01/24/1970:                 Born in Düsseldorf, Germany


12/1997:                      Diplom (M. Sc.), Institute for Applied Physics, University of Düsseldorf, Germany,”Magneto and Electron Optical Hysteresis Measurements”.

Synchrotron radiation research in Daresbury (UK) and Berlin (GER).


10/2002:                      Ph.D.,Institute for Applied Physics, University of Düsseldorf, Germany, “Exchange Coupling between Co and Fe and Antiferromagnetic NiO Investigated by Dichroism X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy”

Synchrotron radiation research in Daresbury (UK), Berlin (GER), Hamburg (GER), Grenoble (FRA), Berkeley (USA) and Stanford (USA).


01/1998 - 10/1999:      Research Assistant in the group of Prof. Dr. E Kisker at the University of Düsseldorf.


07/1998 - 09/1998:      Visiting Scientist in the group of Dr. Jeffrey B. Kortright, Material Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.


10/1999 –09/2005:      Visiting Scientist in the group of Dr. Howard Padmore, Experimental Systems Group, Advanced Light Source, Berkeley.


10/1999 - 10/2002:      Research Assistant in the group of Prof. Dr. Joachim Stöhr, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, Stanford University.


10/2002 – 6/2005:       Postdoctoral Research Associate in the group of Prof. Dr. Joachim Stöhr, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, Stanford University.


6/2005 – today:            Staff Scientist at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory in the X-ray Laboratory for Advanced Materials.


1/2006 – today             Member Users’ Executive Committee at the Advanced Light Source Berkeley, currently Vice Chair – Chair elect for 2008.










Outstanding graduate research performed at the Advanced Light Source. ALS Users Meeting October 2001, Berkeley CA, USA


Gold Award at the MRS Spring meeting April 2002 in San Francisco for the conduct of outstanding graduate research in the field of materials sciences, USA.


2006 David A. Shirley Award for “Outstanding contribution in using photoemission electron microscopy for the study of magnetic materials”.




Conference Organization


1.)    1st Workshop on X-rays and Magnetism, Squaw Valley CA, USA, April 14th-18th 2003


2.)    2nd Workshop on X-rays and Magnetism, Squaw Valley CA, USA, April 1th-16th 2004


3.)    3rd Workshop on X-rays and Magnetism, Stateline NV, USA, April 3rd-7th 2005


4.)    Advanced Light Source Users Meeting 2006


5.)    Scanning transmission x-ray microscopy and environmental science, July 9th-10th 2007, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory



Memberships in Societies:



1.) Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft since 1996


2.) European Physical Society since 1996


3.) American Physical Society since 1999


4.) Charter Member of the California Section of the American Physical Society (2000)








1.)    Member of the proposal review group at the Advanced Light Source since 2006.


2.)    Since 2002 referee reports for Phys. Rev Lett (14) , Phys Rev B (6), Applied Phys. Lett (2), Journal of Applied Phyiscs (2) , Review of Scientific Instruments, Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (7) , Surface science (1), Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology (1), total of 34.






The number of citations (January 2007) is marked in parenthesis. The total number of citations is 522.


Articles in peer reviewed journals as a first author (297 citations):


1.) Magnetic moment of Mn in the ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga0.98Mn0.02)As (52)

H. Ohldag, V.Solinus, F.U.  Hillebrecht, J.B. Goedkoop, M. Finazzi, F. Matsukura, H. Ohno

Appl. Phys. Lett 76(20), 2000,  pp.2928-30


2.) Spin Reorientation at the Antiferromagnetic NiO(001) Surface in Response to an Adjacent Ferromagnet (96)

H. Ohldag, A. Scholl, F. Nolting, S. Anders, F.U. Hillebrecht and J. Stohr

Phys. Rev. Lett. 86(13), 2001, pp 2878-2881.


3.)  Surface antiferromagnetism of NiO studied by photoemission microscopy (0)

H. Ohldag, N.B. Weber, C. Bethke and F.U. Hillebrecht

Jour. Elec. Spec., 114-116, 2001, pp. 765.


