Direct links to the Edward A. Feigenbaum
IPL IV PrimitivesAllen Newell, J.C. Shaw(1958)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, language vocabulary
TAGS: First Accession related, IPL, IPL IV, list processing
NOTES: The printout undoubtedly is due to Newell and Shaw.
But it was printed and annotated by Feigenbaum.
This is really First Accession type material.
IPL IV was written for the Johnniac at RAND Corporation. Models in a Behavioral Theory of the FirmFeigenbaum, Edward, Cyert, Richard, March, James G.(1959)[PDF]
Document Type: report
Carnegie Institute of Technology, GSIA SCHOOL OF INDUSTRIAL ADMINISTRATION,, No. 31
TAGS: Behavioral Theory of the Firm, orig_578
NOTES: Paper delivered by Feigenbaum at American Economic Association 1958 Annual
Meeting, December.
Feigenbaum's first conference
paper Models In A Behavioral Theory of the FirmFeigenbaum, Edward, Cyert, Richard, March, James G.(1959)[PDF]
Document Type: journalArticle
in Accession 1986-052, Behavioral Science, No. 4, 2
TAGS: Behavioral Theory of the Firm, orig_578, published paper
NOTES: Feigenbaum first published paper in a journal Letter on EPAM code design, pages 2-5Herbert Simon(1959)[PDF]
Document Type: letter
TAGS: EPAM, EPAM Construction
NOTES: see SC340 1986 052 B26 F25 i0017 for first page
These and associated page 1 seem important, but I'll see how they fit into the further development of EPAM from II to III.
The early dates on these letters, and the handwritten postscript from Simon about thesis typos suggest that this is VERY early in the life of EPAM III. An Information Processing Theory of Verbal LearningEdward Feigenbaum(1959)[PDF]
Document Type: thesis
Carnegie Institute of Technology, pp. 188
TAGS: computer output, EPAM, IPL-V, orig_578
NOTES: Actual thesis submission at Carnegie Tech.
In the Preface, I credit BOTH Newell and Simon with having the original EPAM idea. This is first, and as far as I know, the ONLY mention of Newell in this connection. But I said it, so it must be true!...EAF AN INFORMATION PROCESSING THEORY OF VERBAL LEARNINGEdward Feigenbaum(1959)[PDF]
Document Type: report, Technical Report
No. P-1817, pp. 164
ABSTRACT: Edward Feigenbaum's dissertation published as a RAND Corp. report
TAGS: EPAM, IPL-V, memory, orig_578, RAND, Simulation of Cognitive Processes
NOTES: EAF dissertation, published by RAND Corporation ResumeEdward Feigenbaum(1959)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Notes and Draft
TAGS: CV Feigenbaum, orig_578 LettersPaul Armer(1961)[PDF]
Document Type: letter
TAGS: EPAM-maybe
NOTES: letter from Paul Armer 1961, and from Ross Ashby 1965 INFORMATION PROCESSING LANGUAGE-V MANUALAllen Newell(1961)[PDF]
Document Type: book
RAND Corporation
NOTES: Contributors were
Charles L. Baker " Edward A. Feigenbaum " Bert F. Green. Jr. Hugh S. Kelly " George H. Mealy " Nlcholas Saber, Fred M. Tonge " Alice K. WolfTed Van Wormer
Very important publication. First published list processing language. IBM 709 7090 version of code written by Feigenbaum.
The manual was written before any implementations, to insure fidelity to language specs. Forgetting in an Association MemoryEdward Feigenbaum, Herbert Simon(1961)[PDF]
Document Type: conferencePaper
in Proceedings of the 1961 National Conference of the Association for Computing Machinery
TAGS: EPAM, EPAM II, Forgetting, learning systems, memory, orig_578
NOTES: Forgetting was the most unexpected results of my early EPAM experiments. There were no "axioms" (i.e. modeling assumptions ) made about forgetting, yet EPAM forgot during its learning.
And the amount of forgetting was in line with evidence from psychological experiments in the literature.
A Triumph!
Document Type: report
RAND Corporation, No. P-2276
TAGS: Newell, psychology, Simon
NOTES: Influential paper because of broad dissemination in SCIENCE
magazine A Theory of the Serial Position EffectEdward Feigenbaum, Herbert Simon(1961)[PDF]
Document Type: report, Technical Report
RAND Corporation, No. P-2375
TAGS: AA_reviewed, EPAM I, orig_578, psychology, RAND, Serial Position Effect A Theory of the Serial Position EffectEdward Feigenbaum, Herbert Simon(1961)[PDF]
Document Type: report, Technical Report
RAND Corporation, No. P-2375
TAGS: AA_reviewed, EPAM, EPAM I, orig_578, psychology, published paper, Serial Position Effect
NOTES: Another version of the RAND Corporation P 2375
but this one with annotations. Unknown annotator. Note suggests it might be Simon, but I can't verify that...EAF A Theory of the Serial Position EffectEdward Feigenbaum, Herbert Simon(1961)[PDF]
Document Type: report, Technical Report
RAND Corporation, No. P-2375
TAGS: AA_reviewed, EPAM I, orig_578, psychology, RAND, Serial Position Effect
NOTES: This is the RAND Report of the only published paper on EPAM I A Theory of the Serial Position EffectEdward Feigenbaum, Herbert Simon(1961)[PDF]
Document Type: report, Technical Report
RAND Corporation, No. P-2375
TAGS: AA_reviewed, EPAM I, orig_578, psychology, RAND, Serial Position Effect A THEORY OF THE SERIAL POSITION EFFECTEdward Feigenbaum, Herbert Simon(1961)[PDF]
Document Type: report, Technical Report
RAND Corporation, No. P-2375
TAGS: EPAM, EPAM I, memory, orig_578, psychology, published paper, RAND, Serial Position Effect, Simulation of Cognitive Processes
NOTES: In journal article form, this was published in British Journal of Psychology, 53, 1962 (after much editorial conflict between Herbert A. Simon and the Editor of the BJP).
