
Course Communication

We will use Piazza as the main form of communication and discussion within the course. Please make sure you sign up on Piazza. All course announcements will happen through Piazza. All communication with course staff should also happen through Piazza -- please create a private post if appropriate. We encourage active participation in student discussions on Piazza to enhance learning in the course.

Zoom Lectures

Class Zoom links are found in Canvas. Please make sure that even if you are auditing this course that you can login and have "accepted" the Canvas invitation. If you are not able to access this course on Canvas please email mschuang@stanford.edu right away.


For students taking the course for 2 units:
Reflections: 20%
Scientific paper review 1: 40%
Scientific paper review 2: 40%

For students taking the course for 3 units:
Reflections: 20%
Scientific paper review 1: 20%
Research project (in collaboration with BIODS 220 engineering students): 60%

Assignments & Project

There will be a brief reflection assignment (~1 paragraph) after each lecture. There will also be two scientific review assignments, where students will choose from a selection of current clinical machine learning papers, and submit a 2-3 page paper providing critical assessment of each section of a paper. For students taking the course for 3 units, the second scientific review assignment is not required. Instead, these students will participate in a quarter-long research project in collaboration with engineering students from BIODS 220 (concurrently taught in Fall 2020), and submit a 5-6 page paper describing the research project in the format of a non-technical clinical journal manuscript.

Assignment Submission

For students taking this class for credit, we will be using Gradescope to submit assignments.