For over a decade we have been studying the effects of age on normal human memory. Recent advances in genetics have laid the basis for studies of the effects of a person's genes on their susequent memory performance as they get older as well as their risk of obtaining Alzheimer's Disease. In collaboration with a number of laboratories at Stanford and VA Medical Center Palo Alto, we have begun a series of studies to addess the relationship of these genetic factors and human cognitive performance.
In collaboration with Drs. Andrew Hofman and Robert Marcus of the Geriatric Research Educational and Clinical Center at VA Palo Alto we are presently studying a number of pharmacological interventions to improve memory in older adults. These include several types of endocrinological interventions.
In collaboration with Dr. John Gabrielli of the Psychology Department at Stanford we are studying functional imaging correlates of memory function in older adults.
In collaboration with Dr. Greer Murphy of the Psychiatry Department of Stanford University we are studying genetic predictors of cognitive decline in older adults.
For information on research publications see the Laboratory Director's C.V. under the heading: "Age-Associated Cognitive Decline and Cognitive Training."