This describes EPAM I. The EPAM I model does not give any details about how individual items are learned, i.e. no discrimination nets, etc.. It only deals with how much attention is paid to each item in what "noticing order". A Program for Research and Education in the Simulation of Cognitive ProcessesEdward Feigenbaum, Julian Feldman(1961)[PDF]
Document Type: report, Proposal
TAGS: EPAM, orig_578, Proposal, Simulation of Cognitive Processes
NOTES: Feldman's and my first proposal, to the Carnegie Corporation (Lloyd Morrisett), for funding for our work on simulation of cognition. Herb Simon had recommended to Morrisett that he fund us....EAF Letter from Joan H. Bailey to Dr. Edward A. FeigenbaumJoan H. Bailey(1961)[PDF]
Document Type: letter
TAGS: EPAM, EPAM-II, Memory, Psychology, Simulation of Cognitive Processes
NOTES: The summary she wrote and refers to sounds interesting, but is not included
Otherwise this is a fairly detailed
letter. THE SIMULATION OF HUMAN THOUGHTAllen Newell, Herbert Simon(1961)[PDF]
Document Type: bookSection
TAGS: Newell, psychology, published paper, Simon Recent Experiments with the EPAM Simulation of Verbal LearningEdward Feigenbaum(1961)[PDF]
Document Type: report
in SCP, UC Berkeley, No. 3
TAGS: EPAM, orig_578, psychology, Simulation of Cognitive Processes
NOTES: This is one of the earliest papers done by EAF after starting his first job,
at UC Berkeley. He and Feldman started a working paper series in Simulation of Cognitive
Document Type: conferencePaper
TAGS: AI, Machine Learning, Meta-DENDRAL, Newell, published paper
NOTES: In my view, one of the most important papers written about machine learning;
it was the source of the architecture influencing the Meta DENDRAL project of my group in the
late 1960s.....EAF IFIP CONGRESS 62 Abstracts(1962)[PDF]
Document Type: report, Conference Proceedings
International Federation for Information Processing, Munich
ABSTRACT: English Language abstracts
TAGS: Computer Science, Conferences, WJC_PUBL_2 Generalization of an Elementary Perceiving and Memorizing MachineEdward Feigenbaum, Herbert Simon(1962)[PDF]
Document Type: report
in SCP Working Paper, UC Berkeley, No. 8
TAGS: EPAM, EPAM III, orig_578
NOTES: Almost the same paper was previous reports in this series, but apparently
prepared for the IFIP Congress 1962 Munich.
I have not examined the
differences, but there may be some Computer printout - EPAM II Assembly, June 21, 1962Edward Feigenbaum, Herbert Simon(1962)[PDF]
Document Type: computerProgram
TAGS: computer code, EPAM, EPAM II, orig_578
NOTES: This computer run was not scanned on its entirety because of cost and difficulty. But it is "in the box" at Stanford Library archives.
Ad with almost all others like this, the program is written in IPL5. An Experimental Course in Simulation of Cognitive ProcessesEdward Feigenbaum(1962)[PDF]
Document Type: journalArticle
in Behavioral Science, No. 7, 2
TAGS: EPAM, IPL-V, orig_578, published paper, Simulation of Cognitive Processes, WJC_PUBL_ARTICLES
NOTES: Duplicates are in the collection
includes student mini papers.
This is a copy of another entry in the archive. "An Experimental Course in Simulation of Cognitive Processes" by E. A. FeigenbaumEdward Feigenbaum(1962)[PDF]
Document Type: journalArticle
in Behavioral Science, No. 7, 2
TAGS: Courses, orig_578, Simulation of Cognitive Processes, WJC_PUBL_ARTICLES
NOTES: The paper not only describes this course, given at University of California Berkeley, but also includes short versions of student work in the course. Student authors are
Wayne Wickelgren, Max Allen, Robert Wyman, Herbert Hauer, Mark Horovitz
Such courses were rare in 1961 62, hence this one was almost unique and worthy of a journal publication. The EPAM Simulation of Verbal Learning BehaviorEdward Feigenbaum(1962)[PDF]
Document Type: report
Center for Hunan Learning and Center for Research In Management Science, Berkeley
TAGS: EPAM, orig_578, verbal learning
NOTES: A Report to the Western Managment Science Instituteon Activities and Progress Self-Organizing Logic SystemsJ. Daly, R. D. Joseph, P.M. Kelly(1962)[PDF]
Document Type: journalArticle
in Astronautica Acta, No. VIII
NOTES: One section discusses EPAM II as example of a self organizing logic
So this is an "out of discipline " take
on what EPAM is. Inquiring Systems NotesEdward Feigenbaum, Richard Watson, C. West Churchman(1963)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: Inquiring Systems, orig_578 EPAM III run, June 1963(1963)[PDF]
Document Type: computerProgram
TAGS: EPAM III, Program-run
NOTES: Nicholar Zvegintzov was a student research assistant for Feigenbaum at UC Berkeley.
In this case, the computer run of EPAM III was done at RAND, which may have been the general case forruns of EPAM III for us at the time. EPAM III. PrintoutEdward Feigenbaum, Herbert Simon(1963)[PDF]
Document Type: computerProgram
TAGS: computer code, EPAM, orig_578
NOTES: The computer run was made by graduate student Zvegintzov, hence the appearance of his name. EPAM in SLIPMary Long(1963)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Software documentation
TAGS: computer code, EPAM, EPAM Construction, List Processing, SLIP
NOTES: SLIP was a version of list processing (Symmetric List Processor) in which the lists were tied end to top. It was done by Joseph Weizenbaum, then at General Electric Sunnyvale (tutored by EAF in list processing).
