DATE           TIME (24hr) 

Now I would like to ask you some questions to check your memory and
concentration. Some of them may be easy and some of them may be hard.

Tell me your full name.
right / wrong
   1. Spontaneously gives first name. - must click to start test
   2. Spontaneously gives last name.
   3. How old are you?
   4. What is your date of birth? (score right only if patient knows day, month, year)
   5. Where were you born? (accept any reasonable answer)
   6. How far did you go in school? Education: (please select # of years) 
                0 or unknown []
                              1 []       2 []       3 []       4 [] (4th grade)
                              5 []       6 []       7 []       8 [] (8th grade)
                              9 []     10 []     11 []     12 [] (finished high school)
                            13 []     14 []     15 []     16 [] (finished college)
                            17 []     18 []     19 []     20+ []
   7. Where do you live now? (accept address or city/town)
right / wrong
   8. What is the name or address of this place?
   9. What floor of this building are we on?
   10. What city/town are we in?
   11. What county are we in?
   12. What state are we in?

right / wrong
   13. What is the date today? (score this item for day of the month, +/-2 days is acceptable)
   14. What is the month?
   15. What is the year?
   16. What is the day of the week?
   17. Without looking at your watch or a clock tell me what time it is? (Accept response within 1 hour).

right / wrong
   18. Who is the President of the United States?
   19. Who was the President before him?
                            REMOTE MEMORY 

I am going to say an address and two objects. After I have said them, I want you to
repeat them. Remember what they are because I am going to ask you to name
them again in a few minutes.

They are: "42 Market Street and a "Table" and an Apple".

Could you please repeat these for me?
The items should be read at a rate of 1 per second, speaking clearly and audibly.
You are allowed to read the words only once before scoring.

Score on first trial
right / wrong
   20. "42"
   21. Market Street
   22. Table
   23. Apple
                            IMMEDIATE RECALL 
Repeat the words until: 1) the subject correctly repeats all three or
2) 3 total trials have been presented (including initial presentation).

After the subject has said them once correctly, ask:
    "Please repeat them once more so you will remember them."
   24. Repeats correctly on second request


25.  Name as many animals as you can, GO: (stop after 30 seconds)
  0 []
  1 []        2 []       3 []       4 []       5 []
  6 []        7 []       8 []       9 []     10 []
11 []     12 []     13 []     14 []     15 []
16 []     17 []     18 []     19 []     20+ []
                            CATEGORY FLUENCY 

Hold up a wrist watch and ask: what is this called? Repeat with a pen.
right / wrong
   46. PEN
                            OBJECT NAMING 

Now, what were the address and 2 objects I asked you to remember?
(This should administered as soon as the naming item is completed.
Cueing is allowed if the subject is not able to recall words,
but credit is not given for any word recalled after a cue.)

right / wrong
   47. "42"
   48. Market Street
   49. Table
   50. Apple must click to end test
                            DELAYED VERBAL RECALL 

TOTAL     (COGNITIVE QUESTIONNAIRE maximum score = 50)

41 - 50   normal, depending on age, education, complaints
31 - 40   mild impairment
21 - 30   moderate impairment
11 - 20   severe impairment
  0 - 10   profound impairment

- To copy text, highlight all text (hit "Ctrl-A") or text to be copied, then hit "Ctrl-C".
- To paste into your patient's record, position the cursor then hit "Ctrl-V"

Start TIME (24hr):      End TIME (24hr):      Total Time (seconds): 

Electronic form developed at the Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Hospital
  by Wes Ashford, M.D., Ph.D., Jared Tinklenberg, M.D.,
Joy Taylor, Ph.D., Jerome Yesavage, M.D., Javaid Sheikh, M.D.
as part of the MIRECC program.
There is no individual or agency that takes responsibility for the results obtained
with this test or this form.