Róbert Pálovics

I am a mathematician and computer scientist by training, particularly interested in machine learning (ML) and data science. As an instructor at the Wyss-Coray lab at the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute at Stanford University, my current research investigates machine learning for biomedical sciences with a focus on aging and neurodegeneration. I seek to understand the functional changes with aging starting from the cell level and search for signatures that will serve as the basis for potential rejuvenation and lifespan extension. Find me at Twitter , Scholar , LinkedIn , GitHub .
[Dec. 2023] Silver Medal Ranking, 17th/1,097 in the 2023 Single-Cell Perturbations Challenge, part of the 2023 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Competition Track
[Nov. 2023] Our manuscript identifying a new microglial subpopulation associated with AD is accepted in Nature
[Sep. 2023] I received the American Heart Association-Allen Brain Health and Cognitive Impairment Cross-Network Collaborative Grant

Selected publications

Purification of single-cell transcriptomics data with coreset selection, Pálovics et al., ICML Compbio, 2022, paper , poster , code
Molecular hallmarks of heterochronic parabiosis at single-cell resolution, Pálovics et al., Nature, 2022, paper , poster , code , data
A single-cell transcriptomic atlas characterizes ageing tissues in the mouse, The Tabula Muris consortium, Pisco et al., Nature, 2020, paper
Ageing hallmarks exhibit organ-specific temporal signatures, Schaum et al., Nature, 2020, paper