Mary Long tried to implement a portion of EPAM in SLIP (summer visitor) ELEMENTARY PERCEIVER AND MEMORIZER: REVIEW OF EXPERIMENTSEdward Feigenbaum, Herbert Simon(1963)[PDF]
Document Type: bookSection
in Symposium on Simulation Models: Methodology and Applications to the Behavioral Sciences, Southwestern Publishing Company, Cincinatti
ABSTRACT: Hoggatt, A. and Balderston, F, editors
TAGS: EPAM, orig_578, published paper, Simulation of Cognitive Processes
NOTES: annotation indicates, in A. Hoggatt and F.E. Balderston (eds.) Symposium on Simulation Models Methodology and Applicaitons to the Behavioral Sciences, Cincinnati. South Western Publishing Co, 1963
This is a very concise summary of the EPAM goals, program, behavior. Curriculum VitaeEdward Feigenbaum(1963)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Draft
TAGS: CV Feigenbaum, orig_578, WJC_PUBL_2 Computers in PsychologyAllen Newell, Herbert Simon(1963)[PDF]
Document Type: bookSection
in Handbook of Mathematical Psychology, John Wiley, No. 1
TAGS: EPAM, psychology, published paper COMPUTERS AND THOUGHTEdward Feigenbaum, Feldman, Julian(1963)[PDF]
Document Type: book
McGraw Hill
TAGS: AI, Feigenbaum, orig_578, Simulation of Cognitive Processes, WJC_PUBL_2
NOTES: This is THE book of classic AI papers Computers and Thought - Polish Ed.Edward Feigenbaum, Julian Feldman(1963)[PDF]
Document Type: book
McGraw Hill, Poland, Poland
TAGS: AI, Needs archivist work, orig_578, Simulation of Cognitive Processes, translations, WJC_PUBL_2 Computer Simulation of Human BehaviorEdward Feigenbaum(1963)[PDF]
Document Type: conferencePaper
in Midwest Human Factors Symposium HUMAN FACTORS AND COMPUTERS
TAGS: Computer Simulation, orig_578, Simulation of Cognitive Processes Computer Simulation of Human BehaviorEdward Feigenbaum(1963)[PDF]
Document Type: conferencePaper
in Midwest Human Factors Symposium HUMAN FACTORS AND COMPUTERS
TAGS: EPAM, information processiong models, IPL-V, orig_578 Computer Simulation of Human BehaviorEdward Feigenbaum(1963)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Working Paper
TAGS: EPAM, orig_578, psychology
NOTES: annotations by EAF on an earlier preprint. Why?
was presented at 1963 Midwest Human Factors SocietySymposium, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, August 196 Artificial Intelligence ResearchEdward Feigenbaum(1963)[PDF]
Document Type: journalArticle
TAGS: AI, orig_578
NOTES: Early survey paper by Feigenbaum Artificial Inteligence ResearchEdward Feigenbaum(1963)[PDF]
Document Type: journalArticle
in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
TAGS: EPAM, orig_578, Problem Solving, published paper INFORMATION PROCESSING LANGUAGE-V MANUALAllen Newell, Edward Feigenbaum, Fred M. Tonge(1964)[PDF]
Document Type: book
in Accession 1986-052, RAND Corporation, No. 2, pp. 303
TAGS: orig_578
NOTES: This is the Second Edition. Historically speaking, it is worth looking to
see what changes were made Elements of an Information Processing Theory of MemoryEdward Feigenbaum(1964)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: EPAM, memory, orig_578, psychology
NOTES: This (draft) paper is interesting in that it was prepared for an audience of psychologists (APA Annual Meeting);
first working paper I have come across that mentions my DARPA support (then called ARPA)
(So ARPA via J.C.R. Licklider's decision must have started the flow of research funds to me at Berkeley in late 1963 or early 1964. The funds also support Prof. Harry Huskey for design of a time sharing computer system (later completed by Prof. Dave Evans, and commercialized as the SDS 940).
Draft also mentions influence of Jim McGaw and Karl Pribram, obviously from the "Remembering, Learning, and Forgetting"Princeton workshop of 1963.
EAF Curriculum VitaeEdward Feigenbaum(1964)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Draft
TAGS: CV Feigenbaum, orig_578
NOTES: duplicate of vb049ng1629 Correspondence on EpamNicholasas Zvegintzov(1964)[PDF]
Document Type: letter
NOTES: Graduate student research assistant Zvegintzov writesto Albert H. Anon on his 1962 paper, saying that he is rediscovering things already discovered by Feigenbaum and Simon; plus praising
some portion of his work An Information-Processing Theory of Some Effects of Similarity, Familiarization, and Meaningfulness in Verbal LearningHerbert Simon, Edward Feigenbaum(1964)[PDF]
Document Type: journalArticle
in Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, No. 3
TAGS: EPAM, EPAM III, Feigenbaum, memory, orig_578, psychology, published paper, Simon An EPAM-like response mechanismNicholas Zvegintzov(1964)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Working Paper
pp. 17
TAGS: Discrimination Net, EPAM
NOTES: Zvegintzov was a graduate student research assistant of Feigenbaum's at UC Berkeley.
This is his attempt to add to the EPAM theory. I don't remember any effect of this on the EPAM model. (EAF, 2011) An Information Processing Theory of Some Effects of Similarity, Familiarization, and Meaningfulness in Verbal LearningHerbert Simon, Edward Feigenbaum(1964)[PDF]
Document Type: journalArticle
in Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, No. 3, 5
TAGS: EPAM, EPAM III, Familiarity, Meaningfulness, orig_578, Similarity Effects of Similarity, Familiarization, andHerbert Simon, Edward Feigenbaum(1964)[PDF]
Document Type: bookSection
in Models of Thought, Accession 2005-101
TAGS: EPAM, orig_578, published paper, Simon
NOTES: A 1964 joint paper, reprinted in Simon's collection The Structure of Responses to a Sequence of Binary EventsFeldman, Julian, Hanna, Joe(1964)[PDF]
Document Type: report
University of California Berkeley, No. Working Paper 19
TAGS: Binary Choice Behavior, Simulation of Cognitive Processes
NOTES: Julian Feldman was a graduate student colleague of EAF, also a student of Herb Simon. He and EAF went to Berkeley at the same time and jointly satarted a project on Simulation of Cognitive Processes. It was supported by Lloyd Morris
et of the Carnegie Corporation. Quarterly Progress Report for ARPA ProjectFeigenbaum, Edward, Evans, David(1964)[PDF]
Document Type: letter
TAGS: DARPA, EPAM, orig_578, UC Berkeley
NOTES: Very early report from the UC Berkeley project with Dave Evans (Huskey was the real PI, Evans was Acting PI). Shows the progress on the SDS 930 time sharing project that became the SDS 940 commercial machine. Documents the "jointness" between system development and AI at Berkeley at the time.
This was Feigenbaum's first ARPA contract in his career. There were millions of dollars of ARPA (DARPA) funding that followed over the next decades. LettersBryan Bremmer(1965)[PDF]
Document Type: letter
TAGS: EPAM III, IPL-V LettersBryan Bremmer(1965)[PDF]
Document Type: letter
TAGS: EPAM Letter to EAF about Jensen paper in British Journal of PsychologyHerbert Simon(1965)[PDF]
Document Type: letter
NOTES: In this letter, Simon comments that
a) the Jensen theory is not original; we did it first
b) the experiments supporting Jensen's theory confirm our theory.
He would not have had to find out about our theory from a RAND paper, because both he and I were members of the same Center at UC Berkeley (Center for Human Learning) and I gave many talks about EPAM.
