
Implementation of multiphase flow models in OpenFOAM

Level set method was implemented in OpenFOAM with third-order WENO advection interpolation scheme and Olsson Kreiss reinitialization technique. Modified solver was validated using droplet coalescence and jet breakup. Comparative study of the effects of kothe, harmonic and arithmetic viscosity interpolation models was also done on jet breakup flows and bubble rise.

Figures below show the simulation results of a bubble rise at 0.3 secs, where the buoyancy driven air bubble was initially of 25 mm in radius and its centre was at 30 mm above the bottom of the square tank of dimension 100 mm, filled with water up to 70 % of height. Better applicability of kothe's viscosity model for wide range of viscosity of fluids was demonstrated. Above models were implemented as libraries in the interFOAM solver of OpenFOAM.

This project was done under the guidance of Prof. -Ing. Eugeny Kenig at the University of Paderborn, Germany and was supported by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Program) - IAESTE summer research fellowship.

Kothe's Interpolation

Harmonic Interpolation

Arithmetic Interpolation

Level set method - Droplet coalescence

Using the modified level set solver in OpenFOAM, droplet coalescence was simulated with identical droplets of initial radius 10 mm and centres separated by 20 mm. Pictures below show the result at 0.03, 0.06, 0.12, 0.2 seconds respectively.

Droplet Coalescence with Upwind

Droplet Coalescence with 3rd order WENO