Scientic Publications (26)
JAK Horwitz, A Mani, "Correction scheme for point-particle models applied to a nonlinear drag law in simulations of particle-uid interaction", International Journal of Multiphase Flow, in press 2018.
L Baker, A Frankel, A Mani, F Coletti, "Coherent clusters of inertial particles in homogeneous turbulence" Journal of Fluid Mechanics 833, 364-398, 2018
M. Esmaily, L Jofre, A Mani, G Iaccarino, "A scalable geometric multigrid solver for nonsymmetric elliptic systems with application to variable-density flows" Journal of Computational Physics. Vol. 357, 2018, Pages 142-158.
Frankel A., Iaccarino G., "Ecient Control Variates for Uncertainty Quantication for Radiation Transport", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2017
Frankel A.,Iaccarino,G., Mani, A., Convergence of the Beer-Lambert-Bouguer law for radiationex-tinctionin particulate media,Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer,2016, 182, 45-54.
Horwitz, J. A.and Mani, A., Accuratecalculation of Stokes drag for point-particle tracking in two-waycoupledflows, Journal of Computational Physics, 318, 85-109, 2016.
Frankel, A., Pouransari, H., Coletti, F., and Mani, A., Settling of heated particles in homogeneous-turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 792, 869-893, 2016.
Farbar, E., Boyd, I.D., Esmaily-Moghadam, M., Monte Carlo and Radiative Heat Transfer, Vol. 184, 2016, 146-160.
Particle-laden flows forced by the disperse phase: comparison between Lagrangian and Eulerian simulations, A. Vie, H. Pouransari, R. Zemanski, A. Mani, I.J. Multiphase Flow, 2015.
A fast block low-rank dense solver with applications to nite-element matrices A. Aminfar, S.Ambikasaran, E.Darve . JCP 2016
Optimizing the Adaptive Fast Multipole Method for Fractal Sets, H. Pouransari, E. Darve. SIAM JSC 2015.
Settling of heated particles in homogeneous turbulence, A. Frankel, H. Pouransari, F. Coletti, A. Mani, submitted to JFMAccurate calculation of Stokes drag for point-particle tracking in two-way coupled flows, J.A.K. Horwitz, A. Mani, submitted to JCP
On polydispersity of particles in an irradiated turbulent gas-particle mixture, M. Rahmani, G. Geraci, G. Iaccarino, A. Mani, submitted to JFM
Constant-energetics physical-space forcing methods for improved convergence to homogeneous-isotropic turbulence with application to particle-laden flows, M. Bassenne, J. Urzay, P. Moin, submitted to PoF
An analytical description of clustering of inertial particles in turbulent flows, M. Esmaily, A. Mani, to be submitted to PRL Stanford PSAAP II Project - Year 4 Annual Report
Radiatively heated particle-laden turbulence: Spectral analysis of the energy transfer, H. Pouransari, H. Kolla, J. T. Chen, A. Mani, submitted to JFM
HR Fairbanks, A Doostan, C Ketelsen, G Iaccarino, "A low-rank control variate for multilevel Monte Carlo simulation of high-dimensional uncertain systems" Journal of Computational Physics 341, 121-139, 2017
On the relevance of the tails and pdf shape for particles size distribution in irradiated turbulent flows, G. Geraci, M. Rahmani, A. Mani, G. Iaccarino in preparation JFM
A multideliy control variate approach for the multilevel Monte Carlo method, G. Geraci, M. Eldred, G. Iaccarino, in preparation SIAM JUQ
A DSL for Physical Simluation on CPUs and GPUs, G.L.Bernstein, C. Shah, C. Lemire, Z. DeVito, M. Fisher, P. Hanrahan, P. Levis, submitted to arXiv 2015
The Design of Terra: Harnessing the best Features of Low and High Level Languages, Z. DeVito, P. Hanrahan, submitted to arXiv 2015
Regent: A high-productivity programming language for HPC with logical regions. E. Shaughter, W. Lee, S. Treichler, M. Bauer, A. Aiken, SC 2015.
Zamansky, R., Coletti, F., Massot, M., and Mani, A., Radiation induces turbulence in particle-laden fluids, Physics of Fluids, 26, 071701, 2014.
Pouransari, H. and Mani, A., On the eects of preferential concentration on heat transfer in particle-based solar receivers, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
Vie, A., Pouransari, H., Zamansky, and Mani, A., Particle-laden ows forced y the disperse phase: comparison between Lagrangian and Eulerian simulations, International Journal of Multiphase Flows.
Conference Presentations (50)
Alan Heirich, Elliott Slaughter, Manolis Papadakis, Wonchan Lee, Tim Biedert and Alex Aiken, "In Situ Visualization with Task-based Parallelism", ISAV 2017.
