Composition Blues Band Complete Song List

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Composition/Wooly Bully
La Comma/La Bamba
Five Paragraphs/Pink Cadillac
Adjunct Blues/Blue Suede Shoes
Hotel Composition/Hotel California
Rhetor B. Goode/Johnny B. Goode
Born in the MLA/Born in the USA
Three to Five Sources/Wild Horses
Rhetoric Hotel/Heartbreak Hotel
Composition Hell/Heartbreak Hotel
Rhetorical Stance/Mystery Dance
Fourth Revision Blues/Folsom Prison Blues
Cuantas Palabras/Guantanamera
All I Really Want to Do
Service Learning Man/Secret Agent Man
Wired World/Wild World
Ghost Writers on the Web/Ghost Riders in the Sky
Get WAC/Get Back
Sex, Class, and Race/Chantilly Lace
WPA/That’ll Be the Day
Writing Czar/Maggie’s Farm
Born to Be Wired/Born to Be Wild
Rhetoric Never Forgets/Rock ‘n’ Roll Never Forgets
Sweet Home in Urbana/Sweet Home Alabama
Writing for Nothing/Money for Nothing
Isocrates or Cicero/Should I Stay or Should I Go
Bartholomae/Not Fade Away
Don’t Read Twice, It’s Alright/Don’t Think Twice, It’s Alright
4C’s Action/(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction
Re-Writin’/Good Lovin’
While My TA Gently Weeps/While My Guitar Gently Weeps
It’s Only Schemes and Tropes/It’s Only Rock ‘n’ Roll
Write on the Wild Side/Walk on the Wild Side
I’d Love to Change the World
Four Jobs in Ohio/Ohio
Radical Teacher Man/Son of a Preacher Man
Paint It WAC/Paint It Black
Grades Are So High/Stuck in Lodi Again
Fifty Ways You Can Discover/Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover
Everybody Must Use Modes/Rainy Day Women
Publish or Perish/I Shot the Sheriff
First Draft Is the Weakest/First Cut Is the Deepest
Smells Like Adjunct Spirit/Smells Like Teen Spirit
Writing's an Elective/Watching the Detectives
Big Old Teaching Load/In the Middle of the Road
Oy Veh, I Wish They Could Write/All Day and All of the Night
All Write Now/All Right Now


Publish or Perish ("I Shot the Sheriff")

Publish or perish, and the journals must be refereed
Publish or perish, and the books must come out steadily

All around my department
They’re trying to break me down
They say they can’t bring me through safely
If my articles are less than three
If the new work is less than three
They say

Publish or perish, with decorum and deference
Publish or perish, write nothing that will give offense

Senior colleagues always baited me
For what I don’t know
It seems that they are all agreed
They say, “Your vita is just so-so
You can’t make it here on just so-so.”
They say

Publish or perish, and the presses must have pedigrees
Publish or perish, no fly-by-nights or vanities

Review came my way one day
And the rumors were flyin’
All of a sudden I see Chairman Top Down
Aiming to shoot me down
And he shot, he shot me down
And he say,

Publish or perish, no reward for mediocrities
Publish or perish, you talk too much, like Socrates

Expectations got the better of me
And what is to be will be
Every day the prospects don’t look too swell
And one day the prospects will dry up
Yes, one day the prospects will dry up
They say

Publish or perish, and the journals must be refereed
Publish or perish, and the books must come out steadily

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First Draft Is the Weakest ("First Cut Is the Deepest")

I would have really liked to get a good start
Give you something with some substance and heart
But it ain’t much more than disjointed parts
But if you want, I’ll try to write again
Baby, I’ll try to write again cuz I know

The first draft is the weakest, baby I know
The first draft is the weakest
When it comes to being fluent, I’m cursed
When it comes to making sense, I’m the worst
Seems like every line is unrehearsed
That’s how I know
The first draft is the weakest, baby I know
The first draft is the weakest

I still have to choose a side
Just to help me know which views to deride
Got no point, got no reasons why
But if you want, I’ll try to write again
Baby, I’ll try to write again, cuz I know

The first nut is the thesis, baby I know
The first nut is the thesis
When it comes to being focused, I’m cursed
When it comes to staking claims, I’m the worst
Seems like every point has been dispersed
That’s how I know

The first draft is the weakest, baby I know
The first draft is the weakest

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Smells Like Adjunct Spirit ("Smell Like Teen Spirit")

It’s adjunct fun
It never ends
You get to choose
We get to bend
No long accord
Nothing assured
I know, I know
You’re quite concerned

Hell, no (16 times)

Got no rights now
We’re not dangerous
Here we are now
Underpay us
We do good work
For low wages
Here we are now
Underpay us
We ain’t got no
Nowhere to go
We can’t get no
No quid pro quo

We’re cursed for what we do best
Like knock off jeans we’ve been distressed
This adjunct group has always been
We’ll be right here until the end

Got no rights now…

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Writing's an Elective ("Watching the Detectives")

Nice plan, just one little defect
Selling a course they must elect
No more ensured enrollment
No more first-year requirement

Now that writing’s an elective
There’s no loot
Now that writing’s an elective
We’re so moot, moot, moot, moot
We acted up and then we got too smart
Now we’ve been booted, yeah, we’ve got no part

Back then we should have seen the signs
Critiques and quibbles up and down the line
All so disgusted by the status quo
Eminent voices saying “We got to close”
They said “We can no longer aid or abet it”
Now abolition’s here, we may soon regret it
We don’t know how much more of this they will take
We’re scheduling sections but they’re not going to make


We’re alone now and we realize we’re finished
We still staff the standard courses but the staff will be diminished
They call it market logic when we’re below enrollment limits
Someone’s laughing at our problems cause we screwed up our business
We don’t know what to say to the TAs and adjuncts
Who are ready to hear the worst about their sections’ disappearance
It took a lot of history to make things this way
It only took our middle finger to blow it away


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Big Old Teaching Load ("In the Middle of the Road")

Got a big old teaching load
It’s starting to grind me
I’m standing in the middle of life with my dreams behind me
Go the extra mile for every one I teach
As long as they don’t try showing up late
Or using the Web just to cheat

Now come on baby
I’m in crisis mode
Come on now
Got a big old teaching load, yeah