4.) Spectroscopic Identification and Direct Imaging of Interfacial Magnetic Spins (66)

H. Ohldag, T.J. Regan, J. Stöhr, A. Scholl, F. Nolting, J. Lüning, C. Stamm, S. Anders and R.L. White

Phys. Rev Lett 87(24), 2001, pp. 7201.


5.) Observation of In-Plane Magnetization Reversal Using Polarization Dependent Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect (4)

H. Ohldag, N.B. Weber, F.U. Hillebrecht and E. Kisker.

Journal of Applied Physics, 91(4) p. 2228 (2001).


6.) Correlation between exchange bias and pinned interfacial spins (78)

H. Ohldag, A. Scholl, F. Nolting, E. Arenholz, S. Maat, A.T. Young, M. Carey, J Stöhr
Phys. Rev.Lett. vol.91, no.1, p.017203/1-4 (2003)

7.) Parallel versus Antiparallel Interfacial Coupling in Exchange Biased Co/FeF2 (1)

H. Ohldag, H. Shi, E. Arenholz, J. Stöhr and D. Lederman

Phys. Rev. Lett, vol. 96 p. 027203 (2006)


8.) p-Electron Ferromagnetism in Metal-Free Carbon Probed by Soft X-Ray Dichroism (0)

H. Ohldag, T. Tyliszczak, R. Höhne, D. Spemann, P. Esquinazi, M. Ungureanu and T. Butz

Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett, October 2006



Articles in peer reviewed journals as an author with significant contributions (152 citations):



9.) Magnetic Moments at the Surface of Antiferromagnetic NiO(100) (45)

F. U. Hillebrecht, H. Ohldag, N.B. Weber, C. Bethke, U. Mick, M Weiss and J. Bahrdt

Phys. Rev Lett. 86(15), 2001, pp. 3419-3422


10.)  Chemical Effects at Metal/Oxide Interfaces Studied By X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (71)

T.J. Regan, H. Ohldag, C. Stamm, F.Nolting, J. Lüning, J. Stöhr and R.L White.

Phys. Rev. B. 64(21), 2001, pp 4422.


11) X-Ray photoemission electron microscopy, a tool for the investigation of complex magnetic structures (22)

A. Scholl, H. Ohldag, F. Nolting, J. Stohr and H.A. Padmore.

Rev. Sci. Inst. 73(3), pp. 1362 (2002).


12) Measurement of local magnetic fields in photoelectron emission microscopy by restriction of the electron beam (2)

S.A Nepijko, N.N. Sedov, H. Ohldag and E. Kisker.

Rev. Sci. Inst. 73(3), pp 1224 (2002)


13.) Magnetostrictive domain walls in antiferromagnetic NiO (12)
N.B. Weber, H. Ohldag, H. Gomonaj, F.U. Hillebrecht
Phys. Rev. Lett. vol.91, no.23, p.237205/1-4 (2003)

14.) Creation of an antiferromagnetic exchange spring (13)
A. Scholl, M. Liberati, E. Arenholz, H. Ohldag, J. Stöhr
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 92, no.24, p.247201/1-4 (2004)


15.) Direct Imaging of Asymmetric Magnetization Reversal in Exchange-Biased Fe/MnPd Bilayers by X-Ray Photoemission Electron Microscopy (8)

P. Blomqvist, K. Krishnan and H. Ohldag

Phys. Rev. Lett, vol 90, no 10. p 107203 (2005)


16.) Mn L32 x-ray absorption and magnetic circular dichroism in ferromagnetic  Ga1-xMnxP (1)

P. R. Stone, M. A. Scarpulla, R. Farshchi, I. D. Sharp, E. E. Haller, O. D. Dubon, K. M. Yu, J. W. Beeman, E. Arenholz, J. D. Denlinger and H. Ohldag

Appl. Phys. Lett, vol. 89, no 1. p. 12504-1-3 (2006).




Articles in peer reviewed journals as a contributing author (41 citations):


17.) Transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect of Fe at the Fe 3p threshold (9)

M. Pretorius, J. Friedrich, A. Ranck, M. Schroeder, J. Voss, V. Wedemeier, D. Spanke, D. Knabben, I. Rozhko, H. Ohldag, F.U. Hillebrecht and E. Kisker.

