service
seminar, 50, 104
Biological data
symposia on, 16–17
Biotechnology information
symposia on, 38, 42, 45, 47, 49
Biotechnology Secretariat
inaugural meeting (1986), 38, 45
Boat cruises, 71
Bookbinders restaurant, Philadelphia, 71
ACS Advances in Chemistry, 26, 27, 28
ACS Symposium Series, 58
by commercial publishers, 27, 28, 58, 59
Brennan’s restaurant, New Orleans, 71
BRS (Bibliographic Retrieval Services)
papers on search system of, 42
Bulletin, Divisional
See Chemical Information Bulletin
See Chemical Literature
Bulletin Committee (1950), 10, 13
Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science
article on cooperation, 39, 76
original, 9
(1990), 35, 79–87
Bylaws Revision Committee (1952), 11
CA (Chemical Abstracts)
50th anniversary symposium, 18
75th anniversary reception, 44
75th anniversary symposium, 70
representation in the Division, 10
representation in the Group, 8
symposia on, 15, 16, 20, 41
in transition, symposium (1973), 20
See also CAS
Careers in chemical information
ACS booklet (1977), 50, 76
ACS booklet (1988), 56, 76
articles (1984, 1993), 55, 56, 76
poster, 53, 54
symposia on, 42, 44, 53, 55, 56
workshop, 56
Careers in Chemical Information Subcommittee (1988), 38
CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service)
ACS Committee
see ACS, CAS Committee
cooperation with Division, 13
on Divisional programs, 16
open forums, 16
seminars, 50, 104
social event sponsor, 69
symposia on, 15, 16, 20, 41
tours, 12, 19, 20
see also CA
CAS Registry System
symposia on, 17
25th anniversary reception, 70
symposia on, 42
Centennial meetings, 43
Center for Documentation and Communication Research
tour, 19
Chairmen, 89
Chairmen-elect, 89
Chateau St. Michel Winery
tour, 71
Chemical Abstracts
See CA
Chemical Abstracts Service
Chemical compounds
statistics, 18
Chemical documentation
description, 12
shift from chemical literature, 15, 45
shift to chemical information, 15, 45
Chemical Documentation Committee, 13, 19, 20
Chemical Education Division
Group in, 7–8
Chemical & Engineering News
editorial (1949), 9, 75
editorial (1956), 26
Group papers in, 8
papers in, 27
Chemical information
shift from chemical literature and chemical documentation, 15, 45
Chemical Information Bulletin (CIB), 56–57
advertising revenues, 57, 72
editors, 25, 56
ISI support of, 58
see also Chemical Literature
Chemical Information Division (CINF) (1975–1993), 33–73
awards, 62–69
communication with bench chemists, 43
councilors and alternate councilors, 90
educational activities, 50, 53–56
excursions, 71
50th anniversary, 3, 4, 71
financial aspects, 72–73
goals, 33–35, 39
history (1943–1988), 3, 38, 76
joint meetings (1975–1993), 46–50
local section tour speakers, 50
logo, 36
luncheons, 69, 70
memberships, 35–41
mission, 33–35
new name, 14, 33, 35
officers, 89
organization, 35–41
publications, 56–61
receptions, 69–71
recognitions, 62–69
regional meetings (1975–1993), 49–50, 51–52
social events, 69–72, 73
social hours, 69–70
special meetings, 46–50
symposia and sessions, 41–46, 97–103
tours, 71
workshops, 50, 53–54, 104–105
see also Chemical Literature Division (1949–1975)
Chemical Information Group of RCS
conference cosponsor, 48–49
Chemical information specialist
job category, 14
shift from literature chemist and chemical librarian, 45
Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC)
congress cosponsor, 43, 45
25th anniversary, 19
Chemical librarian
literature chemist versus, 11
shift to chemical information specialist, 45
Chemical libraries
symposia on, 5
see also Technical libraries
Chemical literature
bibliography of guides to, 55, 76
foreign, symposia on, 16, 18
guide, 22
pre-1943 papers, 6
retrieval, book, 27, 28
searching, book, 26, 28
shift to chemical documentation and chemical information, 15, 45
symposia on, 53
training in use of, 22, 23, 55
training survey (1960), 22–23
see also Scientific literature
Chemical Literature 24–25
abstracts of papers in, 24, 25
advertisements in, 24, 25
Annotated Bibliography in, 24, 25
editors, 25, 26
financial status, 32
ISI support of, 25
membership directory in, 24, 25
photocopies listings in, 27
see also Chemical Information Bulletin
Chemical Literature Division (1949–1975), 9–32
ACS pilot study in automated services, 13, 32
awards, 30
communication within, 18, 19, 20