EAF Information Processing and MemoryEdward Feigenbaum(1965)[PDF]
Document Type: conferencePaper
in Proceedings of the Fifth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability
TAGS: EPAM, EPAM III, orig_578 Information Processing and MemoryEdward Feigenbaum(1965)[PDF]
Document Type: conferencePaper
in Proceedings of the Fifth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability
TAGS: EPAM, EPAM III, orig_578 draft, including EPAM discussion, for transcript of workshop on Remembering, Learning, and Forgetting, later a bookEdward Feigenbaum(1965)[PDF]
Document Type: bookSection
in Remembering, Learning, Forgetting, Accession 1986-052, pp. 118
TAGS: draft, EPAM, memory, orig_578, psychology, WJC_PUBL_2
NOTES: This is a very extensive revision by Feigenbaum of the transcript from the conference held in Princeton, NJ,
chaired by Prof. Karl Pribram, on the subject of
"Remembering Learning and Forgetting". (mid 1960s.)
Later, published as a book. Correspondence 1965Edward Feigenbaum, Jerre D. Noe(1965)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed, IPL-V, orig_578 Presentation outline for Princeton ConferenceEdward Feigenbaum(1965)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Presentation Notes
TAGS: EPAM, Lectures and Talks, orig_578
NOTES: At the time, this was important conference/workshop organized by Karl
Pribram of Stanford. Various CorrespondenceEdward Feigenbaum(1965)[PDF]
Document Type: letter
TAGS: Computers and Thought book, EPAM, EPAM III, Forgetting, IPL-V, orig_578
NOTES: exchanges with various; G. E. Forsythe, S. L. Kong, J., Neyman, Jerre Noe re cooperation with SRI, Donald Norman re EPAM, Allen Newell.
Particularly, Forsythe as President of ACM asking Newell to be a one person committee to suggest what to do with the Computers and Thought royalties. This is a piece of history that I have completely forgotten when I have given talks about how the prize was conceived!
1964 1966
EAF Soviet Computer Science Revisited 1965Edward Feigenbaum(1965)[PDF]
Document Type: conferencePaper
in Association for Computing Machinery, Cleveland, Ohio
TAGS: Computer Science, orig_578, Soviet Union
NOTES: Report on Feigenbaum's 1964 trip to Soviet Union on invitation by Soviet Academy of Sciences.
Followup to his earlier paper regarding his 1960 trip
( Communications of the ACM) Programs as Theories of Higher Mental ProcessesAllen Newell, Herbert Simon(1965)[PDF]
Document Type: bookSection
in Computers In Biomedical Research, No. 2
TAGS: AI, demo, EPAM, Newell, psychology, published paper, Simon, WJC_PUBL_2
NOTES: Discusses why computer programming languages are the right languages for writing theories of mental processes Intelligent LearningGordon Pask(1966)[PDF]
Document Type: report
TAGS: learning systems, memory, Simulation of Cognitive Processes
NOTES: Pask gave thisw paper at a symposium on bionics
organized by Warren McCullough.
Pask is one of the earliest of the proponents of machine models of mind. Information Processing and MemoryEdward Feigenbaum(1966)[PDF]
Document Type: bookSection
TAGS: EPAM, Memory, orig_578, published paper
NOTES: This chapter is reprinted from the Proceedings of the Fifth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematics of Statistics and Probability, Volume IV Biology and Health, 1966.
This paper give a sketchy theory of the relationship between EPAM's working memory (or intermediate term memory) and the long term memory (of people, of course).
In doing so it sketches a theory of what dreaming is all rdf:about. This theory has been "rediscovered" by Crick and others. They had no reason to cite this paper as it is in an obscure place. And I had no reason to complain, since a sketch of a theory, with no experimental followup, is not a theory but a speculation. Various Correspondence 1964-71Edward Feigenbaum(1966)[PDF]
Document Type: letter
NOTES: Some detailed information about the progress of DENDRAL during this key period, what was on my mind "to do", role of the chemists,Lederberg assessment of performance of DENDRAL at this stage, size of the program, etc.
various letters with Ulric Neisser, re EPAM III and panel we were on together;
and Allen Newell, Herbert Simon (1969) about current state of DENDRAL at that time The "Tip of the Tongue" PhenomenonRoger Brown(1966)[PDF]
Document Type: journalArticle
in Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, No. 5
TAGS: EPAM, memory, Needs archivist work, psychology
NOTES: Ancillary result possibly explainable by EPAM PROBLEMS OF COMPUTER SIMULATIONFrijda, Nico(1967)[PDF]
Document Type: journalArticle
in Behavioral Science, No. Volume 12
TAGS: EPAM-related, memory, psychology, Simulation of Cognitive Processes, WJC_PUBL_2 INFORMATION PROCESSING AND MEMORYEdward Feigenbaum(1967)[PDF]
Document Type: conferencePaper
in Fifth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability
TAGS: EPAM I, EPAM II, EPAM III, orig_578, reprint Information Processing and MemoryEdward Feigenbaum(1967)[PDF]
Document Type: conferencePaper
in Fifth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probablilty
TAGS: EPAM, EPAM III, orig_578 Correspondence with Herbert Simon about EPAM III in LISP and about Heuristic DENDRALEdward Feigenbaum, Herbert Simon(1967)[PDF]
Document Type: letter
NOTES: Here Simon suggests some interesting general scientific questions about the directions of DENDRAL research. But the main point is toexchange some information about EPAM in LISP, work initiated by Daniel Bobrow.
To me, it is particularly interesting that I continued to be involved in EPAM research in 1967, during the peak frenzy of the DENDRAL project, and while I was Computer Center Director at Stanford/
EAF Correspondence 1967John Francis Lubin, Roy F. Reeves, Richard W. Conway(1967)[PDF]
Document Type: letter
Document Type: manuscript
Carnegie Mellon University
TAGS: AI, Bibliography, Discrimination Net, Newell
NOTES: This bibliography as prepared by one of the great early scientists of AI, and is very comprehensive over all segments of AI (at that early date).
Note the entries on discrimination nets, relevant to EPAM. Chemical GPSKen Siler(1967)[PDF]
Document Type: computerProgram
TAGS: computer code, Diagrams, important, software documentation, WJC_PUBL_2 An Information-Processing Explanation of One-Trial and Incremental LearningLee W. Gregg, Herbert Simon(1967)[PDF]
Document Type: journalArticle
in Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, No. 6, 5
TAGS: EPAM, EPAM III, memory, psychology, published paper
NOTES: Explanation of one trial vs incremental learning behavior using EPAM as a model. Tested against data.
