Togavirus family. Diameter: 70 nm. Genome size: 11-12 kb.

Description: Togaviruses have ssRNA, are enveloped, (+) sense, and monopartite. WEEV is part of the Alphavirus genus.

Power: ARBOvirus which attacks inhabitants of North and South America.


Attacks --> spread from small birds (natural reservior) through mosquitoes (Culex tarsalis) to
humans (and horses).

Outcome --> affects the CNS, causing encephalitis and severe complications in 13% of cases
and death in 3% of cases. Symptoms include fever, headache, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, confusion,
weakness, and coma.

Speed --> 5-10 day incubation period.


Vaccines --> none.

Behavioral --> avoid mosquito bites. In high-risk areas, stay inside during dusk and dark,
wear long pants/sleeves when outside, and use insect repellent.

Treatment --> none for infected patients, although mosquito control techniques are being used
in areas with large mosquito populations.

Game Action --> Flip a coin. If heads, a WEEV-infected mosquito bites a horse - not your opponent.

WEEV...yet another reason to move to the south of France!

Medical Virology pp. 418, 424
WEEV Web Page

Witney McKiernan

Arenavirus 2000 Home
Humans and Viruses
Human Biology 115A
Winter, 2000
Robert Siegel, instructor


Created: February 1, 1998
Last modified: March 5, 2000