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Course Schedule
ClassThemes/SpacesDesign Principles and ActivitiesReadingsNotes/Deliverables
Tue. April 3 Intro Design Activity; Goals of Course  
Thur. April 5Learning Discussions * How People Learn, Executive Summary and Chapter 2, * How Experts Differ from Novices Rogoff, B. (2003). The Cultural Nature of Human Development, Pp 37 - 62. Learning Space Design, Theory and Practice Malcolm Brown, Educause Review, vol 40 no. 4 July/August 2005.Reflection on How People Learn & Rogoff readings * Distribute Project 1 description
Tue. April 10Design SkillsBrainstormingPrinciples of Brainstorming - IDEO Presentation 
Thur April 12Museums: science and discovery * Packer, J., & Ballantyne, R. (2005) Solitary vs. Shared Learning: Exploring the Social Dimensions of Museum Learning. Curator: The Museum Journal. Vol.48 (2). Pp. 177- 192. * Crowley, K., Callanan, M.A., Tenenbaum, H.R., & Allen, E. (2001). Parents explain more often to boys than to girls during shared scientific thinking. Psychological Science, 12 (3), 258-261 * UCMP News (2005) A Mammoth is Discovered in San Jose. Newsletter of the Univ. of California Museum of PaleontologyReflection on Best Museum experiences; Visit Cantor Arts Center (Stanford)
Tue. April 17Museums Part 2 * Allen, S. Designs for Learning: Studying Science Museum Exhibits that do More Than Entertain. Science Education Vol. 88. No. 1 pp 17-S33. 2004. * Michalchik, V.S. (1997). The display of cultural knowledge in cultural transmission: Models of participation from the pacific island of Kosrae. In G. D. Spindler (ed.) Education and Cultural Process: Anthropological Approaches. Waveland Press, Inc. Prospect Heights, IL. Pp. 393 – 426.Add comments to at least 2 other student pages re: museum post; react to the comments on own page
Thur. April 19Design Skills, Part 2Personas, & Participatory Design* Wikipedia Personas * Don Norman article on Personas * Cooper Interactive Article Goodwin, Kim. Perfecting Your Personas. Cooper Interactive Newsletter. July/August 2001Introduce Project 2 and form teams; $2 creativity experience - inspire creativity in a classmate
Tue. April 24   Project 1: Poster Session;
Thur. April 26Higher EducationScenariosScenarios for Wallenberg Hall Design * Carroll, John M. (1999). 5 Reasons for Scenario Based Design. Proceedings from 32nd Annual IEEE Conference on Systems Sciences. * Scenarios Overview LDT Class 2002Small Group Evaluation with CTL
Tue. May 1K-12 SpacesPanel Discussion with local K-12 schoolsShulman, L. Making Differences: A Table of Learning. From the e-library of The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching3 minute team updates. Goals, Questions, etc.
Thur. May 3ZoosDesigning, Operating and Measuring Zoo spacesNational Zoo Proposal on Asia Trails Exhibit. Kara Blond 2006Bring one question from the reading to class
Tue. May 8Cafes, Airports, public wireless spacesBuilding P3 Evaluation Matrix pt1* Unwired Portland : Article on free wireless project in Portland Oregon; * Wireless in Mountain View Google's project in Mountain ViewProject 2: Present Needs, Approach, Benefits, Competition, (NABC) analysis
Thur. May 10LibrariesTBD* Campbell, J.D. (2006). Changing a Cultural Icon: Academic Library as a Virtual Destination. Educause Review, Pp. 16-30. * Cochrane, L.S. (2007). If the Academic Library Ceased to Exist, Would We have to Invent it? Educause Review e-content, Pp. 6-7. *Lougee, W.P. (2002). Diffuse Libraries: Emergent Roles for the Research Library in the Digital Age. Prepared for the Council on Library and Information Resources, Washington, D.C.Campus Library Observation and Visit
Tue. May 15ConstraintsRichard Saenz, Director Machine Shop, San Quentin* Collins, et al. (1991) Cognitive Apprenticeship: Making Thinking Visible, American Educator, Washington DC. * Lawrence, et al.(2002) The Practice and Promise of Prison Programming. Urban Institute, Justice Policy Center, Washington, DC. * De Anza Community College Machine and CNC Homepage * Stanford Product Realization Lab 
Thur. May 17PlaygroundsBuilding P3 Evaluation Matrix pt2New York Tries to Think outside the box New York Times article describing innovative playground design 
Tue May 22Community Based OrganizationsOwnership of space – social construction of space, stakeholder, youth development* Board on Children, Youth, and Families (November 2004). Community Programs to Promote Youth Development, Report Brief. National Academies, Washington, D.C. * Nicolopolou, A., & Cole, M., (1993). Generation and transmission of shared knowledge in the culture of collaborative learning: The Fifth Dimension, its play-world, and its institutional contexts. In E. A. Forman, N. Minich, & C.A. Stone (Eds.), Contexts for learning: Sociocultural dynamics in children’s development (pp.283-314). New York: Oxford University Press. * Vandeboncouer, J.A. (2006) Engaging Young People: Leraning in Informal Contexts, Review of Research in Education (30) 239-278. 
Thur May 24Work Session  Project 2: Present Scenarios or Personas
Tue May 29   Team Project Presentations: T'enna, CDM, Nueva
Thur May 31   Team Project Presentations: CHES, SCC
Tue June 5  Whole Class Project 3Reflection, Wrap-up

We will post the Course schedule and readings here. To view last year's course schedule visit: 2006 course website

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Page last modified on May 15, 2007, at 09:01 AM