councilors and alternate councilors, 90
educational activities, 22–24
financial aspects, 31–32
first technical sessions, 14
goals, 9–10
two-year, 10, 75
(1943–1973), 20, 75
joint meeting, 20
local section activities, 20–21
luncheon, 30–31
members-at-large, 90
memberships, 10–14
mission, 9–10
name change, 13, 14
officers, 89
organization, 10–14
papers statistics, 14–15
publications, 24–30
recognitions, 30
regional meetings, 20–22
social events, 30–31
special meetings, 20, 21
symposia and sessions, 14–20, 92–96
10th anniversary, 31
25th anniversary, 3, 31
workshops, 22–24, 104
see also Chemical Information Division (CINF) (1975–1993)
Chemical Literature Group (1943–1948), 5–8
Executive Committee, 8
50th anniversary, 3, 4, 71
symposia, 7, 8, 91
Chemical nomenclature
book, 26, 28
symposia on, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 41
Chemical notations
symposia on, 16
Chemical reactions
searching, symposia on, 42, 45
Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ)
Chemical Information Division, 38
congress cosponsor, 43, 49
Chemical Structure Association
conference cosponsor, 48–49
Chemical Structure Association Trust
contribution to, 73
Chemical structures and substructures
graphics manipulation of, symposia on, 42
international conference papers on, 47, 48–49
searching, symposia on, 17
see also Markush structures
Chemical Titles, 17
Chemistry and the Law Division
formation of (1983), 37, 41, 44
subdivision (1980), 37, 41, 44
support of, 73
symposia topics, 41
“Chemists and Questions” videotape, 53, 55, 73
chemical information papers in, 61
Divisional representation, 34, 36, 40, 61
20th anniversary, 61
Chicago Local Section Group, 21
CHIF (acronym, 1975–1979), 37
China, People’s Republic of
visitors from, 44
See Chemical Information Bulletin
See Chemical Institute of Canada
See Chemical Information Division
CINF News, 57
symposia on, 16
Clearinghouse for Chemical Information Instructional Materials (CCIIM)
establishment of, 55
move to Indiana University, 56
CODATA (Committee on Data for Science and Technology)
reports, 42
symposia on, 45
symposia on, 16, 17
Columbus Local Section
panel discussion (1962), 21
Committee on Data for Science and Technology
(1963), 13
(1975), 36
(1983), 39–40
with bench chemists, 43
within the Division, 18, 19, 20
symposia on, 16, 17
See Computers in Chemistry Division
Competitive intelligence
symposia on, 45
Computer-assisted organic syntheses
symposia on, 42, 45
Computer Secretariat
last symposia (1988), 45
inaugural meeting (1985), 38, 45
programs, tutorial (1969), 24, 104
workshop (1974), 24, 104
Computers in Chemistry Division (COMP)
formation of, 14, 42
papers in Journal, 59
10th anniversary, 45
Conference proceedings
See Books
Continuing Education Committee (1971), 24
symposia on, 15, 41
Cost of information
symposia on, 17, 19
See ACS, Professional Training Committee
See Chemical Society of Japan
Councilors, 90
symposia on, 42
Delaware Local Section Group
formation of, 21
tour cosponsor, 71
of equipment (1953), 18, 104
of software, 50, 104, 105
Department of Defense (DOD)
information system, 17
Derwent Publications
seminar, 50, 104
social event sponsor, 70
Dialog Information Service
papers on, 42
seminar, 50, 104
social event sponsor, 69
training module for online files, 55
Diamond Jubilee meeting, 17
DiLido Hotel, Miami Beach, 46
Directory of Members and Associates
in Chemical Information Bulletin, 57
in Chemical Literature, 10, 24, 25
Division of Chemical Education
See Chemical Education Division
Division of Chemical Information
See Chemical Information Division
Division of Chemical Literature
See Chemical Literature Division
Division of Chemistry and the Law
See Chemistry and the Law Division
Division of Computers in Chemistry
See Computers in Chemistry Division
Division of Inorganic Chemistry
See Inorganic Chemistry Division
Division of Polymer Chemistry
See Polymer Chemistry Division
Divisional Officers Caucus
presentation, 62
Divisional Officers Conference (DOC)
participation in, 49
Divisional Officers Group (DOG)
Top Dogs, 40
Document access
symposia on, 42
Documentation Abstracts
establishment of, 29
first issue, 29
name change, 30
see also Information Science Abstracts
Documentation Abstracts Inc. (DAI)
Board, 29, 36, 40, 60
Douglas Aircraft Co.