Important "implication" of the EPAM model.
Noticed much earlier by EAF and HAS but apparently did not
find its way into the published literature until this paper with Gregg and Simon. A model of Concept LearningGeorge W. Ernst, Richard H. Sherman(1967)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Working Paper
pp. 34
TAGS: EPAM, learning systems
NOTES: includes letter from Earl Hunt ON JUDGING THE PLAUSIBILITY OF THEORIESHerbert Simon(1968)[PDF]
Document Type: bookSection
in Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science III, North Holland Publishing Co.
TAGS: History, Simon
NOTES: Simon has this historical footnote
"As a matter of history, I might mention that in 1957,prior to Rock's [1957] publication of his experiment,a theory of rote learning,designed especially to explain data that were in the literature prior to World War II (the serial position curve,the constancy of learning time per item, some of E. Gibson's experiments on stimulus similarity) had been developed by E. Feigenbaum and the author. This theory, EPAM, was sufficiently strong to predict the conditions under which one trial learning would occur. It was not widely known among psychologists at that time" MIMICKING THOUGHTEarl Hunt(1968)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: psychology, Simulation of Cognitive Processes Letter to Daniel BobrowEdward Feigenbaum(1968)[PDF]
Document Type: letter
NOTES: Dan Bobrow and I knew each other and communicated from time to time. Information Processing and MemoryEdward Feigenbaum(1968)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: EPAM, EPAM I, memory, orig_578, psychology, Serial Position Effect
NOTES: Galley Proofs for Norman book contributi
on Information Processing and MemoryEdward Feigenbaum(1968)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: EPAM, memory, orig_578, psychology, published paper
NOTES: Another galley proof version for Norman book HUMAN PERFORMANCE CENTERJames Greeno(1968)[PDF]
Document Type: report, Technical Report
in Human Performance Center, University of Michigan, No. 12
TAGS: EPAM, EPAM-related, memory, psychology Book OrderJ. J. Steele, Edward Feigenbaum(1968)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed, ephemera, orig_578, WJC_PUBL_2 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: THEMES IN THE SECOND DECADEEdward Feigenbaum(1968)[PDF]
Document Type: conferencePaper
TAGS: AI, orig_578, published paper, Review, WJC_PUBL_2
NOTES: Major invited paper in 1968, International Federation of Information Processing Societies.
Noted for "high road, low road" metaphor. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: THEMES IN THE SECOND DECADEEdward Feigenbaum(1968)[PDF]
Document Type: report, Technical Report
TAGS: AI, ARPA, Machine Learning, orig_578, Simulation of Cognitive Processes, WJC_PUBL_2 Various LettersDaniel Bobrow(1968)[PDF]
Document Type: letter
TAGS: DENDRAL, ephemera
NOTES: includes letter from Wallace Sterling, 1965 Simulation 1. Individual BehaviorAllen Newell, Herbert Simon(1968)[PDF]
Document Type: bookSection
in International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Macmillan and Free Press
TAGS: EPAM-related, psychology, Simulation of Cognitive Processes NotesJim Bell(1969)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed, ephemera Heuristic Programming: Ill-Structured ProblemsAllen Newell(1969)[PDF]
Document Type: bookSection
in Progress in Operations Research, J. Aronofsky (ed.), Accession 1986-052, Wiley, No. III
TAGS: Behavioral Theory of the Firm, Heuristics, Problem Solving, published paper, SOAR, WJC_PUBL_2 Correspondence with Gorden Pask about EPAMEdward Feigenbaum(1969)[PDF]
Document Type: letter
TAGS: Discrimination Net, EPAM, EPAM III, L-G EPAM book?, orig_578
NOTES: Pioneer AI researcher Gordon Pask wrote a survey paper on AI systems circa 1969 and asked me to comment on the part about EPAM. My extensive comments constitute somewhat of a short tutorial by me on how EPAM works. Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference. I. The Number of Possible Organic Compounds. Acyclic Structures Containing C, H, O, and NEdward Feigenbaum, Joshua Lederberg, Georgia Sutherland, Carl Djerassi, et al.(1969)[PDF]
Document Type: journalArticle
in Accession 1986-052, No. 91., 2973
TAGS: Chemistry, DENDRAL, Mass Spectrometry, orig_578, published paper
NOTES: First of a long series of articles in JACS on DENDRAL results Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference. II. Interpretation of Low-Resolution Mass Spectra of Ketones(1969)[PDF]
Document Type: journalArticle
in Accession 1986-052, Journal American Chemical Society, No. 91, 2977
NOTES: Authors are A. M. Duffleld, A. V. Robertson, Carl Djerassi, B. G. Buchanan,
G. L. Sutherland, E. A. Feigenbaum, and J. Lederberg A System for Perception and MemoryDonald Norman, David Rumelhart(1969)[PDF]
Document Type: bookSection
in Unknown, Accession 1986-052
TAGS: memory, perception, psychology
NOTES: This is a draft of their article for Norman's book. see B53 F46 i0001 for later draft A System for Perception and MemoryDonald A. Norman, David E. Rumelhart(1970)[PDF]
Document Type: bookSection
in Models of Human Memory
TAGS: memory, perception
NOTES: This paper was scheduled to appear asa chapter in Models of Human MemoryD. A. Norman (Ed ) New YorkAcademic Press, 1970. To George ForsytheAndrei Ershov(1970)[PDF]
Document Type: letter
TAGS: Ershov, Yershov
NOTES: In Russian. Probably about his trip to Stanford and USA ALTERNATIVE USES OF PHONEMIC INFORMATION IN SPELLINGDorothy P. Simon, Herbert Simon(1971)[PDF]
Document Type: report, Working Paper
No. 193, pp. 35
NOTES: Learning Research and Development CenterUniversity of Pittsburgh
Carnegie Mellon University
supported in part as a research and development center byfunds from the U.S. Office of Education, Department of Health, Education,and Welfare; and by the Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University under a grant from the National Institutes of MentalHealth, MH 07722 What Kind of Computer is Man?Earl Hunt(1971)[PDF]
Document Type: journalArticle
in Cognitive Psychology, No. 2, pp. 57-98
TAGS: AI, EPAM-related, Meaning, psychology, Similarity, Simulation of Cognitive Processes
NOTES: This is an extraordinary attempt by Earl Hunt to "put it all together", around 1971, into a coherent overall model of mind.