With a big old teaching load you see the darnedest things
Sleepy eyes drooping down and sneers without pity
Staring at your bloodshot eyes and old shoes
Give you outdated research loaded with fibs
Oh, I don’t see a line I want to read
When you teach a big chunk of the writing third world
The typos just come with the scenery

Now come on baby…

A big old teaching load is like anvils in a sack
I can’t get from the desk to the car
Without stopping to straighten my pack
All their words are readymade
When I get home, I have to grade
No ivory tower Ph.D.
I tend the kids, all ninety-three

Got a big old teaching load
Come on now

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NortonReaderVille ("Margaritaville")

Scanning the book case
Which one should I take
All of those readers claim they’re ideal
Promising great things
Higher order awakenings
Got to decide which one’s for real

Making my way again through Norton Reader Ville
Looking for a text to make them exult
Some students claim all the selections are lame
But I know it’s their own damn fault

Lately I’m leaning
Towards Ways of Reading
No harm in assigning a theory or two
Now the students are brooding
It’s too high-faluting
And what it all means they haven’t a clue

Making my way again through Norton Reader Ville…

Maybe I’ll flip out
Step over to pop cult
Assign all the things they watch when they’re home
Simpsons they’ll remember
Sopranos dismembered
That media option will help them hang on

Making my way again through Norton Reader Ville…

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Oy Veh, I Wish They Could Write ("All Day and All of the Night")

I’d be content to read their work in the daytime
Seems I have to read their work all of the time
The only time I sleep at night is by desk side
Seems I have to read their work all of the time
Oy veh, I wish they could write
Oy veh, I’ll be up all night
Oy veh, I wish they could write

I believe that every theme lasts forever
Out of a thousand million words, ten are clever
The only time I sleep at night is by desk side
Seems I have to read their work all of the time
Oy veh, I wish they could write
Oy veh, I’ll be up all night
Oy veh, I wish they could write

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All Write Now ("All Right Now")

There I sat in my seat
Idling from my head to my feet
I said, “Hey, what is this?
Who gives out a twelve page syllabus?”
She said, “Hey, share your name, baby,
Maybe you can try things my way.
Now don’t you wait, procrastinate,
The pen must move, this process is your fate.”

All write now, baby, let’s all write now
All write now, baby, let’s all write now

She got right up in my face
Watching every mark on the page
I said, “Look, what’s the game, baby,
All this busy work is a shame.”
She said, “Whoa, don’t judge so fast.
Wait until the draft that’s last.”
I said, “Drafts, drafts, my ass.
Now you’re trying to make me do drafts.”

All write now, baby, let’s all write now
All write now, baby, let’s all write now

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Wired World (“Wild World”)

Now that I’ve made a website for you
You say that you’re a Webmaster too
And it’s breakin’ my heart, you’re surfin’
Baby, I’m lurkin’
But if you want to link, take good care
Hope you make a lot of nice links out there
But then a lot of nice links go dead out there

Oh, baby, baby, it’s a wired world
It’s hard to get by on a cyber-smile
Oh, baby, baby, it’s a wired world
I’ll always recall you like a file, girl

I’ve seen a lot of what the web can do
Need the latest downloads just to make it through
And I never want to see you crash, girl
A virus can thrash you
So if you want to chat, take good care
Hope you cruise a lot of nice MOOs out there
Just remember that MOOs can turn bad out there

Oh, baby, baby, it’s a wired world
It’s hard to get by on a cyber-smile
Oh, baby, baby, it’s a wired world
I’ll always recall you like a file, girl

La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la

Oh, baby, baby, it’s a wired world...

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Born to Be Wired (“Born to Be Wild”)

Turning up the power
Electronic superhighway
Virtual adventure
Grooving on-line night and day

Oh, baby, gonna make it happen
Make my world a connected place
Got real time good vibes snappin’
through cyberspace

I’m a true cyberchild
I was born, born to be wired
I’m in hyperdrive
Never gonna fry

Born to be wired
Born to be wired

Got the latest upgrades
Y2K don’t faze me
Debugged all my hardware
Yeah, I’m gonna be okay

Oh, baby, the millenium’s coming
Me Dot Com is a happy place
Gonna keep my cursor jumping
through cyberspace

I’m a true cyberchild...

Born to be wired...

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Rhetoric Never Forgets (“Rock ‘n’ Roll Never Forgets”)

You’re feelin’ so evasive
A lot less persuasive than you used to be
You always liked to argue loud
But now you’re kind of cowed by ambiguity
Now sweet reason has turned bland and dumb
You start to feelin’ tongue-tied when your turn to speak comes
You need some kind of magic to help you back into step
Be clear and adept
Well, you can come back, baby, rhetoric never forgets

Debatable problems
with probable outcomes, well, there they are
Readin’ your local newspaper
The letters of opinion make you swallow hard
Now everybody wants to set the record straight
It drives you kind of crazy, how they pontificate
You need some kind of method to help them see common sense
You need confidence
Well, you can invent proofs, baby, rhetoric never forgets

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Service Learning Man (“Secret Agent Man”)

There’s a man who plans to make some changes
Every site he scans he rearranges
Sees opportunity
In your community
Odds are he’ll be somewhere else tomorrow

Beware of pretty theories he will spout
In practice pretty theories don’t work out
His methodology
Skin-deep ethnography
Odds are he’ll be somewhere else tomorrow

Service Learning Man
Service Learning Man
He’s giving you some hours
And takin’ down your ways

He must observe to test out his assumptions
Then share his deep insights with all the bumpkins
You feel you’re under siege
By his noblesse oblige
Odds are he’ll be somewhere else tomorrow

Talk into his tape recorder one day
In a footnote with a fake name next day
He knows what’s going on
One-man panopticon
Odds are he’ll be somewhere else tomorrow

Service Learning Man
Service Learning Man
He’s giving you some hours
And taking ‘way your ways

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Fourth Revision (“Folsom Prison Blues”)

I hear that deadline comin’
It’s up around the bend
There won’t be no extension
But now I’m blocked again
I’m on that fourth revision
And I can’t do no more
I know I must keep writin’
But now I’m stuck on four

I went in for a conference
To get me some support
He eyed me without mercy
Just like a judge in court
He repeated the assignment
Just to watch me cry
It must be done by Friday
Or like a fish I’ll fry

Repeat first verse

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Cuantas Palabras (“Guantanamera”)

Soyn estudiante sincero
Y Yo trabajo bien duro
Escribo todo el dia
Terminar mi ensayo
Y antes de componer tanto
Hay un numero quiero