Phys.Rev B 55(21), 1997, pp.14133-5


18.) Sigmalike phase and nanoscale segregation in polycrystalline FexCr1-x films: an element-resolved magnetic and structural study (18)

J.B. Kortright, S. Kim, and H. Ohldag,

Phys. Rev. B 61(1), 2000, pp. 64-67.


19.) Determination of the antiferromagnetic spin axis in epitaxial LaFeO3 films by x-ray magnetic linear dichroism spectroscopy (9)
J. Lüning, F. Nolting, A. Scholl, H. Ohldag, J.W. Seo, J. Fompeyrine, J.P. Locquet, J. Stöhr
Phys. Rev B,  vol.67, no.21, p.214433 (2003)

20.) Domain-size-dependent exchange bias in Co/LaFeO3 (5)
A. Scholl, F. Nolting, J.W. Seo, H. Ohldag, J Stöhr, S. Raoux, J.P. Locquet, J. Fompeyrine
Appl. Phys. Lett., vol.85, no.18, p.4085-7 (2004)

21.) Observation and resonant x-ray optical interpretation of multi-atom resonant photoemission effects in O 1s emission from NiO.

N. Mannella, S.-H. Yang, B. S. Mun, F. J. Garcia de Abajo, A. W. Kay, B. C. Sell, M. Watanabe, H. Ohldag, E. Arenholz, A. T. Young, Z. Hussain, M. A. Van Hove and C. S. Fadley.

Phys. Rev. B, vol. 74, no 16 ,p 165106-1-11 (2006)


22.) XMCD on Heusler Alloys

R. D. Kelekar, H. Ohldag and B.M. Clemens

Phys. Rev B (2007)


Articles in scholarly  books and journals:


Imaging of Antiferromagnetic Domains by Linear Magnetic Dichroism in Photoemission Microscopy of NiO(100)

H. Ohldag, N.B. Weber, C. Bethke, U. Mick, F. U. Hillebrecht, M Weiss and J. Bahrdt

Synchrotron Radiation News 13(6), 2000, pp 25-32


Magnetic Structure and Coupling at Ferromagnet-Antiferromagnet Interfaces: Studies with Polarization Dependent PEEM

A. Scholl, H. Ohldag, F. Nolting, S. Anders, and J. Stöhr

in Magnetic Microscopies of Nanostructures edited by H. Hopster, H P Oepen, Springer (2005)


Articles in conference proceedings



1.) Imaging of Antiferromagnetic Domains  at surfaces and interfaces using dichroism XPEEM

H. Ohldag, A. Scholl, J. Stohr, T.J. Regan, N.B. Weber, F. Nolting, R.L. White and F.U. Hillebrecht. Magnetics Conference, 2002. INTERMAG Europe 2002. Digest of Technical Papers. 2002 IEEE International, p EB2 (2002).


2.) Exploring the microscopic origin of exchange bias with photoelectron emission microscopy (8)

A. Scholl, F. Nolting, J. Stohr, T.J. Reganm J. Luning, J.W. Seo, J.P. Loquet, J. Fompeyrine, S. Anders, H. Ohldag and H.A. Padmore.

Proceedings of the Eighth Joint Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Intermag Conference, 7-11 Jan. 2001, San Antonio, TX, USA,

Jour. Appl. Phys. 89(11), pp 7266 (2001)


4.) Studies of the magnetic structure at the ferromagnet-antiferromagnet interface (0)

A. Scholl, F. Nolting, J. Stohr, J. Luning, J.W. Seo, J.P. Locquet, J. Fompeyrine, S. Anders, H. Ohldag and H.A. Padmore.

Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure. XAFS XI, 26-31 July 2000, Ako, Japan
Journ. Synch. Rad., 8(2), 2001, pp.101.


5.) Magnetization imaging using scanning transmission x-ray microscopy (1)

J.B. Kortright, S. Kim, H. Ohldag, G. Meigs, and T. Warwick,

X-ray Microscopy: Proceedings of 6th International Conference of the X-ray Microscopy,

August 2-6,1999, Berkeley USA.






