Terman Engineering Center Room 346
Department of Management Science and Engineering
Littlefield Center 253
Graduate School of Business Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
Voice: (650) 723-0514; Fax: (650) 725-8799; Email: haulee@stanford.edu


Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Product/Process Design and Supply Chain Performance
Inventory Planning and Control
Manufacturing and Distribution Strategies


Eugene Grant Award of Outstanding Teaching, Stanford University, 1996.

Best Paper for the Lauder Institute Award for the Best Advances in the Theory and Practice of International Management Science, presented by the Lauder Institute of Management and International Studies and the Institute of Management Science, 1989. "Resource Deployment Analysis of Global Manufacturing and Distribution Networks" (with M.A. Cohen).

2nd Runner-Up, Edelman Practice Prize by the Institute of Management Science, 1989, "OPTIMIZER: IBM's Multi-Echelon Inventory System for Managing Service Logistics" (with M.A. Cohen, P.V. Kamesam, P. Kleindorfer, and A. Tekerian).

Department Service Award, Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Stanford University, 1988.

Outstanding Teacher Award, Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Stanford University, 1986.

First place, Health Application Section Spotlight Prize, Operations Research Society of America, 1984, "Policy Decision Modelling of the Costs and Outputs of Education in Medical Schools," by W.P. Pierskalla, W.L. Kissick, B.S. Bloom, H.A. Glick, H.L. Lee, J.H. Levy, L.W. Miller and I.Z. Quadir.

Sigma Xi

Ph.D. Dissertation Grant Award, National Center for Health Services Research, U.S.A., 1981.

M.I.S., Institute of Statisticians, United Kingdom, 1983.


Bay Networks (1997-present), Capstone Ventures (1998), Solaris/Monsanto (1998), Trilogy (1997), Integral (1997), Applied Materials (1997), Gregory Associates (1997), Xilinx Corp (1996-present), Hill-Rom (1996), CSC Consulting (1995), Motorola Inc. (1995), NonStop Logistics Corp. (1993-97), McKesson (1992-93), Hybritech Corp. (1992), SUN Microsystems (1992), UNISYS (1990), MONITOR Co. (1990), Hewlett-Packard (1989-present), Andersen Consulting Corp. (1989-91,1994-6), TRIAD Systems Corp. (1989-90), Raychem Corp. (1989), Mrs. Smith's Frozen Foods Co. (1988), Bender's Management Consultants (1987), Apple Computer Inc. (1987-88), Xerox Corp. (1987), Office of Medical Applications Research, National Institute of Health (1986), Pillsbury, Madison and Sutro (1986), General Motors Corporation (1984-87), Bell Communications Research (1984-85), Booz, Allen and Hamilton, Inc. (1982-85), IBM Corporation (1981-84), U.S. Armed Forces (1983-85), Columbia Pictures (1977-79), Campbell Soup Company (1979-80), U.S. Navy (1980-82), Philadelphia VA Hospital (1980)


"Smart Logistics for Supply Chain Management," March 24, 1998, Eindhoven, Benelux CLM Roundtable.

"Demand Network Integration," March 11, 1998, Next Generation ERP Conference, San Francisco, SAP America.

"Information-Smart Demand Network Integration," October 8, 1997, Phoenix, Rhythm User and Executive Conference, i2 Technologies.

"Innovations in Supply Chain Integration," September 11, 1997, San Diego, Optimizing the Global Supply Chain, IBC USA Conferences, Inc.

"Global Supply Chain Management," August 15-16, 1997, Hong Kong, Industrial Short Course, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

"Integrating Demand and Supply in a Supply Chain," July 24, 1997, Beaverton, Nike Global Supply Chain Partner Summit, Nike Inc.

"Integrated Supply Chain Management," June 23, 1997, Manufacturing Business Consulting Advanced Industry Seminar, Arthur Andersen.

"Innovative Supply Chain Management," June 11, 1997, Latin American Executive Forum, Hewlett-Packard Company.

"Global Supply Chain Management," December 13-14, 1996, Hong Kong, Industrial Short Course, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

"Understanding the Role of Logistics in the Future," July 15, 1996, Laguna Niguel – Dana Point, New Skills for Managing the Future: West Coast Marketing Conference, Grocery Manufacturers of America.

"Innovations in Supply Chain Management," May 22, 1996, Indian Wells, The Future is Now, Implementation for the Future · Today: GMA Information Systems and Logistics/Distribution Conference, Grocery Manufacturers of America.

"Designing Postponement Strategies at Hewlett-Packard," October 5, 1995, Santa Clara, Spirit of Innovation, Association of Manufacturing Association.

"Product Configuration for Supply Chain Efficiency," August 8, 1995, Schaumburg, Enterprise Modeling Symposium, Motorola Company.

"Innovations in Supply Chain Reengineering and Information Integration," June 30, 1995, Singapore, Global Supply Chain Management, Chartered Institute of Transport and Information Technology Institute.


Product Development and Manufacturing Strategy, Stanford University (1995, 1996).

Cycle Time Strategy, Stanford University Alumni Association (1995, 1996, 1997).