Cuantas palabras
Ay, dime, cuantas palabras
Cuantas palabras
Ay, dime, cuantas palabras

Second time through, echo in spoken English (plaintively)
Soyn estudiante sincero (I am a student sincere)
Y Yo trabajo bien duro (And I work very hard)
Escribo todo el dia (I write all of the day)
Terminar mi ensayo (To finish my essay)
Y antes de componer tanto (And before I compose too much)
Hay un numero quiero (There is a number that I crave)

Cuantas palabras (repeat chorus)

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Writing for Nothing (“Money for Nothing”)

Look at that syllabus
I don’t want to do it
Write in the journal
for eternity
That ain’t writing
I don’t want to do it
Writing for nothing
And you call it free

That ain’t writing
That’s just exploration
If it’s not graded
The assignment’s dumb
That’s not writing
Despite your exhortations
Get all excited
But it’s zero sum

I gotta have some meaningful outcome
to motivate my discovery
Don’t want that delayed gratification
I just want my gentleman’s C

Look at the teacher’s pet
Scribbling in the margins
Teacher’s pet
writing everywhere
That little teacher’s pet
is proud of her verbiage
She’s got a screw loose
if she thinks I care

Aids to invention, you seem to have dozens
Want to midwife my delivery
Don’t want that delayed brain wave dilation
I just want to catch a few z’s

That ain’t writing
My pump don’t need primin’
Toil and trouble
Wasted energy
That ain’t writing
Rough drafts aren’t diamonds
I’m writing for nothing
And you call it free

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Writing Czar (“Maggie’s Farm”)

I ain’t gonna be the writing czar no more
I ain’t gonna be the writing czar no more
I can’t sleep at night ‘cause I overuse TAs
They’re enriched by the training if not by the pay
A few years down the road they’ll be out the door
I ain’t gonna be the writing czar no more

I ain’t gonna be the writing czar no more (2)
I sponsor program parties at least two times a year
I put out beer and pretzels and say “Glad you’re here”
Between bites they want to know when I can pay them more
I ain’t gonna be the writing czar no more

I ain’t gonna raise that writing bar no more (2)
The legislators tell us that the work must be assessed
Portfolios are costly, how about objective tests
We’ll tell you what you’re worth when we see the scores
I ain’t gonna raise that writing bar no more

I ain’t gonna be the writing czar no more (2)
After the grades are posted, complaints are all I hear
I listen to the stories, but none of them cohere
Chaos is fine in theory but not much more
I ain’t gonna be the writing czar no more

I ain’t gonna be the writing czar no more (2)
Audience and purpose are always on my mind
I clearly see my purpose but the audience is blind
What they don’t understand they just ignore
I ain’t gonna be the writing czar no more

I ain’t gonna be the writing czar no more (2)
One hundred writing teachers writing comments till they drop
The teachers may turn over but the comments never stop
And still the students’ writing is fair to poor
I ain’t gonna be the writing czar no more

I ain’t gonna be the writing czar no more (2)
I go to every conference regardless of the cost
Jim Sledd hurts my feelings by calling me a boss
when all I do is mind the company store
I ain’t gonna be the writing czar no more

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WPA (“That’ll Be the Day”)

Why do I comply
I can’t tell you why
I say I’m gonna leave
I know that’s a lie
‘Cause WPA’s never die

Curriculum’s impressive
Assessments are progressive
The kudos are excessive when I’m reviewed
They say they will release me
But all they do is tease me
Come each spring time I’m renewed

Oh, WPA…

Well, they’re fundin’ all my sections
Give me some discretion
An office, an assistant, a reduced load too
They say they love me dearly
and then they cut severely
Come next year Comp may be through

Oh, WPA...

Well, they give me some release time
Some planning and police time
The budget and the schedule and the complaints too
They say they need me sweetly
But as for tenure, we’ll see
Your publications are so few

Oh, WPA..

Repeat Chorus:
WPA (Cuckoo)
WPA (Cuckoo)
WPA (Cuckoo)
WPAs never die

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Isocrates or Cicero ("Should I Stay or Should I Go")

Am I a good man speaking well
Or am I just a hollow shell
Should I fall back, should I attack
Will these be words I must take back
Oh, you gotta let me know
Isocrates or Cicero

Why won’t this stasis let me be
Can’t let this kairos get to me
Why is this so hard to arrange
All the parts are acting strange
Do I need more inventio
Can you help me, Cicero?

All these rules are Greek to me, son
My mind is roamin’ without reason
I venture this but retract that
Pull enthymemes out of my hat
Don’t know how much I should know
Isocrates, should I just go?

Tell me how to weave my story
To institute some oratory
To get the senate on my side
Take all the people for a ride
Do I give good narratio
Should I speak or should I go

Should I speak or should I go now
Should I speak or should I go now
If I speak there may be trouble
If I go it may be double
So you gotta let me know
Isocrates or Cicero

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Hotel Composition ("Hotel California")

Got to college the hard way
SATs only fair
Saved for in-state tuition
Barely accepted there
Didn’t need no assistance
Already knew how to write
Placement required if I wanted in
No good to put up a fight

Teacher stood in the doorway
Said “I’m sure you’ll do well”
I was thinking to myself
“What the hell can this stupid test tell”
So I wrote for ten minutes
Seemed like half of the day
There were voices in the corridor
Thought I heard them say:

“Welcome to the Hotel Composition
It’s a common place
Such a solemn place
Plenty of room at the Hotel Composition
Any time of year
Lots of sections here”

When I got back my placement
It was pre-101
Though I’d done it all before
They assured me that I’d just begun
Bought the reader and handbook
Came to ninety-five big bucks
Got up at eight in the morning
Of course my attitude sucks

Finally got to the classroom
It was not a good sign
Teacher dressed like some hippie chick
from nineteen sixty-nine
She said “Don’t rush to judgment,
let dialogue lead the way”
I heard those voices in the corridor
Still could hear them say

“Welcome to the Hotel Composition
You can set the pace
It’s a safe, safe place
Plenty of room at the Hotel Composition
Open up your eyes
Dig down deep, revise”

So I drafted some essays
Peer review was assigned
She said, “Trust in each other,”
It was the blind leading the blind
Teacher wrote lots of comments
They didn’t say what to do
I tried hard to break her secret code
But her orders never came through