From the vantage point of 2011, it alas is an "unremembered" attempt. But, who knows? (EAF) The Ideology MachineRobert P. Abelson(1971)[PDF]
Document Type: conferencePaper
in Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association
TAGS: AA_reviewed, Computer Science, psychology Historical Addendum (to the book Human Problem Solving}Allen Newell, Herbert Simon(1972)[PDF]
Document Type: bookSection
in Human Problem Solving, Prentice Hall
TAGS: AI, History, Newell, psychology, Simon, Simulation of Cognitive Processes
NOTES: This historical appendix, this history, is one of the most careful and informed ever written up to this point (2010). It was written by a master, Herbert Simon, with the help of another master, Allen Newell. It covers (mainly) the post World War II period in which the concepts of information processing psychology (and most of what is now called "cognitive science") were born. Also, early concepts in Artificial Intelligence.
Herb Simon once told me (EAF) about histories, that eventually one must write one's own. (He and Newell were quite agitated by the publication of Plans and the Structure of Behavior, by Miller, Galanter, and Pribram which N&S felt "scooped" N&S without giving appropriate credit for where the ideas came from.
Incidentally, my personal belief is that this book, Human Problem Solving, is the greatest work of science on the subject of human thinking published in the 20th Century.
(Note; it needs to be verified by eye that this is indeed the Historical Addendum of the Newell and Simon book) ACME NotesACME Staff(1972)[PDF]
Document Type: journalArticle
in Computing Newsletter, No. 7, 1
TAGS: AA_reviewed, ACME, WJC_PUBL_2 A Simulation of Memory for Chess PositionsHerbert Simon, Kevin Gilmartin(1972)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Working Paper
TAGS: Chess, EPAM, memory
NOTES: This is a duplicate of another entry in the archive.
Noteworthy for its integration of EPAM as a pattern recognizer for chess playing. ie. outside the bounds of
usual psychology memory experiments 1972 Annual DENDRAL ReportEdward Feigenbaum(1972)[PDF]
Document Type: report
Stanford University
TAGS: AA_reviewed, Chemistry, Computer Science, DENDRAL, Expert Systems, orig_578, research, WJC_PUBL_2 SIMULATION OF HUMAN LONG-TERM MEMORYFrijda, Nico(1972)[PDF]
Document Type: journalArticle
in Psychological Bulletin
TAGS: EPAM, L-G EPAM book?, memory, published paper, Simulation of Cognitive Processes, WJC_PUBL_ARTICLES
NOTES: Extended discussion of EPAM model.
From the box and folder location, the inference an be made that this was an article that I vonsidered for a second edition of Computers and Thought (project never completed)......EAF Figures and appendices(1973)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: computer code, Diagrams, EPAM I, EPAM II
NOTES: may be for D. A. Waterman's Adaptive Production Systems A Production System Implementation of EPAMMike Rychener(1973)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Software documentation
Carnegie Mellon University, pp. 137
ABSTRACT: EPAM II programmmed as a
production system
TAGS: computer code, EPAM, EPAM II, Production Systems
NOTES: This is really a tour de force. However, it reprograms only EPAM II.
Concludes with an interesting page of future work and other EPAM experiments to do. The First Ten Years of Artificial Intelligence Research at StanfordLester Earnest, John McCarthy, Edward Feigenbaum, JOSHUA LEDERBERG(1973)[PDF]
Document Type: report
Computer Science Department, Stanford University
TAGS: AA_reviewed, AI, ARPA, Heuristic Programming Project, orig_578, research, Stanford Computer Science Department TENEX Executive ManualWilliam Plummer, Theodore Myer, John Barnaby(1973)[PDF]
Document Type: report
Bolt Beranek and Newman
TAGS: operating systems, SUMEX Skill in ChessHerbert Simon, William G. Chase(1973)[PDF]
Document Type: journalArticle
in American Scientist, No. 61
TAGS: EPAM-related, game play Psych 216 - various notes(1973)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Notes, correspondence
TAGS: EPAM, heuristic search, memory, Problem Solving, psychology, syllabus, WJC_PUBL_2 Federation ProceedingsFederation of American Societies for Experimental Biology(1974)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed, Biology, Computer Science, WJC_PUBL_2 Artificial IntelligenceNils Nilsson(1974)[PDF]
Document Type: report
SRI International, Artificial Intelligence Center, No. Technical Note 89
TAGS: AI, Survey article
NOTES: This is a well known review article, circa 1974,
by a person whpo is a master of this sort of thing.
See his book in 2009 or 2010, The Quest for Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge University Press. Recent Research in Artificial Intelligence, Heuristic Programming and Network ProtocolsLester Earnest, John McCarthy, Edward Feigenbaum, Joshua Lederberg, Vinton Cerf(1974)[PDF]
Document Type: report
Computer Science Department, Stanford University
TAGS: AA_reviewed, AI, ARPA, Heuristic Programming Project, orig_578, research, Stanford Computer Science Department, WJC_PUBL_2 NotesEdward Feigenbaum(1975)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed, orig_578 DARPA-sponsored meeting relating AI approaches to human interfaces with Database approachesRobert Anderson(1975)[PDF]
Document Type: report, Meeting Notes
RAND Corporation, pp. 12
TAGS: AI, EPAM, knowledge representation, memory, psychology, Simulation of Cognitive Processes, WJC_PUBL_2
NOTES: Written for Craig Fields at DARPA.