tour, 19
Dow Chemical U.S.A.
careers poster support by, 53
Dues, 10, 31, 32, 72
collection, 32
DuPont Co., E.I.
videotape support by, 55
Chemical Information Bulletin, 26, 56
Chemical Literature, 26
CHEMTECH, 61, 62
Documentation Abstracts, 29
Information Science Abstracts, 61
Journal, 27, 59, 60
instruction criteria, 53
papers, early, 22
papers in J. Chem. Educ., 53, 56
survey (1993), 56
symposia on, 22, 23, 24, 41, 46, 53
training modules for online files, 55
Education Committee
(1971), 13
(1983), 37
Educational activities
(1949–1975), 22–27
(1975–1993), 50, 53–56
Electronic notebooks
symposia on, 46
Electronic publishing
symposia on, 42
End user searching
symposia on, 42
Engineering Societies Libraries
tour, 71
Environmental laws
symposia on, 42, 44, 45
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
information system, 42, 43
See Environmental Protection Agency
Equipment for information processing
book (1955), 27, 28
demonstration (1953), 18, 104
European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances (EINECS)
symposia on, 44
Excursions, 71
Executive Committee
(1946), 8
(1950), 10
(1975), 35–36
(1993), 39
dinners, 71
(1949–1975), 32
(1975–1993), 73
Exploratorium Science Museum
tour, 71
Exposition of equipment (1953), 18, 104
Fachgruppe Chemie-Information
conference cosponsor, 48–49
formation of, 37–38
name change, 39
publication of CINF history, 38, 76
See Food and Drug Administration
Finance Committee (1954), 12
Financial aspects
(1949–1975), 31–32
(1975–1993), 72–73
First accomplishments
ACS, 5
Divisional, 3–4
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
information system, 17, 43
Foreign chemical literature
symposia on, 16, 18
Forge restaurant, Miami Beach, 71
Full text searching
symposia on, 42
Fundraising Committee (1993), 73
Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh)
See Fachgruppe Chemie-Information
Getty Conservation Institute
tour, 7
Gmelin Handbook
seminar on, 50, 104
(1949–1975), 9–10
(1975–1993), 33–35
Graphic manipulation of structures
symposia on, 42
Hampden Data Services
social event sponsor, 70
Harry’s Party, 68, 71
Heilbron’s Dictionary of Organic Compounds
seminar on, 50, 104
Herman Skolnik Award, 62-67
criteria, 63
establishment of, 62, 63, 75
first symposium (1976), 43, 75
winners, 63–67
ACS, 3, 75
(1949–1951), 10, 75
(1943–1973), 20, 75
(1943–1989), 3, 38, 76
symposium (1983), 44, 76
Information Science Abstracts, 61, 76
Inorganic Chemistry Division, 3, 76
Polymer Chemistry Division, 3, 76
unusual experiences, 46
symposia on, 42, 45
IFI/Plenum Data Corporation
seminars, 50, 104, 105
social event sponsor, 70
Improvements of Papers Committee (1951), 10
Index Chemicus Registry System, 17
symposia on, 16
workshop (1974), 24, 104
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
papers in, 27
representation in the Division (1950), 10
representation in the Group, 8
Industrial information activities
symposia on, 16
Information Industry Directory
listing, 35
Information processing book, 27, 28
Information Science Abstracts (ISA), 60–61
history (1986), 61
new name, 30
25th anniversary issue, 61, 76
see also Documentation Abstracts
INIS (International Nuclear Information System)
reports on, 42
