Michael C. Frank

Benjamin Scott Crocker Professor of Human Biology
Director, Symbolic Systems Program

Stanford University
Building 420, Room 278
450 Jane Stanford Way
Stanford, CA 94305
mcfrank at stanford dot edu

Office hours Mon 3-4: Sign up here

Blog: babieslearninglanguage.blogspot.com

Twitter: @mcxfrank

Selected Talks on Youtube


Curriculum Vitae [PDF]

How do we learn to communicate using language? I study children's language learning and how it interacts with their developing understanding of the social world. I am interested in bringing larger datasets to bear on these questions and use a wide variety of methods including team science, online data collection, and computational models. Recent work in my lab has focused on data-oriented approaches to development, including the creation of large datasets like Wordbank and MetaLab. I also have a strong interest in replication, reproducibility, and open science; some of our research addresses these topics. Here is a formal, third-person bio.

Representative Publications

PDFs and code, data, and materials for all my papers are available at my lab's website. You can also browse on my Google Scholar profile.
