"Late-Talking Children is a wonderful book. For lovers of medical mysteries, Sowell has an eye for telling detail that one sees in only the finest clinical observers. For parents of children with language problems, he combines a compassionate first-person account with sound, clearheaded advice. For scientists and professionals, he offers provocative data with possibly profound implications for our understanding of language, mind, brain, and genes. And it is all done in Sowell's style: indefatigably researched, sharply reasoned, and beautifully written."

--STEVEN PINKER, Director of the Center for Cognitive Neurosciences, M.I.T., and author of The Language Instinct and How the Mind Works

Available from bookstores or directly from HarperCollins at (800) 242-7737


A new group of parents of late-talking children is being formed by Professor Stephen M. Camarata of Vanderbilt University. He is an Associate Professor of psychology and director of the Scottish Rite Child Language Disorder Center. In addition to his professional interest in this area, he has a late-talking son and was himself a late talker. Whether to join this group or for other information regarding late-talking children, Professor Camarata can be contacted at:

Division of Hearing and Speech Science
School of Medicine
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennessee 37232-8700


John and Thomas Sowell

This is John Sowell when he was two years old and still nearly two years away from talking. Today he is 32 years old, single, and has a bachelor's degree in statistics, with a concentration in computer science. He works as a computer programmer for a multinational corporation. His hobbies include bowling, music, and creating computer games. His early childhood is discussed in Late-Talking Children by Thomas Sowell.