Inorganic Chemistry Division
history, 3, 76
Institute for Scientific Information
See Education
Instruction in Chemical Literature Committee (1959), 12, 13, 22
Intellectual property protection
symposia on, 42, 44
International conferences
in The Netherlands, 38, 47, 48–49
International Congresses of Pacific Basin Societies
participation in, 47, 49
International flow of information
symposia on, 42, 44, 45
International Nuclear Information System
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
Interviews for archives, 40–41
Introduction, 3
Investments, 32, 72
ISI (Institute for Scientific Information)
boat cruises sponsor, 71
Bulletin support by, 25, 58
seminars, 50, 104
social event sponsor, 70, 71
Nomenclature Commissions reports, 42
Japanese Chemical Society
See Chemical Society for Japan JCICS
See Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences
Joint Meetings
(1955), 2
(1975–1993), 46–50
Journal of the American Chemical Society
representation in the Group, 8
representation in the Division (1950), 10
Journal of Chemical Documentation
establishment of, 12–13, 27
name change, 59
papers in, 29
topics in first issue, 28
see also Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences
Journal of Chemical Education
Group papers in, 8
papers in, 27, 53, 56
posters on chemical information, 38, 55–56
representation in the Division (1950), 10
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences (JCICS), 59–60
symposia in, 58, 59
25th anniversary issue, 59–60, 76
see also Journal of Chemical Documentation
Journal Study Committee (1958), 12, 27
Karger AG, S.
social event sponsor, 70
Konover Hotel, Miami Beach, 46
KWIC Index
to Divisional papers, 26, 27, 75
seminal paper, 19
Language problems
symposia on, 16
Legislative Issues Committee (1988), 38
See Chemical libraries
See Technical libraries
Library of Congress
reception, 71
See Chemical literature
Literature chemist
chemical librarian versus, 11
description, 10, 19
education and training of, 22, 73
shift to chemical information specialist, 45
Local Sections
activities, 20
groups, 21
tour speakers, 50
see also Columbus Local Section
see also Delaware Local Section Group
see also Philadelphia Local Section Group
Divisional, 36
Tri-Society Symposium, 48
Long range planning
questionnaire (1983), 38
report (1972), 14
report (1976), 36
report (1977), 34, 50
Long Range Planning Committee (1968), 13
first (1949), 14
speakers (1943–1975), 30, 31
speakers (1975–1993), 69, 70
Machine-produced publications
symposia on, 17
Markush structures
symposia on, 42
See Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
library tour, 17
Maxwell Online
social event sponsor, 70
McBee Company
cards, 11
Mechanical aids to chemical documentation
symposium (1951), 17, 18
Medical Library Association (MLA)
Information Science Abstracts cosponsor, 60
Medicinal literature
symposia on, 16
symposia on, 16
Members Activities and Interest Committee (1963), 13
Members-at-large, 90
(1949–1975), 10–14
(1975–1993), 35–41
brochure (1975), 33
brochure (1979), 34–35
directory, 10, 24, 25, 57
survey (1983), 38
Membership Committee (1950), 10
Merck Index
100th anniversary reception, 70
seminar on, 50, 104, 105
social event sponsor, 70
