dan's lab (and see the stanford nlp group)


phd students


  • Kawin Ethayarajh (PhD Computer Science, 2024)
  • Isabel Papadimitriou (PhD Computer Science 2024, now Kempner Fellow, Harvard / incoming assistant professor, UBC Linguistics Sep 2025)
  • Federico Bianchi (Postdoc Computer Science 2023-2024, now at Xyla)
  • Nay San (PhD Linguistics 2024, now at Rime)
  • Yiwei Luo (PhD Linguistics 2023, co-advised by Beth Levin)
  • Peter Henderson (PhD Computer Science 2023, now Assistant Professor, Princeton)
  • Anjalie Field (Computer Science and Stanford Data Science postdoc, co-advised by Jennifer Eberhardt, now Assistant Professor, JHU)
  • Lily Clifford (Linguistics, at Rime)
  • Esin Durmus (Computer Postdoc Science 2020-2, co-advised by Tatsu Hashimoto, now at Anthropic)
  • Eva Portelance (PhD Linguistics 2022, co-advised by Michael Frank, now Assistant Professor, Decision Sciences, HEC Montréal)
  • Dora Demszky (PhD Linguistics 2022, now Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Education, Stanford)
  • Valentin Hofmann (Linguistics, visiting student Autumn 2022)
  • Martijn Bartelds (Linguistics, visiting student Autumn 2022)
  • Michael Hahn (PhD Linguistics 2022, co-advised by Judith Degen, now Assistant Professor (W2) at the Department of Language Science and Technology at Saarland University,
  • Justine Zhang (Postdoc Computer Science 2021-2022 co-advised by Jennifer Eberhardt, now Assistant Professor of Information, University of Michigan)
  • Dan Iter (PhD Computer Science 2022, now Senior Research Scientist, Microsoft)
  • Dallas Card (Postdoc Computer Science 2019-2021, co-advised by Dan McFarland, now Assistant Professor of Information, University of Michigan)
  • Eugenia Rho (Postdoc Computer Science 2020-2021, co-advised by Jennifer Eberhardt, now Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Virginia Tech)
  • Urvashi Khandelwal (PhD Computer Science 2021, now Research Scientist, Google Brain)
  • Reid Pryzant (PhD Computer Science 2021, now Senior Research Scientist, Microsoft)
  • Vivek Kulkarni (Postdoc Computer Science 2019-20, co-advised by Dan McFarland, now at Grammarly)
  • Juan Ignacio Cases Martin (PhD Linguistics, 2020, co-advised by Chris Potts), now postdoc at MIT
  • Kyle Mahowald (Postdoc Computer Science 2019-20 (co-advised by Dan McFarland), now Assistant Professor of Linguistics, UT Austin
  • Rob Voigt (MA Asian Studies 2013, PhD Linguistics 2019, Postdoc Computer Science 2020, now Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Northwestern University)
  • Nathan Dass (MS Computer Science 2019, now Senior Software Engineer, Google AI)
  • Julia Mendelsohn (MS Computer Science 2019, now PhD student, U Michigan)
  • Simon Todd (PhD Linguistics 2019, now Assistant Professor of Linguistics, UC Santa Barbara)
  • Ziang Xie (PhD Computer Science 2018)
  • Vinod Prabhakaran (Postdoc 2015-2018, now at Google Research)
  • Will Hamilton (PhD Computer Science 2018, now Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at McGill University and Senior Quantitative Researcher at Citadel LLC)
  • Jiwei Li (PhD Computer Science 2017, now at shannon.ai and Zhejiang University)
  • Prateek Verma (MS Electrical Engineering 2017)
  • Diyi Yang (visiting PhD student, 2017; now Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Stanford)
  • Xiang Ren (visiting PhD student, 2017; now Associate Professor, Computer Science, USC)
  • David Jurgens (Postdoc 2015-17, now Assistant Professor, School of Information, U Michigan)
  • Yulia Tsvetkov (Postdoc 2016-17, now Assistant Professor, University of Washington)
  • Raine Hoover (MS Computer Science 2017)
