Human Biology 115A: Humans and Viruses
Professor Robert David Seigel

Aaron Platt-Ross

Developments in Vaccination

CDC MMWR for January 16, 2004
Preliminary Assessment of the Effectiveness of the 2003--04 Inactivated Influenza Vaccine --- Colorado, December 2003
The CDC conducted a survey of healthcare workers to determine the effectiveness of the 2003-2004 influenza vaccine. They concluded that the vaccine showed little to no protection from the H3N2 strain that infected people during the early and widespread outbreak this season.
Product Approval Information
CBER Approval Letter, Influenza Virus Vaccine, Live, Intranasal (FluMist)
A long-awaited live, attenuated influenza vaccine was released in time for the 2003-2004 flu season. The vaccine was not largely used (Altman, L. (2004, February 25). Spray Flu Vaccine Is Little Used, Even With Shots Scarce. The New York Times, A-19), even though demand for the inactivated vaccine was very high this season. This failure has been attributed to public worries that the vaccine could cause flu in those receiving the vaccine.