Welcome to Stanford Law School's First Online Paper

Law and Finance
in the Digital Domain

Prepared by Alex H. Benn
For Professor Joseph Grundfest's Class in
Advanced Topics in Law and Business
May 14, 1995

Welcome to this experimental venture into the electronic publishing of student legal research. I have undertaken this project with the conception that much of the information I sought to convey would have been relegated to obscure Uniform Resource Locator (URL) footnotes, never to be viewed. By providing this paper in an online form, not only will the resources be readily available, but they will update themselves as the underlying information is revised.

Before we "enter" the paper, I feel it my duty as a budding lawyer to offer two important disclaimers.

And now, on with the show...

Would you prefer to begin with

the next "linear" topic,

or the table of contents?

© 1995 Alex H. Benn