Effective Management of Production Operations, Stanford University (1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997).

Integrated Supply Chain Management Workshop, University Connections (1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998).

Supply Chain 2000: Innovations in Market-Responsive Supply Chain Management, Manugistics, Inc., San Jose (1994).

Advanced Production Management Program, Chase Manhattan Bank, New York (1986, 1987, 1988)

Seminars on Inventory and Supply Chain Management: Manugistics (1998), Esquel Enterprises (1998), 3Com (1998), CrossRoute Softwares (1997), Singapore Chartered Institute of Transport (1997), Jardine Office Systems (1997), Nike (1997), Arthur Andersen (1997), American President BLS Ltd. (1997), Quantum Corporation (1997), Menlo-Logistics (1997), Baan (1997), American Industrial Partners (1997), Rosemount Inc. (1997), LG Electronics (1996, 1997), Xilinx (1996), Skyway (1996), Tong Yang Group (1995), Fritz Companies (1995), Andersen Consulting (1994, 1995), Motorola Inc. (1994, 1995, 1996), Digital Equipment Corp. (1989), Amdahl Corp. (1989), Raychem Corp. (1989), Apple Computer Corp. (1989), Nissan Motor Co. (1989), NEC (1989), UNISYS (1989), Tandem Computers Inc. (1989), Hewlett-Packard (1990-97), Caterpillar Inc.(1990), Decision Focus Inc. (1990), Eli Lilli Corp. (1991), CPI (1992), IVAC (1992), Xerox Corp. (1987).

Integrated Supply Chain Management Workshop, Andersen Consulting (1995-98)

Fulfill Demand School, Andersen Consulting (1996-98)

Industrial Short Course on Global Supply Chains, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (1996-97)

Hewlett-Packard Latin American Executive Council (1997)


National Research Council Committee on Supply Chain Integration Initiative, 1998.

Editor-in-Chief, Management Science, 1997-.

Senior Editor, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 1996-.

Advisory Board, Department of Industrial Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 1994-7.

Advisory Committee, School of Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 1996.

Academic Advisory Board, Fritz Institute of Global Logistics, 1995-96.

External Examiner Board, School of Management, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 1995-97.

Editor, IIE Transactions in Scheduling and Logistics, 1992-1996.

Editor, Special Issue on Global Supply Chain Management, J. of Production and Operations Management Society, 1996.

Editor, Special Issue on Supply Chain Coordination and Integration, IIE Transactions, 1996.

Department Editor in Manufacturing, Distribution, and Service Operations, Management Science, 1992-1996.

Editor, Special Issue on Global Manufacturing and Operations, J. of Production and Operations Management Society, 1994.

Editorial Panel, Special Issue on New Perspectives on Operations Management, Operations Research, 1992.

Program Committee, International TIMS Conference, Singapore, 1995.

Committee on the George Dantzig Best Dissertation Prize, ORSA-TIMS, 1993.

General Program Chairman, ORSA-TIMS National Meeting, San Francisco, 1992.

Department Editor in Inventory, IIE Transactions, 1990-92.

Board of Editors, J. of Manufacturing and Operations Management, 1989-1992.

Associate Editor in Manufacturing, Production, and Scheduling, Operations Research, 1987-1992.

Associate Editor in Manufacturing, Distribution, and Service Operations, Management Science, 1988-1992.

Board of Directors, Production and Operations Management Society, 1990-

Co-chair, Best Paper Award Committee, Production and Operations Management Society, New York Meeting, November, 1991.

Associate Editor, IIE Transactions, 1989-1990.

Associate Editor, Operations Research, Special Issue on Operations Research in Manufacturing, 1986-88.

Editorial Board, American J. of Mathematical and Management Science, 1986-1992.

Hau L. Lee

Hau L. Lee is the Kleiner Perkins, Mayfield, Sequoia Capital Professor and Deputy Chairman of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, and Professor of Operations Management (by courtesy) at the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University. His areas of specialization include supply chain management, global logistics system design, inventory planning, quality control and assurance, and manufacturing strategy. He is the founding and current Director of the Stanford Global Supply Chain Management Forum, an industry-academic consortium to advance the theory and practice of global supply chain management.

Professor Lee’s research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, National Institute of Health, Ford Motor Company, Hewlett-Packard Company, Sloan Foundation, AT&T Foundation, and the State of California. He has published widely in journals such as Management Science, Operations Research, Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, IIE Transactions, Interfaces, European J. of Operational Research, and Naval Research Logistics, etc.

He has served on the editorial boards of many international journals, such as Operations Research, Management Science, IIE Transactions, J. of Manufacturing and Operations Management, and American J. of Mathematical and Managerial Sciences. He was the Editor of the IIE Transactions in Scheduling and Logistics, is an Advisory Editor of the J. of Production and Operations Management Society and the Asian J. of Business and Information Management, and is the current Editor-in-Chief of Management Science.

