Create a sensor with properties of your device

Sometimes engineers have a calibrated sensor and they would like to simulate its likely performance given some other optics or image processing pipeline. This script shows how to set up a device under test (dut) for testing in this simulation.

You can set the sensor parameters to match the device under test. This needs to be done only once. You can save the sensor object.

If you have real data from the sensor, you can read those in and experiment with image processing algorithms, taking advantage of the ISET metrics.

See also: sensorCreate, ieSaveSpectralFile, sensorImageWindow

Copyright ImagEval Consultants, LLC, 2007


%Initiate a sensor structure.  We use this structure to characterize the
% device under test (dut).  We  do this by creating a default sensor and
% then setting its properties to match the dut.
dut = sensorCreate;
dut = sensorSet(dut,'name','My Sensor');

% Each object represents wavelength sampling of various elements (filters,
% photodetector, so forth).  This information is stored in two the
% 'spectrum' slot of the object. This slot lists the wavelength sample
% values in nanometers
wave = 400:10:700;
dut = sensorSet(dut,'wave',wave);

% For a sensor, the color and infrared filter transmissivities are stored in dut.color
%  dut.color.filterSpectra --  a matrix, nWaveSamples x nColorFilters, whose columns
%    define the filter wavelength tranmissivities
%  dut.color.filterNames   --  a cell array with nColorFilters names
%    indicating the character of the filters.  The first character
%    of the filterName should be 'r','g','b','c','y','m'
%  dut.color.irFilter      -- a vector with nWaveSamples that defines the infrared
%    transmissivity.  This is usually initialized to all 1's, but many
%    cameras use infrared filters and this parameter may be important.
% To read the color filter data, you must have a spectral file that
% contains the information.  The file should be in the format defined by
% ieSaveSpectralFile.

Read the default RGB color filters in the ISET directory.

% You may want to read your own data.
fname = fullfile(isetRootPath,'data','sensor','colorfilters','RGB.mat');
colorFilters = ieReadSpectra(fname,wave);
dut   = sensorSet(dut,'colorFilters',colorFilters);

Now read an infrared filter

fname    = fullfile(isetRootPath,'data','sensor','irfilters','infrared2.mat');
irFilter = ieReadSpectra(fname,wave);
dut      = sensorSet(dut,'irFilter',irFilter);

We define the spatial configuration of the color filters.

% Information about the color filter array is stored in the structure
%  The color filter array is assumed to be described by a unit
% block that describes the arrangement and positions of the color filters.
% The has two variables.
%  -- A vector that lists the order of the color filters in
%   the block, and
% -- A structure that contains the number of rows and
%   columns in the block as well as a matrix, config, that describes the
%   spatial arrangement of the block
cfaPattern = [2 1 ; 3 2];        % A green, red; blue green array
dut = sensorSet(dut,'cfapattern',cfaPattern);

% Give the sensor array some size for testing
dut = sensorSet(dut,'size',[144 176]);

Set the pixel properties.

pixel = sensorGet(dut,'pixel');
pixel = pixelSet(pixel,'name','My Pixel');

pixelSize = 2e-6;   % Meters
pixel = pixelSet(pixel,'size constant fill factor',[pixelSize,pixelSize]);

% Many other pixel parameters can be set (see pixelSet).  Here are a few
% examples.
fname = fullfile(isetRootPath,'data','sensor','photodetectors','photodetector.mat');
pixelSpectralQE = ieReadSpectra(fname,wave);
pixel = pixelSet(pixel,'spectralQE',pixelSpectralQE);
pixel = pixelSet(pixel,'voltageSwing',1.5);

% Re-attach the pixel to the sensor
dut = sensorSet(dut,'pixel',pixel);

% Display the device under test in the window. Note that the description in
% the window matches the parameters you set above.
val = ieAddObject(dut); sensorWindow;

% You can also set using additional scripting or through the window
% interface.  If you then wish to save the sensor, you can do so from the
% window (File | Save Sensor (ISA))
% or by just saving it from the command window by typing
% dut = vcGetObject('sensor'); objFullFileName = vcExportObject(dut);

You only need to create the sensor profile (as above) once.

After it is saved, you can always load the stored image sensor array description. dut = load(objFullFileName);

Then, to examine voltage data you just read a file that contains the variable 'volts'. These are stored in the structure, and the window is refreshed. For example, I stored some data in this file.

fullName = 'dutData.mat';
tmp = load(fullName,'volts');
dut = sensorSet(dut,'volts',tmp.volts);
vcReplaceObject(dut,val); sensorWindow;