Teaching and Mentoring

Stanford Summer Community College Premedical Program, Center of Excellence in Diversity in Medical Education, Stanford University School of Medicine. Course: Self directed Research Class (July 2015, 2016)


Stanford Explore Program, Stanford University School of Medicine. Class: Cancer Immunotherapy (July 2015)


Stanford University School of Medicine Residency Program  (January 2015) - Immunotherapy –The future of cancer treatment (lecture)


Co-Director, High School Summer Research Program at Molecular Medicine Research Institute, Sunnyvale, California (2014-2015).    News       Link


Stanford SPLASH (2012 - 2014) - Overview of Bone Marrow Transplantation (class)


Medical School 101 - Stanford University School of Medicine (April 2013, March 2014)  Overview of Bone Marrow Transplantation (class)


Stanford Summer Health Careers Opportunity Program (SSHCOP) Stanford University School of Medicine (July 2014) - Overview of Bone Marrow Transplantation (class)


Stanford Explore - Stanford University School of Medicine (July 2013) - Overview of Bone Marrow Transplantation (class). 


Honor's Program in Molecular and Cell Biology (2004-2006) - Mentored Stanford University undergraduate student.

Thesis title : Allo-sensitized Donor CD4 Memory T Cells Induce Graft-Versus-Host Disease after Bone Marrow Transplantation (2006)

Center for Clinical Immunology at Stanford (CCIS) and Stanford Institutes of Medicine (SIMR) summer research program (2002-2012) - Mentored high school summer students for summer projects.

Trained Clinical Fellows to perform basic research in Immunology (2002-2010)