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Melchin, Paul B. & Asudeh, Ash & Siddiqi, Dan: Ojibwe Agreement in Lexical-Realizational Functional Grammar

Lexical-Realizational Functional Grammar (LrFG) is a novel theoretical framework that incorporates the realizational, morpheme-based approach to word-formation of Distributed Morphology into the declarative, modular framework of LFG. LrFG differs from standard LFG in that terminal nodes of c-structure are not words, but are bundles of features that are realized in a separate, linearized v-structure. The mapping from c- to v-structure is many-to-one, using the mechanism of Spanning. In this paper we demonstrate LrFG with an account of a part of the Ojibwe (Algonquian) verbal agreement system, providing descriptions of the relevant templates and vocabulary items and discussion of some relevant examples.

February 09, 2021

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