Finally got through the sequence
Couldn’t write anymore
Didn’t write any different
than the way I wrote before
When I turned in my folder
Swore I’d never come back
Teacher laughed and said I’d write again
A little thing she called WAC

“Welcome to the Hotel Composition
It’s a common place
Such a solemn place
Plenty of room at the Hotel Composition
Any time of year
Lots of sections here”

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Composition ("Wooly Bully")

Provost tells English
Better heed the call
Thousands of students
You will teach them all

That’s your mission
It’s tradition
It’s your mission

You’re the gatekeeper
Build the barricades
No one gets through them
without passing grades


Sharon told Bobby
Requirement’s a drag
Gotta change something
Get a brand new bag

That’s sedition
bucks tradition
and our mission

Eddie got nervous
We should stick around
It may be service
But it’s sacred ground

That’s our mission
Our tradition
Is our mission
Our tradition
Is our mission

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Three to Five Sources ("Wild Horses")

Verse: Bm, G, Bm, G, Am, C, D, G, D (twice
Chorus: Am, C, D, G, F, C, D (twice)

Research assignment
One-third of the grade
Teacher’s intention
to see of what I’m made
Now it’s the last minute
And the library’s closed
My internet connection
is kind of indisposed

Three to five sources
That’s what the guidelines say
Three to five sources
I will find them some day

My choice of topic,
which the teacher must approve
Should be in the public interest
So there’s opinion to move
So I started with abortion
‘Cause it worked back in high school
Teacher said that was off limits
So I switched to welfare rules

Three to five sources...

Evaluate assertions
Build an argument sublime
Try some academic journals
Not just Newsweek and Time
Proper form for every cite
It is called plagiarism
when you come off too erudite

Three to five sources
Three to five sources
I will cite them some day

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Ghost Writers on the Web ("Ghost Riders in the Sky")

As each semester lumbers on, the last assignment looms
Explore an issue of your choice, let innate genius bloom
But the teacher is a puzzle, each lecture sounds like Greek
Just set your browser roamin’....give free enterprise a peek

Http (http)
“W” three (“W” three)
Ghost writers on the web

We’ve got ten thousand papers here, each one is tailor-made
to satisfy the keenest eye if scrutiny is paid
Proper documentation, each assertion circumspect
Don’t even have to proofread....the spelling is correct

Http (http)
Term papers free (term papers free)
Ghost writers on the web

They say the process movement will make us obsolete
Some teachers only give a grade when process is complete
We have outlines to prove inquiry, journal entries for each day
We even have some early drafts, evolving straight to “A”

Http (http)
Process pain-free (process pain-free)
Ghost writers on the web

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Fifty Ways You Can Discover ("Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover")

The thoughts are there inside your head, teach said to me
Invention is easy if you take it logically
Try these heuristics, you can call them strategies
There must be fifty ways you can discover

Don’t you sit lost in thought, just waiting for the muse
If you trust to inspiration, then the chances are you’ll lose
I’ll give you options, then it’s up to you to choose
There must be fifty ways you can discover
Fifty ways you can discover

Develop the knack, Jack
Make a new plan, Stan
Use the topoi, Roy
Just set your mind free

Try the pentad, Brad
Freewrite till it’s not bad
Idea tree, Lee
Just set your mind free

She said it grieves me so to see you stuck again
But there’s something I can do to help you move the pen
I said I appreciate that, but would you please extend
The deadline day?

She said why won’t you take the leap of faith and write
And I believe that with some brainstorms you’ll begin to see the light
Then she dismissed me, and I realized I’d have to get real tight
With those fifty ways you can discover
Fifty ways you can discover

Develop the knack, Jack…

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Everybody Must Use Modes ("Rainy Day Women")

Narration when you have to tell a tale
Description when you must have more detail
Exposition when your facts are on parade
Persuasion when your aim is to persuade
Old man Montaigne just hit the road
Everybody must use modes

They’ll mode you when it’s causes you assess
They’ll mode you when you discern more from less
They’ll mode you when you draw a clear contrast
They’ll mode you when you compare first and last
How can you tell the tadpoles from the toads
Everybody must use modes

They’ll mode you when you must define your terms
They’ll mode you when you classify earthworms
They’ll mode you when the sets must be discrete
They’ll mode you when your sets must be complete
How can you tell the line’s been toed
Everybody must use modes

Modes are with you when you get up out of bed
Modes reflect the way things are inside your head
Modes are with you when you sit down in your seat
Modes are with you when you’re tappin’ out a beat
It’s how your brain arranges heavy loads
Everybody must use modes

They’ll mode you when you want to find an answer
They’ll mode you when you divide dance from dancer
They’ll mode you when you want to ponder why
They’ll mode you when you want to sit and cry
Let’s break Ma Nature’s secret codes
Everybody must use modes

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Rhetor B. Goode ("Johnny B. Goode")

Before the modern era, five hundred B.C.
They overthrew a tyrant down in Sicily
The people there contested every point they could
Taught by a sophist boy called Rhetor B. Goode
He never ever learned to read or write so well
But he could argue both sides as persuasive as hell

Go, go,
Go, Rhetor, go, go, go
Go, Rhetor, go, go, go
Go, Rhetor, go, go, go
Go, Rhetor, go, go, go
Rhetor B. Goode

When Rhetor got no tenure down at Syracuse
He went peripatetic, yeah, he got real loose
Wearin’ out his sandals ramblin’ Athens way
The Greeks all gathered ‘round to hear that Rhetor play
He said, “I bring you practical philosophy,
and the thing about the truth is its contingency”

Go, go...

Rhetor was a speaker of such wizardry
Made the best appear the worser for a modest fee
His potent words had power close to absolute
Don’t ask about his ethics, boy, that point is moot
When Plato had a problem with the oversight
Begged him, “Rhetor be good tonight”

Go, go...

