Virology at Stanford.


HIV at Stanford

Harry Greenberg - rotavirus, astrovirus
Dorsey Bass - rotavirus
Susan Matsui - astrovirus
Ed Mocarski - CMV
Lucy Rasmussen - CMV
Pat Brown - retroviruses
Gary Nolan - HIV (Nolan lab.)
Ann Arvin - VZV
Charles Prober - HSV
Bonnie Maldonado - polio, measles
Karla Kirkegard - polio
Peter Sarnow - polio
Chris Contag

Virology Courses

Humans and Viruses - Robert Siegel - Winter quarter
Animal Viruses - Ed Mocarski - Winter quarter
Viruses - Allan Campbell - Spring quarter
Vaccine Revolution - Robert Siegel - Spring quarter

Other Courses Pertaining to Infectious Disease

Last modified: December 4, 1997