Location of office hours are indicated on the calendar below.
Note: Not all office hours are in Huang basement!
Please sign up for office hours on QueueStatus. Students at office hours who are in the queue will be served before students who are not in the queue. You may add your name to the queue at most once every two hours. But after the TA is done serving all of the students who are in the queue, they will serve you even if you are not in the queue.
Mary Wootters (Instructor) (marykw)
Favorite algorithm: bogosort
Susanna Maria Baby (susmaria)
Favorite algorithm: Backtracking
Jiaxi Chen (jiaxi)
Favorite algorithm: Topological Sort
Aaron Effron (aeffron)
Favorite algorithm: The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
Ingerid Fosli (ifosli)
Favorite algorithm: Counting Sort
Noa Glaser (noaglasr)
Favorite algorithm: Towers-of-Hanoi Recursion
Nick Guo (nickguo)
Favorite algorithm: Breadth-First Search
Duligur Ibeling (duligur)
Favorite algorithm: Fast Fourier Transform
Haojun Li (haojun)
Favorite algorithm: Karger's Algorithm
Megha Jhunjhunwala (meghaj)
Favorite algorithm: Reservior Sampling
Richard Mu (rmu) [Head TA]
Favorite algorithm: Sieve of Eratosthenes
Dana Murphy (dkm0713) [Head TA]
Favorite algorithm: StickSort
Jayden Navarro (jaynavar)
Favorite algorithm: Huffman Coding
Shashwat Silas (silas)
Favorite algorithm: Randomized routing on hypercubes
Maxime Voisin (maximev)
Favorite algorithm: QuickSort!
Brian Zhang (bhz)
Favorite algorithm: Union-Find Data Structure
Anna Zhu (annazhu)
Favorite algorithm: Ensembling