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Rhetoric Hotel ("Heartbreak Hotel")

Ever since my Plato left me
I found a new place to dwell
Among doubts and probabilities
In the Rhetoric Hotel

I’m so uncertain
I’m so uncertain, baby
I’m so uncertain I could cry

I said to Aristotle
Please get me back on track
He handed me some lecture notes
Read these and you’ll get the knack

It’s just a techne
It’s just a techne, baby
It’s just a techne, don’t you cry

A guy dressed in a toga
Said his name was Cicero
“Everything about everything
is all you need to know”

Along came old Quintitian
Instituting oratory
He said, “Be a good guy all your life,
then you can be hortatory”

Knowledge and virtue
Knowledge and virtue, sonny
Knowledge and virtue show the way

In search of illumination
I went to Lunsford and Ede
How much collaboration
Can two people really need

I read the hotel bible
by Herzberg and Bizzell
It may not be inclusive
But the royalties are swell

It’s not the gospel
It’s not the gospel, baby
It’s not the gospel, just a start

In the continental ballroom
Cheek to cheek with Derrida
He suavely whispered in my ear
“Viva la differance”

We’re under deconstruction
No faith left in the word
It’s terminal dysfunction
When all meaning’s been deferred

I’m so uncertain
I’m so uncertain, baby
I’m so uncertain, I could cry

Ever since my Plato left me
I found a new place to dwell
Among doubts and probabilities
In the Rhetoric Hotel

I’m so uncertain
I’m so uncertain, baby
I’m so uncertain, I could cry

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Composition Hell ("Heartbreak Hotel") 1997 CCCC Version

Ever since I started teachin’
My methods have been swell
Then I read the 4Cs program
I’m in composition hell

I’m so old-fashioned
I’m so old-fashioned, baby
I’m so old-fashioned, I could cry

The title says “Just teaching”
It says “Just writing” too
Reflection, responsibility
That’s quite a lot to do
But each mission is important
I wouldn’t begin to doubt it
Upon further reflection
There’s nothing “just” about it

I’m so fragmented
I’m so fragmented, baby
I’m so fragmented, I could cry

You must teach with a conscience
Encourage critical action
I can get the discussion rolling
I can’t get no satisfaction
Cause the students claim it’s relative
No need to jump off the fence
Everyone has the right to be
a kind of, you know, relative mensch

I’m so unanchored
I’m so unanchored, baby
I’m so unanchored, I could cry

You gotta give them food for thought
A taste for social justice
But majors from the Business School
just chew where the upper crust is
You gotta have some patience
with their anxiety narcissistic
Help them deconstruct their privilege
We have damn good heuristics

I’m so proactive
I’m so proactive, baby
I’m so proactive, I could cry

Can’t teach without assessment
We must gauge what we do well
But with all these contested questions
How can we ever tell
We’re diverse and democratic
We’ve even been called dappled
We teach in so many flavors
Heck, we could compete with Snapple

You gotta keep some distance
when promoting metacognition
You gotta get right in their face
to promote a new subject position
You must welcome all their stories
Experience should be prized
But narrative is not enough
The personal must be theorized

I’m so eclectic
I’m so eclectic, baby
I’m so eclectic, I could cry

You gotta teach technology
in this postmodern digital age
Even if the Internet
makes you flip middle digital rage
You must pledge your allegiance
to computer-aided instruction
If the students could afford it
they’d get a tax deduction

It’s not enough to be here
You must also be on-line
With all this heavy logging
I could build a virtual shrine
I’m tangled in the web page
The sites are hyper-sublime
I haven’t left my hotel room
But I’m having real time

I’m so encrypted
I’m so encrypted, baby
I’m so encrypted, I could cry

Now if they raise your ire
with anemic propositions
Just teach them to aspire
to tagmemic propositions
If they get all hot and bothered
by the discourse of the flesh
Say they must compose their bodies
but they mustn’t get too fresh

Build bridges to the community
Incorporate service learning
Put students in the workplace
where it’s units they’ll be earning
They should pursue their research
with methods qualitative
But when they play in the field
They must respect the natives

I’m so reflective
I’m so reflective, baby
I’m so reflective, I could cry

Ever since I started teaching
My methods have been swell
Then I read the 4C program
I’m in composition hell

I’m so old-fashioned
I’m so old-fashioned, baby
I’m so old-fashioned, I could cry
I’m so old-fashioned, I could cry

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Adjunct Blues ("Blue Suede Shoes")

One was my B.A.
Masters made two
Finally got past ABD
My Ph.D. is through
Now don’t you
give me those adjunct blues
Cause I did everything
Lay off of those adjunct blues

Took all the classes
Read all the books
Listed the sources
Cited the shnooks
Wrote a dissertation
insightful and true
Then I wrote it all again
when you said to make it new

Now don’t you
give me those adjunct blues
I did everything
Lay off of those adjunct blues

Got me a vita
long as my arm
Letters testifyin’
to my scholarly charm
Sent out my vita
from Quebec to Peru
No one wants to hire me
My loans are coming due

Now don’t you...

I’d work in the city
Breath in the smog
Wouldn’t mind the country
Sleep in a log
I’d serve on committees
plus a heavy teaching load
I’d swallow all my theory
Heck, I’d even teach the modes
(Repeat Chorus)

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La Comma ("La Bamba")

Para usar la comma
Para usar la comma
se necessita coordinating conjunction
coordinating conjunction
si no tiene, si no tiene semi-colon
Yo no soy comma splicer
Yo no soy comma splicer
Soy capitan punctuation
Soy capitan

Comma, Comma
Comma, Comma
Comma, Comma
Comma, ay

Para poner un punto
Para poner un punto
se necesita una sentence completa
una sentence completa
con subject y verba se hace completa
Yo no soy fragment maker
Yo no soy fragment maker
Soy capitan punctuation
Soy capitan

Comma, comma...

Nunca usa first person
Nunca usa first person
no necesita opinion subjectiva
es opinion subjectiva
si no tiene, si no tiene los facts todos
Yo no soy ego hombre
Yo no soy ego hombre
Soy rational, no digo “yo”
Soy rational

Comma, comma...