Meritorious Service Award, 68
symposia on, 16
Middle Atlantic Regional Meetings (MARM)
symposia, 22, 23, 49, 51–52
Divisional, 3–4
Milford Plaza Hotel, New York, 46
(1949–1975), 9–10
(1975–1993), 33–35
statement (1987), 35
Mission-oriented searches
symposia on, 17
Modern Language Association of America
symposium cosponsor, 18
Molecular Design Limited
seminar, 50, 104
social event sponsor, 70
Name changes
Abstract journal, 30
ADI, 30
Bulletin, 56
Division, 14, 33, 35
Journal, 59
See National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
information system, 17
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
information system, 42
National Library of Medicine (NLM)
information system, 17
online files, 42
seminars, 50, 104, 105
National Research Council (NRC)
reporst, 17, 19
Natural language processing
symposia on, 42
New tools for the resurrection of knowledge
symposia (1955-1958), 18
New Zealand Institute of Chemistry
congress cosponsor, 43
issues (1986, 1987), 57
See National Institutes of Health
See National Library of Medicine
See Chemical Nomenclature
Nomination Committee (1951), 10
Nuclear and Engineering Science Congress (1955), 20
Numerical databases
symposia on, 42, 45
Office automation
symposium on, 42
Ohio College Library Center (OCLC)
tour, 20
Ohio State University
tour, 20
Online databases
symposia on, 42
training modules for, 55
Online systems
symposia on, 42
Optical disks
symposia on, 42
ORBIT Search Service
papers on, 42
seminar, 50, 104
social event sponsor, 70
(1948–1975), 10–14
(1975–1993), 35–41
Pacific Basin Societies Congresses
participation in, 47, 49
Panel discussions, 8, 19, 20
bibliographies, 14, 25, 26, 75
pre-1943, 6
statistics (1943–1953), 14–15
statistics (1943–1964), 15
statistics (1949–1975), 14
statistics (1943–1953), 41
statistics in Journal, 59, 60
Taube’s milestone (1951), 18
Paper Improvement Committee (1951), 10
Papers Review Committee (1958), 12
Past-chairman pin, 13
symposium (1946), 8
symposia on, 15, 41, 43, 44
Pattern recognition
symposia on, 42
Patterson-Crane Award, 68–69
establishment of, 67–68
winners, 68
Pennsylvania Hotel, New York, 46
Personal computers
symposia on, 42
Pharmaceutical literature
symposia on, 16, 19
Philadelphia Local Section Group
formation of, 21
tour cosponsor, 71
Photocopies, 27
Photocopy Service Committee (1963), 13
Pioneers, 15
Planning meetings, 35
Plenum Publishing Corp.
Information Science Abstracts publisher, 61
Polymer Chemistry Division
history, 3, 76
careers in chemical information, 53, 54
chemical information, 38, 55–56
seminar, 50, 104
Pre-history, 5
Preprint Photocopies Committee (1956), 12
Preprints, 27
Priestley Medal
to E. J. Crane, 18
Procedures Manual, 12, 13, 36, 38, 40
See Books
Program Committee (1950), 10
Program Coordination Conference (PCC)
participation in, 49
Program Development Fund, 32, 72
Public and Professional Relations Committee (1971), 13
Public Relations Committee
(1954), 12
(1988), 38
Publication Committee
(1952), 11
(1958), 12, 27
(1988), 38
(1949–1975), 24–30
(1975–1993), 56–61
Punched cards
book, 27, 28
symposia on, 14, 16
Punched Cards Committee, 16
report, 8
Quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR)
symposia on, 42
Questel, Inc.