Invited Talks at Conferences and Workshops:



1.) “Magnetic Coupling In Antiferromagnetic/Ferromagnetic Sandwiches – A Spectromicroscopy Study”

CRISM Review Meeting, Stanford CA, USA, February 2001


2.) “Interface magnetic structure of Co/NiO

Highlights of young researchers, ALS Users Meeting, October 2001, Berkeley USA


3.) “Magnetic Coupling At Antiferromagnetic/Ferromagnetic Interfaces – A Spectromicroscopy Study”

XRMS01 Workshop, December 2001, Halle, Germany.


4.) “Imaging Antiferromagnetic Domains at Surfaces and Interfaces using Dichroism XPEEM”

Intermag Europe 2002, Amsterdam The Netherlands, April 2002


5.) “Understanding Magnetic Coupling At Antiferromagnetic/Ferromagnetic Interfaces – A Spectromicroscopy Study”

Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society, San Francisco CA USA, April 2001


6.) “Interfaces and Exchange Bias – A Spectromicroscopy Study”

Workshop on prospects in magnetic oxide thin films and hetero-structures, Versailles, France, May 2002


7.) “Spectromicroscopy of Magnetic Interfaces using XPEEM”

7th International Conference on X-Ray Micrsoscopy, Grenoble France, July/August 2002


8.) “Polarized X-rays and Magnetic Interfaces”,

49th AVS International Syposium, November 2002, Denver CO, USA.


9.) “Imaging Compensated and Uncompensated Magnetic Order Using Polarized X-Rays“

7th International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation, Hiroshima Japan, March 2003


10.) “Nanomagnetism and Polarized X-rays”

Workshop on Future Directions of the Advanced Photon Source, September 2004, Lake Geneva, WI USA


11.) “Exchange Bias and X-rays”

1st International Workshop on Exchange Bias, September 2004 Anglet France



12.) “XPEEM Imaging of exchange coupled Antiferromagnets

3rd International Workshop on Nanoscale Spectroscopy and Nanotechnology, University of Maryland, College Park MD USA, December 2004.


13.) “X-Ray Studies of the Dynamic Magnetic Nanoworld

MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA  USA, November 2005


14.) “Soft X-ray Microscopy at the SSRL”

Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory 2006 Users’ Meeting, Stanford, USA, October 2006


15.) “How X-rays helped to solve the mystery of Exchange Bias”

Advanced Light Source, 2006 Users’ Meeting, Berkeley, USA October 2006


16.) “X-ray Imaging of Magnetic Nanomagnets

Annual workshop of the Center for Magnetic Nanotechnology, Stanford USA, December 2006


17.) “A Soft X-ray STXM for the study of magnetic and correlated Materials a the SSRL”,

Workshop for the development of next generation STXM, December 2006, Bodega Bay, USA




Invited Seminars at various institutions



1.) “Imaging Coupled Antiferromagnetic/Ferromagnetic Domain Structure Using Photoemission Electron Microscopy”

Department of Material Science and Engineering, Stanford University, June 2000


2.) “A Close Look At Antiferromagnetic/Ferromagnetic Interfaces – A Spectromicroscopy Study”

Swiss Light Source, Switzerland, December 2001.


3.) “Shining Light on Magnetic Interfaces - X-Ray Photoemission Electron Spectromicroscopy”,

Monthly seminar of the Santa Clara Valley IEEE Magnetics Society, Milpitas CA USA, September 2002.


4.) “Magnetische Grenzflaechen ins Licht gerueckt”

Seminar BESSY2 Synchrotron, Berlin Germany. January 2003


5.) “Imaging Compensated and Uncompensated Magnetic Order Using Polarized X-Rays“

Seminar at National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Hsintchu, Taiwan, March 2003.


6.) “Science and Fun with Polarized X-rays”

University of Duisburg, Duisburg, Germany, October 2003.


7.) “Things you always wanted to do with polarized X-rays”

University of Utrecht, October 2003, Utrecht, The Netherlands, October 2003.