Repeat First Verse

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Five Paragraphs ("Pink Cadillac")

Well, now I’ve had my share of schoolin’
So I know just what to do
Ain’t no matter what topic I’m doin’
Got a plan and it’s clearly foolproof
Well, baby, I got the secret
It’s such a simple thing that you’ll laugh
Though the teacher don’t want me to leak it
Baby, I’ll share my craft
It don’t take a whole lot of thinkin’
It comes down to basic math
You gotta have your five paragraphs
Thesis in the front
Thesis in the back
Between there are three chunks
Thesis fore and aft
Then you got it right
Gotta have three reasons and you’ll sleep sound at night
Honey, don’t you worry if you got them you’re on track with those
five paragraphs, five paragraphs

Well, now, way back in the Bible
Eve and Adam had a writing class
And the Lord he was the teacher
He wanted them to do well and pass
So he assigned a personal essay
about what Eden meant to them
He wanted them to be authentic
Tell the truth and then say amen
But the serpent, he had a method
that would make that assignment a snap
He told them ‘bout the five paragraphs
Eden in the front
Eden in the back
Between there are three chunks
Eden fore and aft
Ain’t this garden nice
Eve, just list three reasons and you’ll stay in paradise
Adam, don’t you worry, God will pat you on the back
for those five paragraphs, five paragraphs

Now, some folks say it’s scary
That I never use less or more
Some say it’s arbitrary
It could even be six or four
But I love how they’re always stable
I count on how they’re always true
Just one number to remember
And the fingers of one hand will do
I can do it with my eyes closed
‘Cause I’m always walkin’ down the same path
I gotta have my five paragraphs
Thesis in the front
Thesis in the back
Between there are three chunks
Thesis fore and aft
Then you got it right
Gotta have three reasons and you’ll sleep sound at night
Honey, don’t you worry, if you got them, you’re on track
with those five paragraphs, five paragraphs

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Scorned by the MLA ("Born in the USA")

Went to school for my Ph.D.
Great books were my pedigree
I planned to make it on the theory scene
Gonna tell the grad students what the theory mean
Born in the MLA
Born in the MLA
Born in the MLA
Born in the MLA

Woke up from those elitist dreams
Lost my taste for universal themes
In my profession now I’m just a slob
Cause I teach composition to the human mob
Scorned by the MLA
Scorned by the MLA
Scorned by the MLA
Scorned by the MLA

In my department I’m a mystery
Colleagues call my work a travesty
Don’t teach the best that’s been thought and said
Don’t spend my time with white guys long dead
Scorned by the MLA
Scorned by the MLA
Scorned by the MLA
Scorned by the MLA

Up for tenure, case was strong
Publications were all wrong
Taught too much, same old song

Couldn’t list any MLA panel
They wanted tweed but I come in flannel

Still tryin’ to re-make history
Want to find a site that’s right for me
MLA’s got the biggest show
But 4c’s is the place I want to go
Born in good old 4c
Born in good old 4c
Born in good old 4c
Born in good old 4c

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Rhetorical Stance ("Mystery Dance")

Romeo was desperate, he had pages to fill
Crossed out every sentence ‘cause his purpose was nil
Wayne Booth he was waitin’ with a classical net
He said, “Listen to me and we’ll save your ass yet”

You gotta know about rhetorical stance
You gotta know about rhetorical stance
You gotta know it
Cause you’ve tried and you’ve tried
But you’re decontextualized
Yes, your subject is unfocused, your audience too wide

You gotta have a character sincere but not uptight
Cater to their feelings while you instruct and delight
Writing in a vacuum is just not gonna do it
It’s a fluid situation and you gotta adapt to it

You gotta know about rhetorical stance...

Romeo denied that Wayne could help him out
If everything’s rhetorical, there’ll always be doubt
You can learn the lingo from any TA geek
What’s the use of learnin’ if it’s certainty you seek

You gotta know about rhetorical stance...

Your subject is unfocused, your audience too wide (repeat several times)

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Sex, Class, and Race ("Chantilly Lace")

Sex, class, and race
are in my face
They pin my tale
to the ground
They’re crippling up my walk
and tripping up my talk
Classroom spinnin’ ‘round and ‘round
Ain’t nothing I observe
that don’t strike a nerve
They say it’s all malarkey
from the patriarchy
I was always boss
Now paradise is lost
I’ve been tossed
Oh, baby, my goose is cooked

Hello, Baby
I mean Ms. Baby
You say be there by eight
And don’t pontificate
You say don’t be such a shmendrick
Don’t be phallogocentric
Oh, Baby,
Ms. Baby,
I don’t know what you want

Sex, class, and race
don’t know their place
Turn my tale
upside down
They just cannot forgive
my master narrative
My masculine pronouns
I can’t say a word
they can’t make absurd
They heap condemnation
on my strong foundation
They say I’m obtuse
‘bout my privileged roost
I’ve been plucked
Oh, baby, my goose is cooked

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Get WAC ("Get Back")

JoJo makes a living teaching composition
Doesn’t mind the heavy load
Likes to teach his class in splendid isolation
Doesn’t do it a la mode

Composition cannot stand alone
Do it solo and you’re just a drone

Provost wants some proof the Comp Program’s effective
Wants a bigger bang per buck
Re-allocate resources, make 101 elective
Looks like JoJo’s out of luck

Composition must collaborate
New unions you must consummate

JoJo makes the rounds with seminars and workshops
Striving for the greater good
Faculty say writing shouldn’t be their business
Least not in their neighborhood

Get back
Get back
Composition should be on its own
Get back
Get back
Teach them grammar, leave the rest alone

Get back, JoJo
Do that thing you do
Make the spelling good
and the punctuation better

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All I Really Want to Do Is Get a Good Grade from You

I don’t want to express myself
Coalesce or confess myself
Address myself, outguess myself
Undress, assess, or duress myself
All I really want to do
is get a good grade from you

I ain’t lookin’ to write too well
Cite, delight, or recite too well
Extemporize well, categorize well
Apprise, surprise, or analyze well
All I really want to do
is get a good grade from you

I don’t want to describe my kin
Explore my sin or delve within
Be selective or reflective
Be directive or be effective
All I really want to do
is get a good grade from you

I don’t want to explore the world
Abhor, deplore, or implore the world
Valorize, problematize
Theorize, contextualize
All I really want to do
is get a good grade from you

I don’t want to organize
Prioritize, hierarchalize
Arrange my thoughts, exchange my thoughts
Tame, re-frame, or defame my thoughts
All I really want to do
is get a good grade from you

I don’t want a style pristine
Crystalline or golden mean
Declarative, Imperative
Pejorative or Exhortative
All I really want to do
is get a good grade from you

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Don’t Read Twice, It’s Alright ("Don’t Think Twice, It’s Alright")

We’re gathered here to do holistic scoring
See the essays piled high
Well, we’re gathered here to do holistic scoring
On your scores we will rely
You may notice errors that give you a fright
You may want to mark them from morning till night
Against that desire you will have to fight
Don’t read twice, it’s alright

