Binary Bead Jewelry Design Tool

Welcome to the binary bead jewelry design tool! For design ideas including earrings, necklances, bracelets, lanyards, and more, see this writeup by DesignMom blog. Or if you have an idea for the look you want already, jump right in below.

Step 1: Choose bead colors

You will choose two bead colors: one color bead to represent binary digit 0, and another color to represent binary digit 1.

Choose a bead color for 0:

  Color Preview  
RGB value:

Choose a bead color for 1:

  Color Preview  
RGB value:

Step 2: Choose message

Now choose a message that you want to write in binary using your beads. It could be your name or initials, or other brief message.

Length of message: Keep in mind that each letter of your message uses 8 beads. So if you are doing a bracelet, measure your wrist in inches, and then line up about an inch worth of beads to estimate how many beads (and so how many letters) you should plan for. If you are using "pony" beads (on the large side), plan for about 3 letters for a loose bracelet. If you are using smaller beads, you could probably do up to 8 letters. Just one letter works well for a drop or hoop earring.

Allowable letters: Your message must contain only the few letters/numbers/punctuation that are allowed in the ASCII code. These include a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and a few punctuation marks such as !, #, ?. A full list of valid ASCII characters is here. Symbols used in langauges other than English (e.g., Chinese, Arabic) are unfortunately not included in ASCII. Neither are emoji, unless you can create them out of ASCII punctuation, such as :–).

Step 3: Make your bracelet/necklace!

Below is the pattern of beads for your message. Each letter needs 8 beads (8 0s and 1s in the binary code for that letter).

Enter a message in the box above to see your bead pattern.