BioMotion Lab

Who we are
The BioMotion Laboratory takes a unique multidisciplinary approach to studying osteoarthritis, the pathways to osteoarthritis, and the mechanics of sports injury through studies that examine the interaction of cell biology and biomechanics of movement. Current projects include imaging studies of knee cartilage, aging and the initiation of osteoarthritis, the mechanics of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury/treatment and meniscal tears and repairs. The BioMotion Laboratory conducts translational research to develop interventions for the prevention of ACL injury and osteoarthritis at the knee. The BioMotion Laboratory is also recognized as a leader in the development of new methods for the capture of human movement.
Current Events
Lab Meeting, to be announced
Our weekly lab meeting is yet to be determined. Please check back.
"Why Haven't We Found a Treatment for Osteoarthritis?"
View Professor Andriacchi's Distinguished Lecture at Cardiff University
Congrats, Shannon!
Congrats to Dr. Shannon Edd who successfully defended her dissertation on Development of Post-Traumatic and Idiopathic Osteoarthritis of the Knee.
Congrats, Matt Titchenal!
Matt Titchenal won the prestigious AOSSM O'Donoghue Award for his paper, "Early Changes in the Knee Joint Center of Rotation during Walking Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Correlate with Later Changes in Patient Reported Outcomes."