seminar, 50, 104
social event sponsor, 70
See Chemical reactions
Receptions, 38, 69–71
(1949–1975), 30
(1975–1993), 62–69
Record keeping
symposia on, 16
References, 75–76
Regional Divisional meetings
(1955, 1958, 1973), 20, 21
Regional Meeting symposia
(1949–1975), 21, 23
(1975–1993), 49–50, 51–52
Royal Australian Chemical Institute
congress cosponsor, 43
Royal Chemical Society (RCS)
See Chemical Information Group of RCS
Royal Netherlands Chemical Society
conference cosponsor, 49
visitors from, 18, 19
Russian literature, 17, 19
Salary surveys
(1971), 14
(1992), 56
Science Citation Index, 17
Scientific literature
problems survey (1943), 5, 6, 7
see also Chemical literature
See System Development Corporation
See Selective dissemination of information
Sealed message (1976), 33–34, 75
Searching techniques
symposia on, 11, 16
Secretaries, 89
Section Liaison Committee (1962), 13, 21
Selective dissemination of information (SDI)
symposia on, 17, 19
vendor’s, 50, 104–105
see also Tutorials
see also Workshops
Similarity searching
symposia on, 42
Skolnik Award
See Herman Skolnik Award
SLA (Special Libraries Association)
clearinghouse for instructional materials cosponsor, 55
Documentation Abstracts cosponsor, 29
Information Science Abstracts cosponsor, 29, 60
liaison, 14, 36, 40
Tri-Society Symposium cosponsor, 45
Social events
(1949–1975), 30–31
(1975–1993), 69–72, 73
Social hours, 69–70
demonstrations, 50, 104, 105
Sorting devices
symposia on, 16
Spanish and Portuguese Chemical Literature Committee (1950), 10
Special Libraries Association
Special meetings
(1949–1975), 20–22
(1975–1993), 46–50
Specialized information systems
symposia on, 17
social event sponsor, 70
SRI International
seminar on, 50, 104
Standard Molecular Data (SMD) Format
contribution to, 73
Stereochemical information
symposia on, 45
STN International
training module for online files, 55
See Chemical structures
Student grants, 67
Student Scholarship Award, 67
Subjects of symposia
See Topics
See Chemical structures and substructures
on chemical information instruction, 53, 56
on Division and profession (1990), 39
on fields of interest (1951), 11
on membership (1983), 38
on salaries
(1971), 14
(1992), 56
on training in chemical literature use (1960), 22–23
Symposia and sessions
(1943–1948), 7, 8, 91
(1949–1975), 14–20, 92–96
(1975–1993), 41–46, 97–103
Symposia proceedings
See Books
Symposia subjects
See Topics
System Development Corporation (SDC)
papers on ORBIT, 42
seminar on ORBIT, 50, 104
Technical editing
book (1958), 27, 28
Technical libraries
symposia on (1943–1946), 7, 8
Technical reports
symposia on, 16
workshop (1953), 22
symposia on, 46
Tri-Society Symposia on, 45, 46–48
symposia on, 17
3-D databases
symposia on, 42, 45
Titles of Papers Revision Committee (1958), 12
Top Dogs, 40
perennial, 15
in the 1940’s, 16
in the 1950’s, 16
in the 1960’s, 17
in the 1970’s, 42
in the 1980’s, 42
in the 1990’s, 42
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
symposia on, 42, 43
symposia on, 42
See Education
See International
Translation Pool Committee (1956), 12
Translation problems
symposia on, 16
Treasurers, 89
Tri-Society Symposia, 46–48
1st (1978), 46, 47
2nd (1982), 46, 47, 48
3rd (1986), 46, 47, 48
4th (1990), 48
logo, 48
See Toxic Substances Control Act
Tours, 71
computer programs for information retrieval, 24, 104
WLN (1968), 23, 104
see also Seminars
see also Workshops
United Airlines
strike, 44
visitors from, 18, 19
Value of information
symposia on, 17
Vendor’s workshops and seminars
(1976–1988), 43, 50, 104–105
Videotape “Chemists and Questions”, 53, 55, 73
Vocabulary control
symposia on, 17
Warwick Hotel, New York, 46
Western Reserve University
tour, 19
Wiswesser Line Notation (WLN)
symposia on, 17, 43
tutorial (1968), 23, 104
White House Conference (1979), 37
See Wiswesser Line Notation
Workplace laws
symposia on, 44
(1949–1975), 22–24, 104
(1975–1993), 24, 50, 53, 56, 104–105
careers in chemical information, 56
on computers (1977), 50
fundamentals of indexing (1974), 24, 104
introduction to computers (1974), 24, 104
technical reports (1953), 22
see also Seminars
see also Tutorials
symposia on, 42
World’s Congress of Chemists (1893), 5