Paper Archive
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(with S. Riezler,
T. H. King, Richard Crouch) Statistical sentence condensation using
ambiguity packing and stochastic disambiguation methods for
Lexical-Functional Grammar. In the Proceedings of HLT-NAACL 2003, Vol.
1, pp. 118-125. Edmonton, Canada, 2003.
(with Ronald M.
Kaplan) West-Germanic verb
clusters in LFG. In Verb
constructions in German and Dutch, Pieter Seuren and Gerard
Kempen (eds.), pp. 127-150. John Benjamins Publishing Company,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2003.
(with Ronald M.
Kaplan) Stylistic Inversion in
French: Equality and Inequality in LFG. In Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics,
Vol. 4, Claire Beyssade, Olivier Bonami, Patricia Cabredo Hofherr and
Francis Corblin (eds.), pp. 190-205, Presses Universitaires de Paris
Sorbonne, Paris, France 2003.
(with Ronald M.
Kaplan) Subsumption and Equality:
Cerman Partial Fronting in LFG. In Proceedings of the LFG02
Conference, M. Butt and T. Holloway King (eds.), CSLI
Stanford, CA, 2002.
(with Anette Frank) Tense in LFG: Syntax and Morphology. In How we say WHEN it happens. Contributions to the theory of temporal
reference in natural language, H. Kamp and U. Reyle (eds.)
Niemeyer, Tübingen, Germany, 2002. (Reprinted in Projecting
Morphology, L. Sadler and A. Spencer (eds.), CSLI Publications,
Stanford, CA, 2004.)
Local Constraints vs. Economy.
(Review of a book by David E. Johnson and Shalom Lappin) Computational Linguistics 26:2,
265-266, 2000.
in Dutch and the Syntax-Semantics Interface. CSLI Report 123.
Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford, CA.
1998. A substantially revised version of this report appeared as
"Unaccusativity in Dutch: integrating syntax and lexical semantics". In
J. Pustejovsky (ed.) Semantics and
the Lexicon, 129-161. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,
(with Geoff Nunberg)
La polysémie systématique
dans la description lexicale. Langue
française 113, 12-23. 1997.
Contrastive Dislocation in Dutch
and Icelandic. In Materials on
Left Dislocation, E. Anagnostpoulou, H.van Riemsdijk and Fr.
Zwarts (eds.), pp. 119-150, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
(with M. Dalrymple) Les verbes causatifs “polymorphiques”: les
prédicats complexes en français. Langages 122, 79-95, 1996.
(with Ronald M.
Kaplan) Formal Devices for Linguistic
Generalizations: West Germanic Word Order in LFG. In Linguistics
and Computation, Jennifer Cole, Georgia Green and Jerry Morgan
pp. 3-27, CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA, 1995. (Also in Formal Issues in
Lexical Functional Grammar.)
(with Joan Bresnan)
Deep Unaccusativity in LFG.
In Grammatical Relations. A
Cross-Theoretical Perspective, Dziwirek, K., P. Farrell & E.
Mejias-Bikandi (eds.), pp. 45-58, CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA, 1990.
Nominal Arguments in Dutch and WYSIWYG LFG.
Unpublished manuscript. Referenced in Joan Bresnan's Morphology
Competes with Syntax: Explaining Typological Variation in Weak
Crossover Effects. In Is the Best
Good Enough? Optimality and Competition in Syntax, Pilar
Barbosa, Danny Fox, Paul Hagstrom, Martha McGinnis and David Pesetsky
(eds.), MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1998).
The place of bevallen
(please) in the Syntax of Dutch. Technical report SSL-89-17. 28
pages. System Sciences Laboratory. Xerox Palo Alto Research Center,
(with J.
Maling) Preposition-Stranding and Passive.
In Modern Icelandic Syntax,
Joan Maling and Annie Zaenen (eds.) ,
pp.153-164, Academic Press, 1990, originally published in 1985 on
Cornell Working Papers in Linguistics
(with J.
Maling) Unaccusative, Passive, and Quirky Case.
In Modern Icelandic Syntax,
Joan Maling and Annie Zaenen (eds.) , pp.137-152, Academic Press, 1990,
originally published in 1984 in WCCFL 3.
(with G. N. Clements, J.
McCloskey and J.
Maling) String-Vacuous Rule Application.
Linguistic Inquiry 14(1),
1-17, 1983.
(with E. Engdahl and J.
Maling) Resumptive Pronouns Can be
Syntactically Bound. Linguistic
Inquiry 12(4), 679-682. 1981.