8.) “Things you always wanted to do with polarized X-rays”

Condensed Matter Physics Seminar, Physics Department at the University of Texas in Austin, USA, April 2005


9.) “Got X-rays?”

Chemical and Material Sciences Seminar, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, Stanford USA, April 2005


10.) “Got X-rays?”

National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Brookhaven NY, USA, December 2005.


11.) “TBD”

IBM Almaden Research Center February 2007



Contributed Presentations at Conferences:



1.)  “Element specific investigation of magnetic domains on Fe and Fe/Co thin film systems using Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscope”

Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, Munster Germany, March 1999


2.) “Imaging magnetic domains on microstructured Fe and Co stripes using PEEM”

Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, Munster Germany, March 1999


3.)  “Magnetic Moments of Mn in (Ga(-xMnx)As”

44th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, San Jose CA, USA August 1999


4.) “Magnetic Moments of Mn in (Ga(-xMnx)As”

Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, Munster Germany, March 2000


5.)  “Imaging antiferromagnetic domains on NiO(001) using PEEM”

Spring Meeting of the German Physics Society (DPG), Munster Germany, March 2000


6.)  “Investigating Exchange coupling in Co/NiO(001) using XPEEM”

2nd PEEM/LEEM Workshop, Paris France, October 2000


7.) “Direct observation of parallel magnetic coupling in Co/Nio(001)”

8th joint MMM-Intermag Conference, San Antonio TXUSA, January 2001


8.) “Magnetic Coupling In Antiferromagnetic/Ferromagnetic Sandwiches – A Spectromicroscopy Study”

Inaugural Spring Meeting of the California Section of the APS, Irvine CA USA, March 2001


9.) “Chemical and Magnetic Characterization of Buried Antiferromagnet-Ferromagnet Interfaces Using Polarization Dependent Photoemission Electron Spectromicroscopy.”

61st Physical Electronics Conference, June 2001, Taos NM, USA.

(Contribution to the Nottingham Competition)


10.) “Unordinary X-ray Dichroism”

4th International PEEM/LEEM workshop in Enschede, The Netherlands, May 2003


11.) “P-sec Magnetization Dynamics of Vortices Probed at High Spatial Resolution”

4th International PEEM/LEEM workshop in Enschede, The Netherlands, May 2003


12.) “Interfacial Magnetism in Co/FeF2 Thin Films”

9th Joint MMM/INTERMAG Conference, Anaheim CA, USA, January 2004


13.) “Parallel Versus Antiparallel Interfacial Coupling In Exchange-biased Co/FeF2

American Physical Society March Meeting, Los Angeles CA, USA, March 2005


14.) “Dichroism Soft X-ray Absorption Spectromicroscopy and Antiferromagnetic Surface and Interfaces”

X-Ray Microscopy XRM05, Himeji Japan, July 2005


15.) “Parallel versus Antiparallel Coupling in Exchange Biased Co/FeF2”

MMM Conference, San Jose USA, October 2005.


16.) “Dichroism Soft X-ray Absorption Spectromicroscopy and Antiferromagnetic

Surfaces and Interfaces”

SRMS-5 Conference, Chicago IL, USA, July 2006


17.) “Dichroism Soft X-ray Absorption Spectromicroscopy and Antiferromagnetic

Surfaces and Interfaces”

XAFS-13 Conference, Stanford CA, USA, July 2006


18.) “Dichroism Soft X-ray Absorption Spectromicroscopy and Antiferromagnetic

Surfaces and Interfaces”

10th Joint MMM/Intermag Conference Baltimore MD, USA, January 2007


19.) “Ferromagnetic Order in Metal Free Carbon at Room Temperature”

10th Joint MMM/Intermag Conference Baltimore MD, USA, January 2007


20.) “Dichroism Soft X-ray Absorption Spectromicroscopy and Antiferromagnetic

Surfaces and Interfaces”

2007 APS March Meeting, Denver CO, USA, March 2007


21.) “Ferromagnetic Order in Metal Free Carbon at Room Temperature”

2007 APS March Meeting, Denver CO, USA, March 2007