
The Design module creates Hand, Finger, and GraspObject objects for simulations. The module creates the objects based on user-given dimensions and geometries, and outputs the generated objects to Klamp’t .rob files.


Run a blender python script to transform geometries from .stl files. Arguments are [FILE, -s, SCALE, (-o, OUTPUT_FILE)]. Arguments in parenthesis are optional.

Parameters:args (list[str]) – The arguments to pass to the blender script.
class Design.Hand(palmPos=[0, 0, 0.1])

Generates a hand robot for simulating with Klamp’t.

Parameters:palmPos (list[float]) – The position of the palm in 3D space.
addFinger(finger, fingerOrient, fingerBasePos, fingerType='fixedBase')

Adds a new finger to the hand with the given orientation and position. The order in which fingers does matter when setting their parameters later on.

  • finger (Finger) – The Finger to add to the hand.
  • fingerOrient (float) – The orientation of the finger on the palm plane in degrees. 0 deg points in the direction of the positive x axis.
  • fingerBasePos (list[float]) – The position of the finger base rotary/tilted center in the format [X, Y, Z].
  • fingerType (str) – Determines how the finger base may move. Must be either 'fixedBase', 'rotaryBase', or 'tiltedBase'.
Parameters:palmPos (list[float]) – The position of the palm in 3D space in the form [X, Y, Z].
Parameters:baseJointMassList (list[float]) – The masses of the base of each finger in the hand in the order in which the fingers were added to the hand.
Parameters:baseJointInitPosList (list[int]) – The initial rotation of each base joint in degrees in the order in which the fingers were added to the hand.
Parameters:baseJointTorqueLimit (list[int]) – The maximum torque that can be applied to each finger in the order in which the fingers were added to the hand.
Parameters:baseJointPosLimit (list[list[int]]) – A list of the min and max angles each base joint can rotate in degrees. The list for a hand with N fingers should contain N lists of two integers. The first should be the minimum angle, and the second should be the maximum angle. The order of the limits should be the same as the order in which the fingers were added to the hand.
Parameters:baseJointVelLimit (list[int]) – A list of the maximum angular velocity of each base joint in deg/sec in the order in which the fingers were added to the hand.
Parameters:baseJointAccLimit (list[int]) – A list of the maximum angular acceleration of each base joint in deg/sec2. The order should be the same as the order in which the fingers were added to the hand.
Parameters:PID (list[float]) – PID values separated into a list.
Parameters:dryFriction (float) – Coefficient of dry friction.
Parameters:viscousFriction (float) – Coefficient of viscous friction.
setPalmGeometry(palmGeometryFile, palmDiameter=0.1, palmMass=1)

Sets the geometry and physical attributes of the palm. In your geometry file, you should make sure that the:

  • Palm plane (palm surface) points towards the Z-axis.

  • X and Y coordinates are also consistent with the global

    coordinates (used to define the finger orientation and position).

  • Origin is located on the palm plane.

  • palmGeometryFile (str) – Path to the file containing the palm geometry.
  • palmDiameter (float) – How much to scale the palm geometry.
  • palmMass (int) – The mass of the palm object in the simulation.
setfingerBaseGeometry(fingerBaseGeometryFile, fingerBaseDiameter=0.03)

The origin is at the center of the geometry for default geometry.

  • fingerBaseGeometryFile (str) – Path to the file containing the finger base geometry, relative to the data/hands directory.
  • fingerBaseDiameter (float) – How much to scale the finger base geometry.

Get an ordered list of controllable base joints and joints. The list for a finger with N fingers and M joints per finger is in the format ['BaseJoint_Finger0', 'BaseJointFinger1', ... , 'BaseJointFingerN-1', 'Joint0_Finger0', 'Joint1_Finger0', ... , 'JointM-1_FingerN-1'].

Returns:A list of controllable DOFs.
Return type:list[str]
getControllableDofIndex(fingerIndex, jointIndex)

Dof index used in the controller (0 based index, doesn’t include fixed joints)

  • fingerIndex (int) – Which finger to get the DOF from.
  • jointIndex (int) – Which joint of the finger (starting from -1 at the base).
getSensorizedDofIndex(fingerIndex, jointIndex)

Dof index that is consistent with sensor data (0 based index).

  • fingerIndex (int) – Which finger to get the DOF from.
  • jointIndex (int) – Which joint of the finger (starting from -1 at the base).
getLinkIndex(fingerIndex, phalanxIndex)

link index used in .rob file (0 based index).

  • fingerIndex (int) – Which finger to get the DOF from.
  • phalanxIndex (int) – Which phalanx of the finger (starting from 0 at the base).