We’ll spend some time establishing the standards
Samples ranked from low to high
Well, we’ll spend some time establishing our standards
You can absorb them if you try
You may have some pet peeves that make you uptight
You may notice missteps subtle and recondite
Just register features that occur in plain sight
Don’t read twice, it’s alright

We’ll be around to monitor your progress
Check your link to the group mind
We’ll be around to monitor your progress
Don’t be too cruel or too kind
If you cling to your vision, we’ll make you contrite
You must see by the glow of the collective light
If we achieve good consensus, no question we’re right
Don’t read twice, it’s alright

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Bartholomae ("Not Fade Away")

He’s gonna tell you how it’s gonna be
When you invent the university
He’s gonna show you what you need
He’s gonna show you ways to read

David, David Bartholomae
David, David Bartholomae

He doesn’t want to see your soul
He just wants you to learn your role
Know the pose that’s apropos
Know your class from your Elbow

David, David Bartholomae
David, David Bartholomae

He’s gonna choose the books for Pitt
Read the drafts and then edit
Serve on lots of executive boards
Some day win the Exemplar Award

David, David Bartholomae
David, David Bartholomae

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Sweet Home in Urbana (Sweet Home Alabama)

It’s where we send in our proposals
No matter how early they’re due
Now, blind review doesn’t bother me
Makes more room for blood that’s new

I heard Dr. Enos sing about it
I heard Theresa put it down
I hope Thessie Enos will remember
Program Chair don’t need her around anyhow

Sweet Home in Urbana
NCTE and 4C’s too
Sweet Home in Urbana
Lord, I’m sending fees to you

They’re cramming bodies onto panels
Roundtables hosting motley crews
As long as my name’s in the program
They can cut my minutes down to two (I don’t think it’s a sin)

In Urbana they love Chicago
Urbana love the Big Apple too
Hotel bills do not bother me
If I can eat St. Martin’s food (and drink their brews)

Sweet Home in Urbana
NCTE and 4C’s too
Sweet Home in Urbana
Lord, I’m sending fees to you

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ABD (“Refugee”)

I passed quals, I passed comps
I don’t talk too much about it
TA stipend has run out
There’s no way I can revive it
Everybody likes to tell me
“Enough already with the anomie
Hey, you don’t have to live like an ABD”

Somewhere, some time
Somehow I gotta make it happen
Do the research, draft the draft
Find a way to hold my angst in
Don’t like people tellin’ me
“You’re in thrall to your lethargy
Hey, you don’t have to live like an ABD”

Adjunct work is the worst
Freeway flying, like the Dutchman I’m cursed
It wasn’t supposed to be this way
I was supposed to be a star at MLA (A!)

Somewhere, some time
Some mentor must have approved my proposal
Checked the oil, kicked the tires
of my bibliographic U-Haul
Now that mentor’s surly and mean
He’s disgusted by my time-to-degree
Hey, I don’t want to live like an ABD

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4C’s Action ("Satisfaction")

I can’t get no 4c’s action
I can’t get no program passion
But I try and I try and I try and I try
I can’t get no
I can’t get no, no, no, no

I get up every morning
There’s a breakfast every day
But I can’t get my coffee
or my whole wheat toast
Cuz there’s a line at the buffet
I can’t get no...

I’m here to do some business
So I scroll down the panels ‘B’
Thirty-nine steps to knowledge
But they all look the same to me
I can’t get no...

I need a little down time
So I’m hanging out in the bar
Checking out the name tags
Is that a nobody or a star?
I squeeze into the ballroom
For the featured colloquy
But they can’t be smart cause they never cite
the same evidence as me
I can’t get no...

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Re-Writin’ ("Good Lovin’")

I was reelin’ so bad
I asked my writing teacher why she was mad
I said, “Doctor, Ms. Ph.D.,
Now can you tell me why you’re failin’ me.”

She said, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah”
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Can’t you see
What you really need
Re-writin’ (gimme that good re-writin’)
Re-writin’ (all you need is writin’)
Re-writin’ (good re-writin’, now, baby)

Teacher, please, steer me right
Give me a way don’t have to stay up all night
She said, “Baby, one thing’s for sure
Whatever you got there, you got to do more.”
Repeat Chorus

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While My Word Count Barely Creeps ("While My Guitar Gently Weeps")

I sit at my desk and I’m doing some thinking
While my word count barely creeps
I stare at the screen and the cursor is blinking
Still my word count barely creeps
I’m so alone, it’s desolating
I can’t inflate my thoughts
I’m an old pro at procrastinating
Line after line is tossed

I sit at my desk and my cell phone starts beeping
While my TA gently weeps
I should be prepared but I spent last night sleeping
Still my TA gently weeps
I don’t why nobody told him
This wouldn’t hold much fun
I don’t know how someone cajoled him
They really snowed him, huh

I look at his lip and I notice it’s trembling
While my TA gently weeps
I make new mistakes with each draft I’m assembling
Still my TA gently weeps
I don’t know how good drafts get crafted
I get distracted soon
I only know we both got shafted
In this protracted stew

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It’s Only Schemes and Tropes (But I Like It) ("I Know It's Only Rock 'n' Roll")

If I compared two things far apart
Metaphors all over the page
Would it satisfy you, would it mesmerize you
Would it make the boy a sage? Ain’t he a sage?

If I could spin you, groove you right into
Synecdoche so divine
Would it be enough for your teachin’ heart
If the part served just fine? Ain’t the part fine?

I know it’s only schemes and tropes but I like it
I know it’s only schemes and tropes but I like it, like it, yes I do
Yes, I like it, I like it, I like it
Can’t you see this young boy has been stylin’

If I could stitch each scheme from the start
Alliterate right on the page
Would it be enough for your teacher’s ear
Would it help raise my grade? Raise my grade?

If I could push each line through the top
Hyperbole floodin’ the page
Would it finally thaw you? Finally overawe you?
Would it finally make you rave? All the way to an A?

