Class GoogleSearch


public class GoogleSearch
extends java.lang.Object

The GoogleSearch class encapsulates access to the Google Web APIs. It provides access to search and cached page functions via SOAP. Examples of use:

   GoogleSearch search = new GoogleSearch();
   // Set mandatory attributes
   search.setQueryString("Internet standards");
   // Set optional attributes
   // Invoke the actual search
   GoogleSearchResult result = search.doSearch();
   // process the result
   GoogleSearch cache = new GoogleSearch();
   String page = cache.doGetCachedPage("");

See Also:
GoogleSearchFault, GoogleSearchResult, GoogleSearchResultElement, GoogleSearchDirectoryCategory

Constructor Summary
          Construct a new instance of a GoogleSearch client.
Method Summary
protected constructCall(java.lang.String methodName, java.util.Vector parameters)
 byte[] doGetCachedPage(java.lang.String url)
          Retrieve a cached web page from Google.
 GoogleSearchResult doSearch()
          Invoke the Google search.
 java.lang.String doSpellingSuggestion(java.lang.String phrase)
          Ask Google to return a spelling suggestion for a word or phrase.
 void setFilter(boolean on)
          Enable or disable the "related-queries" filter.
 void setInputEncoding(java.lang.String ie)
          Deprecated. The server expects all API calls with UTF-8 encoding.
 void setKey(java.lang.String key)
          Set the user key used for authorization by Google SOAP server.
 void setLanguageRestricts(java.lang.String lr)
          Set the language restricts for the search.
 void setMaxResults(int maxResults)
          Set the maximum number of results to be returned.
 void setOutputEncoding(java.lang.String oe)
          Deprecated. The server expects all API calls with UTF-8 encoding.
 void setProxyHost(java.lang.String host)
          Set a host to use as an HTTP proxy.
 void setProxyPassword(java.lang.String password)
          Set the username required for the HTTP proxy.
 void setProxyPort(int port)
          Set a port to use as an HTTP proxy.
 void setProxyUserName(java.lang.String name)
          Set the username required for the HTTP proxy.
 void setQueryString(java.lang.String q)
          Set the query string for this search.
 void setRestrict(java.lang.String restrict)
          Set the restrict.
 void setSafeSearch(boolean safeSearch)
          Enable or disable SafeSearch.
 void setSoapServiceURL(java.lang.String soapServiceURL)
          Set the URL of the Google SOAP Search service.
 void setStartResult(int start)
          Set the index of the first result to be returned.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public GoogleSearch()
Construct a new instance of a GoogleSearch client.
Method Detail


public void setKey(java.lang.String key)
Set the user key used for authorization by Google SOAP server. This is a mandatory attribute for all requests.


public void setSoapServiceURL(java.lang.String soapServiceURL)
Set the URL of the Google SOAP Search service. This defaults to Google's SOAP endpoint, but you can override it here or by setting the property google.soapEndpointURL. An HTTP proxy that displays SOAP requests can be very helpful for displaying debug info.


public void setQueryString(java.lang.String q)
Set the query string for this search.


public void setStartResult(int start)
Set the index of the first result to be returned. For instance if there are 137 results, you may want to start at 20.


public void setMaxResults(int maxResults)
Set the maximum number of results to be returned.


public void setFilter(boolean on)
Enable or disable the "related-queries" filter. This filter eliminates results that are very similar.


public void setRestrict(java.lang.String restrict)
Set the restrict. This allows you to restrict the search to a specific document store such as "unclesam" or "linux".


public void setSafeSearch(boolean safeSearch)
Enable or disable SafeSearch. When SafeSearch is turned on, sites and web pages containing pornography and explicit sexual content are blocked from search results. While no filter is 100% accurate, Google's filter uses advanced proprietary technology that checks keywords and phrases, URLs and Open Directory categories.


public void setLanguageRestricts(java.lang.String lr)
Set the language restricts for the search.
lr - List of languages separated by | vertical bar characters. Example value (German and French): lang_de|lang_fr


public void setInputEncoding(java.lang.String ie)
Deprecated. The server expects all API calls with UTF-8 encoding.

Set the input encoding.


public void setOutputEncoding(java.lang.String oe)
Deprecated. The server expects all API calls with UTF-8 encoding.

Set the output encoding.


public void setProxyHost(java.lang.String host)
Set a host to use as an HTTP proxy. If unset, GoogleSearch will also check the Java system properties "http.proxyHost" and "http.proxyPort" and use those values. If those are also unset, HTTP requests go direct with no proxy.


public void setProxyPort(int port)
Set a port to use as an HTTP proxy. Only used if proxyHost is also set. If unset, port 80 is assumed to be the default.


public void setProxyUserName(java.lang.String name)
Set the username required for the HTTP proxy. Only used if proxyHost is also set.


public void setProxyPassword(java.lang.String password)
Set the username required for the HTTP proxy. Only used if proxyHost is also set.


public GoogleSearchResult doSearch()
                            throws GoogleSearchFault
Invoke the Google search. Note: key and query attributes must already be set.
GoogleSearchResult, the results of the search.
GoogleSearchFault - If a) mandatory attributes were not set, b) anything goes wrong on the server side, or c) anything goes wrong with the connection.
See Also:
GoogleSearchFault, GoogleSearchResult, GoogleSearchResultElement, GoogleSearchDirectoryCategory


public byte[] doGetCachedPage(java.lang.String url)
                       throws GoogleSearchFault
Retrieve a cached web page from Google. The key attribute must be set.
url - The url of the page to retrieve the cached version of.
String containing HTML code of the cached page.
GoogleSearchFault - If a) mandatory attributes were not set, b) anything goes wrong on the server side, or c) anything goes wrong with the connection.
See Also:


public java.lang.String doSpellingSuggestion(java.lang.String phrase)
                                      throws GoogleSearchFault
Ask Google to return a spelling suggestion for a word or phrase.
key - Identifies the user for query limiting and authorization.
phrase - The word or phrase to correct the spelling for
Suggested corrected spelling, or null if none.
GoogleSearchFault - If a) key is invalid, or daily query limit for the key was reached. b) anything goes wrong on the server side. c) anything goes wrong with the connection.


protected constructCall(java.lang.String methodName,
                                                    java.util.Vector parameters)