Build a Klamp’t .rob file for the hand.

Parameters:handFileName (str) – Path to where the .rob file should be saved.
class Design.Finger(phalangesLength=[0.06, 0.05, 0.04], phalangesDiameters=[0.06, 0.05, 0.04], phalangesMass=[0.12, 0.1, 0.08])

Generates a finger robot for simulating with Klamp’t.

Creates a finger with phalanges with the given physical attributes.

  • phalangesLength (list[float]) – A list of how much each phalanx should be scaled height-wise.
  • phalangesDiameters (list[float]) – A list of how much the diameter of each phalanx should be scaled.
  • phalangesMass (list[float]) – The masses of each phalanx.

Sets the geometry and physical attributes of the finger. Geometry file can be stl, pcd, tri, or anything else supported by Klamp’t. In your geometry file, you should make sure that the:

  • Proximal joint points along the Z-axis.

  • Phalange is along the X-axis, and that the X-axis is pointing towards


  • Y-axis is pointing towards the palm.

  • Origin is the midpoint of the joint axis.

Parameters:phalangesGeometryFile (str) – Path to the phalanx geometry file.
Parameters:baseJointOffset (float) – The distance between the proximal axis center and the base rotation certer.
Parameters:initConfig (list[int]) – The initial rotation of each phalanx in degrees.
Parameters:jointPosLimit (list[list[int]]) – A list of the min and max angles each joint can rotate in degrees. The list for a finger with N joints should contain N lists of two integers. The first should be the minimum angle, and the second should be the maximum angle.
Parameters:jointVelLimit (list[int]) – A list of the maximum angular velocity of each joint in deg/sec.
Parameters:jointAccLimit (list[int]) – A list of the maximum angular acceleration of each joint in deg/sec2.
Parameters:jointTorqueLimit (list[int]) – A list of the maximum torque that can be applied to each joint.
Parameters:PID (list[float]) – PID values separated into a list.
Parameters:dryFriction (float) – Coefficient of dry friction.
Parameters:viscousFriction (float) – Coefficient of viscous friction.

Build a Klamp’t .rob file for the finger.

Parameters:fingerFileName (str) – Path to where the .rob file should be saved.
class Design.GraspObject(objectType='sphere', objectPos=[0, 0, 0.3], objectFriction=0.1)

Generates an object for a hand to grasp in Klamp’t. It allows for three basic object types: 'spheres', 'cylinders' and 'cubes'. Alternatively, you can set the object type to 'customized' in order to provide your own geomtery. The coordinate origin for the basic object is located at the center of object. Dimensions for the object are in meters. You can also define your own object using a stl/pcd/tri file, but please make sure that the coordinate origin is located at the center of the object.

  • objectType (str) – What type of object to generate. It can be one of the predefined types, 'sphere', 'cylinder', or 'cube', or 'customized' in order to use external geometry.
  • objectPos (list[float]) – The initial position of the object in 3D space.
  • objectFriction (float) – The friction coefficient for the object.
Parameters:objectType (str) – The type of the object. It can be one of the predefined types, 'sphere', 'cylinder', or 'cube', or 'customized' in order to use external geometry.
Parameters:objectPos (list[float]) – The position of the object center of mass in 3D space.
Parameters:objectDimension (list[float]) – The scaling factors for the three corresponding axes in the geometry file. Units are in meters.
Parameters:objectMass (float) – The mass of the object in kilograms.

Set the geometry for the object. If objectGeometryFile is None, a predefined object file corresponding to the objectType is loaded. If objectGeometryFile is not None, the objectType is automatically set to 'customized'. Custom geometry files can be in stl, pcd, tri, or any other format the Klamp’t supports. Make sure that the origin is at the center of the object, or else it may not be simulated properly.

Parameters:objectGeometryFile (str) – None or the path to the custom geometry file relative to the data/objects directory.

Orientation is set using the Z-Y-X representation: based on original coordinates in the geometry file, the object is rotated according to the following 3 steps:

  1. Rotate it about the Z-axis by Z-degrees.

  2. Based on the new coordinates, rotate about the Y-axis by


  3. Based on the new coordinates, rotate about the X-axis by


Parameters:objectOrient (list[int]) – Orientation of the object in the format [Z-degrees, Y-degrees, X-degrees].
Parameters:objectFriction (float) – The dynamic coefficient of friction.
Parameters:objectRestitution (float) – The coefficient of restitution.
Parameters:objectDamping (int) – The coefficient of damping.
Parameters:objectStiffness (int) – The stiffness of the object.

Build a Klamp’t .obj file for the grasp object.

Parameters:objectFileName (str) – Path to where the .obj file should be saved.

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