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How do I evaluate a job offer? Currently, there are a number of salary data aggregator websites available on the website that are able to show me specific mean or median salary offerings. However, there are no tools or resources that effectively give me the contextualized data visualized in an interactive way for me to understand the context of a salary job offer. Many current sources and tools provide analysis or insight over one specific piece of information such as employer ratings or similar occupation comparison but lack the ability to connect the pieces of information to the larger interplay of the factors important in understanding the value of a salary offer. We propose to create a salary data visualization tool that connects components relevant in salary analysis so that the user can better contextualize the actual costs and benefits of his or her offer. 💰

Brainstormed Interactions

  • User specified querying for job types and industry
  • User set location of residence for cost of living information and purchase power calculations
  • Tooltips for revealed statistic calculations

Potential Components

  • Historical salary trend
  • Salary comparison to similar occupations and/or overall industry
  • Purchase power of salary based on location of residence (cost of living accounting)
  • User Filters Panel
  • Comparison against top company in industry's salaries
  • Info panel of static data information relating to salary (tax bracket, % ranking in US income, etc.)


Our main goal is to provide a cohesive and intuitive tool for users to understand a salary offer in a holistic context of fiscal considerations. Additionally, the interactivity of our tool shoud allow for fast and easy comparisons.

Group Members

  • Lorena Huang Liu
  • Haiyin Wang
  • Serena Wong

Project Progress Presentation

Final Deliverables