I said I know it’s only schemes and tropes but I like it…

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Write on the Wild Side ("Walk on the Wild Side")

Holly was used to writing in Grammar A
Didn’t want to risk her GPA
Shucked the highbrow formal way
Broke the mold and then A turned to B

She said, hey, babe, gonna write on the wild side
Hey, honey, gonna write on the wild side

Candy’s school taught all about unifyin’
Learned no sentence should be like an island
Got labyrinthine—lost the thread
Lots of fragments up ahead

She said, hey babe…

Little Joe never knew what to say
Every line he put it another way
Told him he had to make a choice
Then he discovered double voice

He said, hey babe…

Sugar Plum Fairy came and hit delete
Thought a visual picture could be neat
Put it all in a collage
Saddam and Bush playing maj

She said, hey babe…

Jackie is just riffing away
Got into repetition and refrain
Couldn’t get past repetend
Now her papers never end

Hey, Sugar…

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I’d Love to Change the World

Everywhere is cheats and phonies
He-ge-mo-nies, tell me where's equality
Read the text, to its core
Till you can't critique no more

I'd love to change the world
And I know just what to do
So I'll give the key to you

Situation's getting scary,
must be wary, tell me where is clarity
Class is funny, race is funny,
sex is funny, who needs funny when you can see

I'd love to change the world...

World collusion, guilt infusion,
conscience snoozin', here's a solution
Read the text, to its core
Till you can't critique no more

I'd love to change the world...

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Four Jobs in Ohio ("Ohio")

October--the job list coming
Two chapters down, three to go
My dossier’s out there drumming
Four jobs in Ohio

Gotta get down to it
Interviews coming around
Trim the hair or let it grow?
What if they ask me
To be both glib and profound
Can I pretend like I know?

Repeat first four lines without lyrics
Repeat next six lines with lyrics
Repeat first four lines with lyrics

Four jobs in Ohio (repeat and fade)

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Radical Teacher Man ("Son of a Preacher Man")

All the times I took 101
Term after term couldn’t get it done
Then he walked in and he started talkin’
Received ideas, how he loved to mock them
Pretty soon the whole room was rockin’
Took one of those left-wing guys
To show me how to analyze

The only one who could ever reach me
Was a radical teacher man
The only one who could ever teach me
Was a radical teacher man
Yes, he was, yes, he was, oh, yes he was

Readin’ close wasn’t always easy
But he told us we had to try
Then he started critiquin’ to me
Started out kinda tense and antsy
Then he jumped ‘round like a banshee
Hot and bothered ‘bout some guy named Gramsci

The only one who could ever reach me …

How well I remember
How he could historicize
Stickin’ in references on the sly
He explained the means of production
Exposin’ bad faith and corruption
Just short of strident and domineering
With his ponytail and his earring

The only one who could ever reach me …

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Got-A-Lot-On-Da-Vita ("In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida")

It's what you got on da vita, baby
That's how you know that they love you
You got a lot on da vita, honey
Don't you know you got status too
No nasty referee
to slap your hand
You're in every TOC
Across this land
Ain't tenure grand

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Summertime… and the placements are easy
Students comin’… but the tension ain’t high
Info-rich… got the slides and they’re lookin’
No rush, little newbies, you’ll be fine

One of these courses is the one you should be in
We’re gonna tell you everything to make your choice wise
All of these courses—bet there’s one that will charm you
We’ve got expert advisors standin’ by

Now it’s summertime… and the placements are easy
Enrollment’s jumpin’… satisfaction is high
Not a hitch… this DSP’s cookin’
No rush, little newbies, it’s all right

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Paint It WAC ("Paint It Black")

I see a dead course and I want it painted WAC
No finals anymore, I want them to turn WAC
I see their syllabi don’t assign a line of prose
Workshops I’ve gamely led but no awareness grows

I draft the guidelines that will help to make it WAC
Free lunch and stipends both to help them make it WAC
Still colleagues shake their heads and quickly look away
If it will take more time they’d rather stay the same

I look inside myself and see my heart is WAC
I see a dead course and I want it painted WAC
Maybe I’ll just fade away and not have to face the facts
It’s not easy gearing up when no one’s got your back

No more will books by Bean be read by a chosen few
I could not foresee scorn and ennui poking through
If I try hard enough I may convince just one
A friend to agree with me and see that writing’s done

I see a dead course and I want it painted WAC
No finals anymore, I want them to turn WAC
I see their syllabi obsessed with coverage woes
Lectures fill empty heads but no awareness grows

I want to see it painted, painted WAC
WAC is right, WAC is cool
I want to see the course where the word count is high
I want to see it painted, painted, painted, painted WAC

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Grades Are So High Again ("Stuck in Lodi Again")

Just about a year ago I got the grade report
Seekin’ a distribution, lookin’ for a range of sorts
Things were bad, now things are worse, standards are out of tune
Oh, Lord, grades are so high again

Strode into the program meeting, overheads ready to go
Didn’t want to be too crude, no quotas to impose
Wanted to raise the issue, looks like we got a trend
Oh, Lord, grades are so high again

The man from administration asked why we gave all A’s
Somewhere we lost commitment, standards fell by the way
He wore a frown, he shook his head, what kinds of stewards are you?
Oh, Lord, grades are so high again

If I only had a reason for every A we give
Evidence in every case that the work is superlative
Damn the process movement, damn the drafts galore
Oh, Lord, grades are so high again

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Thesis (“Fever”)

Never know how close I read you
Never know how hard I stare
When you put your words before me
I get so focused that it’s hard to bear
You give me thesis to assist me
Thesis to shine like a light
Thesis in the opening, thesis with all of your might

Some folks justify exploration
Think the journey’s really the key
Let’s just say I don’t have the patience
That’s just navel-gazing to me
I want some thesis to assist me
Thesis gotta be in plain sight
Thesis in the opening, thesis to shine like a light

Everybody’s gotta have thesis, that is something you all know
Thesis isn’t such a new thing, thesis started long ago

Romeo loved Juliet
With a feeling that he couldn’t name
Stood there under the balcony
Julie didn’t know why he came
He had no thesis, to assist her
Thesis to focus the tropes
Thesis to inspire, with no thesis Romeo’s on the ropes

Now I’ve finished reading your essay
Crystal clear the point that you made
Thesis there to guide my reading
Original or readymade
You gave me thesis to assist me
Thesis there at every turn
Thesis till the ending, it’s the only way to learn
It’s the only way to learn (2)

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WPA 2003
Grand Rapids MI
Song List

WPA/That’ll Be the Day
Writing Czar/Maggie’s Farm
Don’t Read Twice, It’s Alright
Three to Five Sources/Wild Horses
Service Learning Man/Secret Agent Man
Paint It WAC
Grades Are So High/Lodi
Radical Teacher Man/Son of a Preacher Man
La Comma
Cuantas Palabras
Adjunct Blues
Born in the MLA