CS103: Mathematical Foundations of Computing
Summer 2019
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 3:30pm to 5:20pm in Gates B1
NOTE: this website is out of date. This is the course web site from a past quarter, Summer 2019. If you are a current student taking the course, you should visit the current class web site instead. Please be advised that courses' policies change with each new quarter and instructor, and any information on this out-of-date page may not apply to you.


Final Exam Logistics

The final exam is coming up this Friday, August 16th, from 7:00-10:00PM in Bishop Auditorium.

The exam is closed-book, closed-computer, and limited-note. You can bring a single, double-sided sheet of 8.5" × 11" notes with you to the exam. The exam is cumulative - all topics from PS0-PS7 and lectures up through August 7th (Unsolvable Problems) are fair game. Topics from the last two lectures in the course (Complexity Theory) will not be tested.

If you'd like to get a sense of what the exam might look like, check out some of the practice final exams we've posted. Best of luck preparing for the exam!

Week 7 Recap

Problem Set 7 (the final assignment!) was released on Friday 8/9.

  • The assignment is due Wednesday 8/14 at 3:00PM
  • Note that no late submissions will be allowed for this assignment.
This final problem set is designed as a capstone of the past seven weeks in this course. We’ll be concluding some long-running threads as well as exploring our newfound intuitions for the landscape of computability.

Grades and solutions have been released for Problem Set 5. As always, we're happy to answer any questions you have on your assignment feedback. As you're studying for the final, now is a great time to review all of your past problem sets and identify specific skills you'd like to improve on.

Preparing for the Final
We have put together a handout Preparing for the Exam with some general advice on how to study for the final. In particular, we encourage you to take advantage of the following resources:

  • Practice final exams are posted on the Extra Practice page found under the Resources section. There, you will also find two sets of Extra Practice Problems covering material from the entire quarter.
  • Final review session on Monday August 12th during our normal class time (3:30-5:20 PM in Gates B01).
  • Sit-down practice final on Wednesday August 14th right after the last class in Gates 104 from 5:30-8:30 PM as a "dress rehearsal" for the real exam.

Let us know if there's anything else we can do to support your studying!
Week 6 Recap

Problem Set 6 was released on Friday 8/2.

  • The assignment is due Friday 8/9 at 3:00PM
  • This is the last assignment on which you will be able to use late days, as the final assignment will be due on the last day of class.
This problem is all about the limits of the regular languages and designing context-free grammars. This will be your first time formally proving that certain problems can't be solved with a certain type of computer!

Grades and solutions have been released for Problem Set 4. Please take a look at your feedback and reach out to the course staff if you have any questions!

Week 5 Recap

Problem Set 5 was released on Friday 7/26.

  • The assignment is due Friday 8/2 at 3:00PM
This problem is all about regular languages, finite automata, regular expressions, and their properties. We hope that you have fun with this one as you start exploring mathematical models of computers!

Grades have been released on Gradescope for Problem Set 3. Please review the feedback you've received as well as the solution set as soon as possible and reach out to the course staff in office hours or Piazza if you have any questions. We are, as always, also be happy to meet with you and discuss your progress in the course as a whole - just send us an email to the course staff list and we'll find some time to meet.

Practice Midterm

We've posted a Practice Midterm on the Extra Practice page found under the Resources section. Note there is no midterm in CS103 this quarter, and this practice exam is purely optional and for your own learning. You can also find some more extra practice problems on that page covering all of the discrete math topics we've seen so far.

Week 4 Recap

Problem Set 4 was released on Friday 7/19. It consists of two parts -

  • The assignment is due Friday 7/26 at 3:00PM (note no checkpoint this week, or in any subsequent weeks)
This problem set explores induction in all its many forms and serves as a capstone to the first half of CS103. Once you've finished it, take a minute to look back over what you just did. Did you imagine you'd be here a little over a month after we started with set theory?

Additionally, grades have been released on Gradescope for Problem Set 2. Please review the feedback you've received as well as the solution set as soon as possible and reach out to the course staff in office hours or Piazza if you have any questions.

Extra Practice Problems

We've posted a set of extra practice problems here on the course website, you can access them via the Extra Practice link under the Resources section. Feel free to use these as a resource to study all of the topics we've covered so far!

Week 3 Recap

Problem Set 3 was released on Friday 7/12. It consists of two parts -

  • A checkpoint assignment due Monday 7/15 at 3:00PM
  • And some remaining problems due Friday 7/19 at 3:00PM
This problem set explores discrete structures (binary relations and functions), what they look like, how they act, and how to prove things about them.

Additionally, grades have been released on Gradescope for Problem Set 1. Please review the feedback you've received as well as the solution set as soon as possible and reach out to the course staff in office hours or Piazza if you have any questions.

If you believe that we've made a grading error on your assignment, see our Regrade Policies handout for instructions on how to request a regrade.

Week 2 Recap

Problem Set 2 was released on Friday 7/5.

  • The assignment is due Friday 7/12 at 3:00PM (note no checkpoint this week)
In this problem set, you'll dive into propositional and first-order logic and get some more practice with your proofwriting.

As a reminder, you're encouraged to work on this assignment in pairs. It's a great way to bounce ideas off of someone and get extra pairs of eyes on your work. If you're looking for a partner, check out our Piazza thread for finding teammates.

Week 1 Recap

Problem Set 1 was released on Friday 6/28. It consists of two parts -

  • A checkpoint assignment due Monday 7/1 at 3:00PM
  • And some remaining problems due Friday 7/5 at 3:00PM
This problem set explores set theory and mathematical proof techniques, and we hope that you have a lot of fun with it!

Office Hours

The Office Hours Calendar is up - come by for any questions about homework, course logistics, or to chat with your course staff!

  • Office hours, unless otherwise noted, will be held in the basement of Huang Engineering Center. You'll be able to find us near a whiteboard that is clearly marked "CS103".
  • SCPD folks are welcome to come to any on-campus office hours but we will also have a special remote office hours session each week that will be accessible via Google Hangouts.

Other Updates
  • Course slides: The Course Overview will be updated after class each day with the slides presented in lecture, as well as any handouts released.
  • Course feedback: We've created a Feedback Form for the course and we welcome you to submit any thoughts or suggestions you have on how we can improve CS103.
As always, you can contact the course staff at cs103-sum1819-staff@lists.stanford.edu or on Piazza. Have a great weekend!

Welcome to CS103! I am so excited to meet all of you! Class starts Monday June 24th at 3:30pm in Gates B1.