  • Felix Muzny (MS Computer Science 2017, now Clinical Instructor and Graduate Student, , CS, Northeastern University)
  • Ruihong Huang (Postdoc 2014-15, now Associate Professor, CSE, Texas A&M University)
  • Andrew Maas (PhD Computer Science 2015; now at Apple)
  • Adam Vogel (Computer Science; now at SignalFire)
  • Heeyoung Lee (PhD Electrical Engineering 2015; at stealth startup)
  • Val Spitkovsky (PhD Computer Science 2013; now at Google)
  • Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil (Postdoc 2013; now Associate Professor, Department of Information Science, Cornell)
  • Dan Cer (PhD Computer Science UC Boulder 2011, Postdoc Stanford 2011-2013; now Research Scientist, Google Research)
  • Kevin Reschke (MS Computer Science 2013; )
  • Marta Recasens (Postdoc 2011-2013; now at Google Research)
  • Uriel Cohen Priva (PhD Linguistics 2012; now Associate Professor, Cognitive, Linguistic & Psychological Sciences, Brown University)
  • Richard Futrell (MA Linguistics 2012; now Associate Professor, Dept of Language Science, UC Irvine)
  • Nikhil Johri (MS Computer Science 2012; now Engineering Manager, Facebook)
  • Steven Woonyeon Yoo (MS Computer Science 2012; now at Meta)
  • Ellie Ash (BA Linguistics 2012; now doctoral student, BU)
  • Yves Peirsman (Postdoc, 2010-2011; now at Deontic)
  • Justine Kao (BA Symbolic Systems 2011; now, post-PhD, Data Science Manager at Facebook AI)
  • Nate Chambers (PhD Computer Science 2011; now Associate Professor, Computer Science Department, US Naval Academy)
  • Steven Bethard (Postdoc, 2009-2010; now Associate Professor, University of Arizona)
  • Yun-Hsuan Sung (PhD Electrical Engineering 2010; now at Google)
  • Rajesh Ranganath (MS Computer Science 2009; now Assistant Professor, NYU )
  • Yuan Zhao D'Antilio (PhD Linguistics 2009)
  • Inbal Arnon (PhD Linguistics 2009; now Professor of Psychology, Hebrew University)
  • Rion Snow (PhD Computer Science 2009)
  • David Hall (MA Symbolic Systems; now Research Engineering Lead at Stanford CRFM / Stanford HAI)
  • Sebastian Padó (Postdoc, 2007-2009; now Professor für Computerlinguistik , Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, Universität Stuttgart)
  • Huihsin Tseng (PhD Linguistics, CU Boulder, 2008)
  • Jason M. Brenier (PhD Linguistics, CU Boulder, 2008, now at Georgian Partners)
  • Sharon Goldwater (Postdoc, 2006-2008; now Professor, School of Informatics University of Edinburgh)
  • Thad Hughes (MS Computer Science, 2007; now at AbCellera)
  • Surabhi Gupta (MS Computer Science, 2007; now Head of Engineering, Robinhood)
  • Ani Nenkova (Postdoc, 2006-2007; now Associate Professor, Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania)
  • Florian Jaeger (PhD, Linguistics, 2006; now Professor, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, University of Rochester)
  • Connie Davidson (née Clarke) (Postdoc, 2005-2006)
  • Jiahong Yuan (Postdoc, 2004-2005; now Professor at University of Science and Technology of China)
  • Noah Coccaro (PhD Computer Science, CU Boulder, 2005; )
  • Mona Diab (Postdoc, 2004-2005; now Lead Responsible AI Research Scientist at Meta
  • Keith Herold (MA Linguistics, CU Boulder, 2001; now Technical Program Manager at Facebook)
  • Valerie Nygaard (Linguistics, CU Boulder and Stanford; now Director of Product Management, Google)
  • Doug Roland (PhD Linguistics, CU Boulder, 2001; Now Associate Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
  • Michelle Gregory (PhD Linguistics, CU Boulder, 2001; now Senior Vice President of Data Science at [24]7.ai)
  • Patrick Schone (PhD Computer Science, CU Boulder, 2001; now principle engineering researcher at FamilySearch)