The Proceedings of the LFG '98 Conference
University of Queensland, Brisbane
Editors: Miriam
Butt and Tracy
Holloway King
1998 CSLI
ISSN 1098-6782
Editors' Note
The table of contents lists all the papers presented at the conference and some that were accepted but could not be presented. Some papers do not appear in the proceedings. As some of these papers are nonetheless available on-line at other sites, we have provided those links at the bottom of this page. For those papers which have not been submitted to the proceedings and which are also not available on-line, we suggest contacting the authors directly via the e-mail addresses also provided as part of the table of contents.
We would like to thank all those who contributed to this
conference. We would especially like to thank the local organizing
committee, in particular Christopher
Manning and Jane
Simpson and our reviewers, without whom the conference would not
have been possible.
Finally, we would like to thank Christine
Kaschny, whose help in checking over the files submitted to the
proceedings was invaluable.
Papers Available On-line at other Sites:
- The papers for the Austronesian Workshop have been collected separately in a different format by Peter Austin and Simon Musgrave and will hopefully appear in hardcopy form with CSLI Publications.
- Rens Bod and Ron Kaplan
Grammaticality, robustness and specificity in a probabilistic approach to Lexical Functional Analysis was presented as part of on-going research that has been written up as A Probabilistic Corpus-Driven Model for Lexical-Functional Analysis. - Rachel
Complementizing case in Australian languages: a constructive approach can be found at the LFG archive
Maintained by Miriam Butt
Created: September 1998