Very good summary of ideas about memory, data structures, processes circa 1975, but very short BibliographyLarson(1975)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed, AI, CS 225, WJC_PUBL_2 An Overview of Production SystemsRandy Davis, Jonathan King(1975)[PDF]
Document Type: report
in HPP Papers, Stanford University, No. HPP-75-7
TAGS: Expert Systems, knowledge engineering, WJC_PUBL_2 AI Handbook TopicsJorge Phillips, Doug Hofstadter, Behrokn Samadi, Peter Friedland, Phil Guadler, Rick Chestak, Ramez El-Masri, R. David Arnold, Reid G. Smith, Jan Aikins(1975)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed, AI, Handbook of Artificial Intelligence AI - QualEdward Feigenbaum(1975)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: Bibliography, orig_578, syllabus, WJC_PUBL_2 AI - Qual(1975)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: Bibliography, syllabus, WJC_PUBL_2 An Overview of Production SystemsRandall Davis, Jonathan King(1975)[PDF]
Document Type: report
Stanford Heuristic Programming Project
TAGS: Expert Systems, WJC_PUBL_2
NOTES: Research sponsored byAdvanced Research Projects Agency ARPA
Order No. 2494 and National Institutes of Health Campus Report(1976)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed, Stanford, WJC_PUBL_ARTICLES AI Handbook outlineEdward Feigenbaum(1976)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Annotated Draft
pp. 16
TAGS: AI, Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, orig_578 ACM ForumGreg Gibbons(1976)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, magazineArticle
TAGS: AA_reviewed, ACM, Programming Languages Syllabus for AI Qualifying ExamEdward Feigenbaum(1976)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Draft
TAGS: AA_reviewed, AI, EPAM-maybe, orig_578, Stanford Computer Science Department, WJC_PUBL_2 SUMEX Annual Report 1976(1976)[PDF]
Document Type: report, Annual Report
Department of Genetics, Stanford University, pp. 276
NOTES: submitted to Biotechnology Resources Program National Institutes of Health Misc. Memos(1977)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Memo
pp. 3, English
TAGS: DENDRAL, Feigenbaum, WJC_reviewed Misc. Letters: Bruce G. Buchanan to Alain Bonnet, D. P. Brown to W. B. Carnochan, Edward Feigenbaum to Robert BoyerBruce G. Buchanan, D. P. Brown, Edward Feigenbaum(1977)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Letter
pp. 3, English
TAGS: Feigenbaum, Heuristic Programming Project, HPP, MYCIN, orig_578, Stanford Computer Science Department, WJC_PUBL_2 Meta-knowledge and MemoryAvron Barr(1977)[PDF]
Document Type: report
in Heuristic Programming Project Reports, Stanford University, No. HPP-77-37
TAGS: memory, meta-knowledge, WJC_PUBL_2 Meta-knowledge and MemoryAvron Barr(1977)[PDF]
Document Type: report
in HPP Papers, Stanford Heuristic Programming Project, No. HPP-77-37
TAGS: memory, WJC_PUBL_2 Heuristic Programming Project : Final Technical Report for the Contract Period August 1, 1973 through July 31, 1977Edward Feigenbaum, Bruce Buchanan, Joshua Lederberg(1977)[PDF]
Document Type: report, Contract
Stanford Heuristic Programming Project, No. DAHCIS-73-C-0435
TAGS: AI, Expert Systems, Heuristic Programming Project, HPP, knowledge engineering, knowledge representation, orig_578, WJC_PUBL_2
NOTES: This a final report of 4 years of research for ARPA.
Interesting that the agency is still called ARPA in 1977,
DARPA as we have called it for decades.
This is an excellent document for
giving a summary of our work as we saw it during that period. Note that it has
keywords. Final technical report to DARPA of work of HEURISTIC PROGRAMMING PROJECTEdward Feigenbaum, Joshua Lederberg, Bruce Buchanan(1977)[PDF]
Document Type: report
TAGS: DARPA, History, HPP, orig_578, WJC_PUBL_2
NOTES: This 1977 report to our funder, DARPA, summarizes each of our various
The summaries are organized by working paper in HPP series. Each
summary gives a brief but exellent description of what we were doing and
why. Feigenbaum Vita 1961-77Edward Feigenbaum(1977)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, CV Biographical
pp. 29
TAGS: CV Feigenbaum, orig_578, WJC_PUBL_2 CSAC ExpensesBetty E. Scott, Carolyn Tajnai(1977)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed, Stanford, Stanford Computer Science Department Courtesy Appointment for John L. HennessyEdward Feigenbaum(1977)[PDF]
Document Type: letter
TAGS: Computer Science Department, Electrical Engineering Department, John Hennessy, orig_578, WJC_PUBL_2
NOTES: When John Hennessy was hired, he was hired into the EE Department rather than the CS Department. However, the agreement with EE was that we would have close ties with Hennessy, hence the courtesy joint appointment Computer Science Courses on LOTSEdward Feigenbaum(1977)[PDF]
Document Type: letter
TAGS: Example, LOTS, orig_578, teaching, Time Sharing
NOTES: The Computer Science Department is affirming that LOTS, the campus time sharing system, needs additional equipment for its course load to be taught properly. Sent to Provost Bill Miller, one of our faculty (!) A Model for Learning SystemsBruce Buchanan, Reid Smith, Tom Mitchell, Richard Chestek(1977)[PDF]
Document Type: report
Stanford Heuristic Programming Project, Stanford University, pp. 26
TAGS: Heuristic Programming Project, HPP, Machine Learning, Stanford Computer Science Department, WJC_PUBL_2, WJC_reviewed Time flies like an arrowYorick Wilks(1977)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, newspaperArticle
TAGS: AA_reviewed, AI, Handbook of Artificial Intelligence Stanford course Psych 216 on Information Processing PsychologyEdward Feigenbaum(1977)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Lecture Notes and figures
pp. 26
TAGS: EPAM, knowledge representation, memory, orig_578, Problem Solving, psychology, Simulation of Cognitive Processes, teaching
NOTES: Note that this is listed as a Psych department course!
Includes an timeline of programs from the "beginning" to this date.
Lots of notes and diagrams about representations and memory structures. New Machine AcquisitionRichard S. Brucker, W. M. vanCleemput, Bob Dutton(1978)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
pp. 11, English
TAGS: Feigenbaum, WJC_reviewed Letter from Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. to Richard W. Lyman about Report of the President's Advisory Committee on Computer ScienceRichard M. Karp, Donald A. B. Lindberg, S. J. Lukasik, John W. McCredie, Don Rosenheim, Robert W. Taylor, John A. Young, William F. Zuendt, Frederik P. Brooks, Jr.(1978)[PDF]
Document Type: report
Stanford University
TAGS: AA_reviewed, Computer Science Department, orig_578, pfix, Stanford, Visiting Committee HACKER articleAvron Barr(1978)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed, Handbook of Artificial Intelligence APPL.C(1978)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed AI Qual(1978)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed, Stanford Computer Science Department AI Qual(1978)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Notes
TAGS: AA_reviewed, Stanford Computer Science Department AI Qual - 1978Avron Barr(1978)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed, heuristic search, Problem Solving AI Qual 1978(1978)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed, AI, Stanford Computer Science Department AI Qual(1978)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Notes
TAGS: AA_reviewed, Stanford Computer Science Department AI Handbook Chapter OutlineJim Davidson, Avron Barr(1978)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Notes
TAGS: AA_reviewed, Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, WJC_PUBL_2 AI Handbook PlansAvron Barr(1978)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed, Handbook of Artificial Intelligence AI Handbook Status(1978)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed, EPAM-maybe, Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, WJC_PUBL_2 The Forsythe LecturesMichael Rabin(1978)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: Computer Science, Stanford Computer Science Department Stereo VisionRodney A. Brooks(1978)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed, Handbook of Artificial Intelligence Electrical Engineering EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGJohn Linvill(1978)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
ABSTRACT: Main topic was early discussion about the creation of the Center for Integrated Systems.