Professor Lee’s research in medical education planning for the State of West Virginia received the Health Application Section Spotlight Prize by the Operations Research Society of America. His work on multi-echelon inventory system design and control for IBM’s National Service Division was a finalist in the Edelman Application Prize Competition by the Institute of Management Science. His work on resource deployment of global manufacturing and distribution network for Apple Computer won the first prize by the Lauder Institute and the Institute of Management Science, for the Best Advances in the Theory and Practice of International Management Science.

Professor Lee has consulted extensively for companies such as Hewlett-Packard Company, SUN Microsystems, Apple Computer, IBM, General Motors, Xilinx Corp., Andersen Consulting, Eli Lilly and Company, McKesson, Motorola, and NON-STOP Logistics Company.

Professor Lee obtained his B.Soc.Sc. degree in Economics and Statistics from the University of Hong Kong, his M.Sc. degree in Operational Research from the London School of Economics, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Operations Research from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.


Hau L. Lee

H.L. Lee, E. Feitzinger and C. Billington, "Getting Ahead of Your Competition Through Design for Mass Customization," Target, 13, 2, 1997, 8-17.

H.L. Lee and C.S. Tang, "Variabilty Reduction Through Operations Reversal in Supply Chain Re-engineering," Management Science, forthcoming.

C. Billington, H.L. Lee, C.S. Tang, "Product Rollover: Process, Strategies and Opportunities," Sloan Management Review, forthcoming.

H.L. Lee, P. Padmanabhan and S. Whang, "The Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains," Sloan Management Review, 38, 3, Spring, 1997, 93-102.

E. Feitzinger and H.L. Lee, "Mass Customization Through Postponement," Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, 1997, 116-121.

L. Kopczak and H.L. Lee, "Global Supply Chain Management: Challenges and Responses in the Asia-Pacific Region," to appear, Asian J. of Business and Information Systems.

H.L. Lee, P. Padmanabhan and S. Whang, "Information Distortion in a Supply Chain: The Bullwhip Effect," Management Science, 43, 4, 1997, 546-558.

H.L. Lee and C.S. Tang, "Modeling the Costs and Benefits of Delayed Product Differentiation" Management Science, 43, 1, 1996, 40-53.

L. Kopczak and H.L. Lee, "Hewlett-Packard: Deskjet Printer Supply Chain (A)," case published in Global Operations Management, by M.T. Flaherty, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York, 1996, 385-394.

H.L. Lee and C.S. Tang, "Managing Supply Chains with Contract Manufacturing," Asian J. of Business and Information Systems, 1, 1, 1996, 11-22.

H.L. Lee, "Effective Inventory and Service Management Through Product and Process Redesign," Operations Research, 44, 1, 1996, 151-159.

H.L. Lee and C. Billington, "Evolution of Supply Chain Management Models and Practice at Hewlett-Packard Company," Interfaces, 25, 5, 1995, 42-63.

H.L. Lee and M. Sasser, "Product Universality and Design for Supply Chain Management," Production Planning and Control: Special Issue on Supply Chain Management, 6,3, 1995, 270-277.

H.L. Lee and C. Billington, "Designing Products and Processes for Postponement," Management of Design: Engineering and Management Perspectives, edited by S. Dasu and C. Eastman, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1994, 105-122.

H.L. Lee and C. Billington, "Material Management in Decentralized Supply Chains," Operations Research, 41, 5, 1993, 835-847.

H.L. Lee, C. Billington, and B. Carter, "Hewlett-Packard Gains Control of Inventory and Service Through Design for Localization," Interfaces, 23, 4, 1993, 1-11.

D.C. Castle and H.L. Lee, "Probability-Based Supply Chain Model Stimulates Business Enterprise System from Supplier Through Final Distribution," IIE 2nd IERC Proceedings, Los Angeles, 1993, 762-766.

H.L. Lee, "Design for Supply Chain Management: Concepts and Examples," Perspectives in Operations Management: Essays in Honor of Elwood S. Buffa, edited by R. Sarin, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1993, 45-65.

H.L. Lee and C. Billington, "Managing Supply Chain Inventory: Pitfalls and Opportunities," Sloan Management Review, 33, 3, 1992, 65-73.

M.A. Cohen, P.V. Kamesam, P. Kleindorfer, H.L. Lee, and A. Tekerian, "Optimizer: IBM's Multi-Echelon Inventory System for Managing Service Logistics," Interfaces, 20, 1, 1990, 65-82.

M.A. Cohen and H.L. Lee, "Out of Touch with Customer Needs? Spare Parts and After Sales Service," Sloan Management Review, Winter, 1990, 55-66.

M.A. Cohen and H.L. Lee, "Resource Deployment Analysis of Global Manufacturing and Distribution Networks," J. of Mfg. and Oper. Mgt., 2, 2, 1989, 81-104.

M.A. Cohen and H.L. Lee, "Strategic Analysis of Integrated Production-Distribution Systems: Models and Methods," Operations Research, 36, 2, 1988, 216-228.

M.A. Cohen and H.L. Lee, "Manufacturing Strategy: Concepts and Methods," in The Management of Productivity and Technology in Manufacturing, edited by P. Kleindorfer, Plenum Publishing Co., Chapter 5, 1985, 153-188.