To start the course, click on the launch button. A new course window will appear.
start button

The course is best viewed with Internet Explore (6.0 or higher) or Safari (2.0 or higher) and a broadband internet connection (DSL / Cable / SU Campus Network).


About the Course

The course is organized into five topics:

  1. Overview: Introduction to iBudgets
  2. How to increase or decrease an existing budget
  3. How to reallocate budget
  4. How to do a fund transfer
  5. Additional Resources

After the course lecture, there is a exercise and quiz for you to complete. We recommend that you complete the course lecture and exercise before trying the quiz.

While the quiz does not automatically grant you a level 2 authority (you will need to follow the procedures that we will cover in the course), it does provide you with common situations that a level 2 or higher may encounter. These situations are designed as a learning extension beyond what is covered in the class to provide practical application of the policies coved. If you encounter a wrong answer, we provide you with a detailed explanation.