
textbook 1 cover
textbook 2 cover

Our textbooks for CS106A this quarter are the following:

  1. Roberts, Eric S. The Art & Science of Java. ISBN 978-0321486127.
  2. Roberts, Eric S. Karel the Robot Learns Java. (a 35-page course reader packet)


Students can purchase the textbook from the Stanford University Bookstore, which is our recommended place to purchase this textbook. The Art & Science of Java book can also be ordered online from various retailers.

The books were written by a Stanford CS professor and targeted directly for this course, and it makes a useful supplement to the lecture and section presentations. Also, exams in this course will be open-book, so it will be advantageous to own the book for use as a reference during exams.

Problems may be assigned directly out of the Art & Science textbook, to be turned in at the start of your section every week. But our primary homework assignments don't come from the book, and the provided lecture slides generally cover the necessary material. So it is possible to achieve success in this course without owning the textbook. However, we recommend that every student either owns a copy or has convenient access to a copy. For example, at least one copy of this textbook has been made available for checkout from the Stanford Library reserves.

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