TAGS: Center for Integration Systems CIS, Computer Science Department, James Plummer
NOTES: This is an interesting and important summary of the early thinking about the founding of the Center for Integrated Systems at Stanford. It calls for a multidisciplinary collaboration, involving the Computer Science Department, among other departments.
It also mentions the ongoing recruitment of additional professors, including the (later) Dean of Engineering, James Plummer. LISPSteve Tappel(1979)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed, AI, Programming Languages Data StructuresSteve Tappel(1979)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed, AI, Programming Languages AI - Qual(1979)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Syllabus
TAGS: Bibliography, syllabus, WJC_PUBL_2 Simon, Preface to Models of ThoughtHerbert Simon(1979)[PDF]
Document Type: bookSection
in Models of Thought, Accession 2005-101
TAGS: EPAM, Psychology, published paper, Simon, Simulation of Cognitive Processes
NOTES: Simon says In particular, MAPP is essentially an elaboration ofEPAM incorporating attention directing mechanisms
EAF I never thought rdf:about that, so novel idea to me (2010) KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING FOR DYNAMIC CLINICAL SETTINGS: GIVING ADVICE IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNITLawrence Fagan, John Kunz, Feigenbaum, Osborne(1979)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, HPP series working paper
TAGS: Expert Systems, knowledge based systems, knowledge engineering, knowledge representation, medical applications, orig_578, paper, VM ventilator manager, WJC_PUBL_2
NOTES: Lawrence M. Fagan, John C. Kunz, Edward A. FeigenbaumStanford
UniversityStanford, CaliforniaJohn J. OsbornPacific
Medical CenterSan Francisco, California EPAM, Simon's summary for a collectionHerbert Simon(1979)[PDF]
Document Type: bookSection
in Learning Processes (?), Accession 2005-101
TAGS: EPAM, published paper
NOTES: Probably from Simon collection "Models of Thought" 1979
Remembrance through a Simon lens TeiresiasEllen Markman(1979)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed, Expert Systems, knowledge based systems, WJC_PUBL_2 School of Engineering Advisory Council meetingEdwin Laak(1979)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: James Plummer
NOTES: Among other topics presented at this high level meeting was an "initial thrust" regarding the Center for Integrated Systems.
Present at this meeting, among many others , was James Plummer, Associate Professor of EE and Edward Feigenbaum, Professor and Chairman of Computer Science. CS in CIS(1980)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Notes for talk
pp. 2, English
TAGS: CS, WJC_reviewed AI Qual SyllabusDoug Lenat(1980)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, memo
TAGS: AA_reviewed, AI, Stanford Computer Science Department AI - Qual(1980)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Syllabus
Department of Computer Science, Stanford University
TAGS: Bibliography, EPAM-maybe, syllabus, WJC_PUBL_2 Visit of Bob Evans AgendaJohn G. Linvill(1980)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, memo
TAGS: AA_reviewed, Center for Integrated Systems, Stanford Computer Science Department, WJC_PUBL_2 SUN Paper draftForest Baskett, Andreus Bechtolscheim(1980)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: Computer Science Department, SUN, WJC_PUBL_2 Notice of Grant AwardEdward Feigenbaum(1981)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed, orig_578, research, SUMEX, WJC_PUBL_2 Notice of Grant AwardSuzanne S. Stimler, Louis B. Wagner(1981)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed, research, SUMEX, WJC_PUBL_2 Correspondence 1981Edward Feigenbaum, Louis G. Robinson(1981)[PDF]
Document Type: letter
TAGS: AA_reviewed, AAAI, Conferences, IJCAI, orig_578 Computer Science at Stanford 1979-1980Jeff Ullman, Denny Brown, Jeanie Lagerwerlf, Jake Brown(1981)[PDF]
Document Type: report
President's Advisory Committee on Computer Science
TAGS: AA_reviewed, Stanford Computer Science Department, WJC_PUBL_2 BRIEF HISTORY OF Al(1981)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, presentation
ABSTRACT: Teknowledge briefing
TAGS: AI, Expert Systems, knowledge engineering, orig_578, Teknowledge AI - Qual(1981)[PDF]
Document Type: report, Syllabus
Stanford University
TAGS: Bibliography, syllabus, WJC_PUBL_2 UNIVAC Nice, France Trip(1981)[PDF]
Document Type: letter
TAGS: Expert Systems, Travel
NOTES: UK organized conference attended by Donald Michie.
Journalists interviewing Expert System specialists.
In my recollection "class warfare" was being conducted between
journalists (the attackers) and the professors/professionals (the defenders). Quite a shock to an American SUMEX Annual Report (Year 8)1981Edward Feigenbaum(1981)[PDF]
Document Type: report, Annual Report
pp. 327
TAGS: orig_578, SUMEX, WJC_PUBL_2
Document Type: manuscript
TAGS: AA_reviewed, ephemera Oncocin Annual ReportEdward H. Shortliffe(1982)[PDF]
Document Type: report
National Library of Medicine
TAGS: AA_reviewed, Expert Systems, medical applications Feigenbaum Stetson University TalksEdward Feigenbaum(1982)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript, Conference Poster
TAGS: Expert Systems, Japanese Fifth Generation Project, knowledge engineering, orig_578, WJC_PUBL_2 AGE Project ReviewH. Penny Nii(1982)[PDF]
Document Type: report
Computer Science Department, Stanford University
TAGS: AA_reviewed, knowledge engineering, Stanford Computer Science Department Letter from Edward A. Feigenbaum to Asao IshizukaEdward Feigenbaum(1982)[PDF]
Document Type: letter
TAGS: AAAI, Computers and Thought book, DENDRAL, Expert Systems, Feigenbaum, Heuristic Programming Project, HPP, knowledge engineering, NSF, orig_578, Stanford Computer Science Department, The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, WJC_reviewed KU(1982)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript Discover(1983)[PDF]
Document Type: manuscript