Useful web links:


Links to Parvoviridae webpages from previous years:

Paul O'Leary (2004)

Ashley Laird and Yana Greenstein (2000)

Vivian Tsai (1999)



Links to informative Parvoviridae websites:

Center for Disease Control. Fifth Disease and Parvovirus B19 Infection.

The Big Picture Of Viruses - Parvoviridae

International Committee on the Taxonomiy of Viruses: Parvoviridae

Lukashov, V and Goudsmith, J. "Evolutionary Relationships Among Parvoviruses," Journal of Virology. 2001: 75(6): 2729-2740.

California Departmet of Health Services, Division of Communicable Disease Control. "Human Parvovirus B19 Infection."