School Funding Inequalities, some data

In preparation for Tuesday’s class session, during which we will discuss the 1973 San Antonio v. Rodriguez case, you have an additional bit of homework.

If you went to a PUBLIC SCHOOL in the United States, consult any of the many online databases to determine the annual per pupil spending for your senior year of high school.  Post the name of your school and the amount of per pupil spending in the comments.

If you went to a PRIVATE SCHOOL (anywhere in the world), consult the annual tuition fee for your school last year.  Post the name of your school and the amount of per pupil spending in the comments.

If you went to a school outside the United States, please do your best to determine the annual per pupil spending, converted to US dollars, and post that below.

If you wish, you may post anonymously.  Please post by Monday evening.

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