[1] "Radio Address 1" [1] " of the President to the Nation For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary October 13 2001 of the President to the Nation Listen to the President s Remarks THE PRESIDENT Good morning This week we opened some important new fronts in the war on terror We re taking the war to the enemy and we are strengtheni ng our defenses here at home In last weeks radio address I warned that time was running out f or the Taliban to turn over the terrorists they shelter They did not listen and they are paying a price On Sunday American and British forces launched strikes at terrorist camps and Taliban mi litary targets in Afghanistan Our men and women in uniform are performing as they always do with s kill and courage And they have achieved the goals of the first phase of our campaign We have disru pted the terrorist network inside Afghanistan We have weakened the Taliban s military And we have crippled the Taliban s air defenses American forces dominate the skies over Afghanistan and we will use that dominance to make sure terrorists can no longer freely use Afghanistan as a base of operations This campaign will not be completed in one attack Our enemy prefers to attack the helpless He hides from our soldiers But we re making a determined effort to take away his hiding p laces The best defense against terrorism is a strong offensive against terrorists That work contin ues At the same time we are taking further action to strengthen our protections against terro rism here at home This week I signed an executive order creating a new Office of Homeland Security The Office is headed by a skilled and tested leader former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge G overnor Ridge is a decorated Vietnam combat veteran He s an effective executive and he knows what w e re up against because his own state was one of the three where Americans died on September the 11 th Governor Ridge is charged with coordinating a comprehensive national effort to protect our country against terrorism to frustrate terrorists plans to help protect vulnerable points and to prepare our response to potential threats Tom Ridge will report directly to me and he will have t he full support of our entire government I understand that many Americans are feeling uneasy B ut all Americans should be assured We are taking strong precautions we are vigilant we are determ ined the country is alert and the great power of the American nation will be felt Our nation is grateful to so many Americans who are rallying to our cause and preparing for the struggle ahead FBI agents intelligence officers emergency response workers public health authorities state and local officials our diplomats abroad law enforcement teams who safeguard our security at home an d soldiers sailors marines and airmen who defend us so far away Many others are asking What can I do Americans already contribute to the war on terror by their patience and patriotism by the ir resolve and generosity Yet I have one more task one especially for America s children I u rge you to show the best of America by directly helping the children of Afghanistan who are sufferi ng from the oppression and misrule of their own government Many are malnourished many are starving Put a dollar in an envelope Mark it America s Fund for Afghan Children and send it here t o the White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington DC 20509 1600 Working with the American R ed Cross we will get that money to Afghan children in need This is something the children of A merica can do for the children of Afghanistan even as we oppose the brutal Taliban regime We will oppose their evil with firm justice and we will answer their hatred with compassion for the Afghan people Thank you for listening END [1] "Radio Address 2" [1] " President Discusses Dept of Homeland Security in For Immediate Release Office of t he Press Secretary November 16 2002 President Discusses Dept of Homeland Security in by the President to the Nation Audio Fact Sheet TH E PRESIDENT Good morning This was a productive week in the war against terror both at home and abroad Congress returned to Washington with renewed energy and a commitment to make progress on ke y issues Members of the House and Senate reached a crucial agreement to create a new department of homeland security With Congress vote on the final legislation America will have a single agency with the full time duty of protecting our people against attack This new department will focus a nd unify responsibilities that are now spread among dozens of government agencies The Customs Serv ice the INS the Coast Guard the Federal Emergency Management Agency the Transportation Security Administration and many others will report to the new secretary of homeland security The departme nt will significantly improve our ability to protect our borders our coasts and our communities It will pool together the best intelligence information and coordinate our response The new depart ment will help develop the technology America needs to detect and defeat chemical biological and n uclear threats And under the agreement reached this week I will have the authority and flexibilit y to move people and resources to where they are needed without bureaucratic rules and lengthy labor negotiations This compromise is the result of months of hard work and negotiation and it will t ake additional time to put the agreement into place The threat of terror will be with us for years to come and we remain resolved to see this conflict through to its end In the department of hom eland security we ll have good people well organized and well equipped working day and night to o ppose the serious dangers of our time Now that we have reached broad agreement on a homeland secur ity bill I look forward to signing it into law as soon as possible We re committed to defending the nation Yet wars are not won on the defensive The best way to keep America safe from terroris m is to go after terrorists where they plan and hide And that work goes on around the world The United States is working with more than 90 countries to disrupt and defeat terror networks So far we have frozen more than 113 million in terrorist assets denying them the means to finance their murder We ve cracked down on charities that were exploiting American compassion to fund terrorists We have captured and interrogated thousands of terrorists while others have met their fate in ca ves and mountains in Afghanistan We ve deployed troops to train forces in the Philippines and Yeme n the former Soviet Republic of Georgia and other nations where terrorists have gathered We re s ending a clear message to the enemies of freedom no terrorist will escape the patient justice of Am erica To win the war on terror we re also opposing the growing threat of weapons of mass destruc tion in the hands of outlaw regimes This week the dictator of Iraq told the U N he would give we apons inspectors unrestricted access to his country We ve heard such pledges before and they have been uniformly betrayed America and the world are now watching Saddam Hussein closely Any act of defiance or delay will indicate that he is taking the path of deception once again and this time t he consequences would be severe Our goal is not merely the return of inspectors to Iraq our goal is the disarmament of Iraq The dictator of Iraq will give up his weapons of mass destruction or the United States will lead a coalition to disarm him Our war against terrorists and their suppor ters is advancing on all fronts We re moving aggressively to protect our people and to oppose a gr eat threat to the peace of the world Thank you for listening END