Zhihao Jia, Yongkee Kwon, Galen Shipman, Pat McCormick, Mattan Erez and Alex Aiken, "A Distributed Multi-GPU System for Fast Graph Processing", VLDB 2018.
Zhihao Jia, Sean Treichler, Galen Shipman, Michael Bauer, Noah Watkins, Carlos Maltzahn, Patrick McCormick and Alex Aiken, "Integrating External Resources with a Task-Based Program-ming Model", HiPC 2017.
Elliott Slaughter, Wonchan Lee, Sean Treichler, Wen Zhang, Michael Bauer, Galen Shipman, Patrick McCormick and Alex Aiken, "Control Replication: Compiling Implicit Parallelism to Efficient SPMD with Logical Regions", SC 2017
Geraci G., Jofre-Cruanyes L., Iaccarino G. "Multi-delity uncertainty quantication in large-scale predictive simulations of turbulent ow", APS DFD 2017.
Torres H, Iaccarino G., "Particle Laden Turbulence in a Radiation Environment Using a Portable High Preformace Solver Based on the Legion Runtime System", APS DFD 2017.
Horwitz J., Ganguli S., Mani A., Lele S., "A correction procedure for thermally two-way coupled point-particles", APS DFD 2017. Stanford PSAAP II Project - Year 4 Annual Report
Esmaily M, Mani A., "Nonlinear dynamics of clustering in particle-laden turbulent ows", APS DFD 2017.
Horne W., Mahesh K., "A Surface-Resolved DNS Study of Spherical Particles Settling In Quiescent Fluid", APS DFD 2017.
Bassenne M., Urzay J., Schneider K., Moin P., "Wavelet investigation of preferential concentration in particle-laden turbulence", APS DFD 2017.
Kim J, Banko A., Villafane L., Elkins C., Eaton J., "Measurements of gas temperature in a radiatively heated particle laden turbulent duct flow", APS DFD 2017.
Villafane L, Kim J, Banko A., , Elkins C., Eaton J., "Effects of preferential concentration on direct radiation transmission in a turbulent duct flow", APS DFD 2017.
Banko A., Villafane L, Kim J, , Elkins C., Eaton J. "Stochastic Modeling of Direct Radiation Transmission in Particle-Laden Turbulent Flows", APS DFD 2017.
L Jofre, G Geraci, G Iaccarino, "Multilevel UQ strategies for large-scale multiphysics applications: PSAAP II solar receiver", BAPS, Shock 2017.
Abdehkakha H., Iaccarino G., "The effect of wall geometry in particle-laden turbulent flow", APS DFD 2016.
Torres H., Iaccarino G., "Radiation Transport Through a Particle Laden Turbulent Flow", APS DFD 2016.
Frankel A., Mani A., Iaccarino G., "Particle-laden turbulence under radiation: toward a novel small-particle solar receiver", APS DFD 2016.
Horwitz J, Mehrabadi M, Subramaniam S., Mani A., " A direct comparison of fully resolved and point-particle models in particle-laden turbulent flow", APS DFD 2016.
Pouransari H., Mani A., "Eects of clustering on heat transfer in particle-laden turbulence", APS DFD 2016.
Banko A., Villafane L, Elkins C., Eaton J., "Radiative heating of inertial particles in a turbulent square duct flow", APS DFD 2016.
Villafane L, Banko A., Elkins C., Eaton J., "Sensitivity of inertial particle response on turbulent duct flows to mass loading ratio and Reynolds number.", APS DFD 2016.
Ganguli S., Lele S., "Drag of Spherical Particles in a Periodic Lattice: Heat Transfer, Buoyancy and Non-Boussinesq Effects", APS DFD 2016.
Bassenne M., Park G. I., Urzay J., Moin P., "Dynamic subgrid-scale modeling for LES of particle-laden turbulent flows", APS DFD 2016.
Sean Treichler, Michael Bauer, Rahul Sharma, Elliott Slaughter, and Alex Aiken, "Dependent Partitioning", OOPSLA 2016
Regent: A High-Productivity ProgrammingLanguage for HPC with Logical Regions, E. Slaughter, W. Lee, S. Treichler, M.Bauer and A. Aiken. InProceedings of the Conference on Supercomputing, November 2015
Jeremy Horwitz, Ali Mani, "Simulations of decaying turbulence laden with particles: how are statistics aected by two-way coupling numerical scheme?", APS DFD 2015. Stanford PSAAP II Project - Year 4 Annual Report
Mahdi Esmaily Moghadam, Ali Mani, "An asymptotic analysis of particle clustering in turbulent flows", APS DFD 2015.
Gianluca Geraci, Mona Rahmani, Ali Mani, Gianluca Iaccarino, "On the effect of the particle size distribution tails in irradiated turbulent gas-particle mixture", APS DFD 2015.
Hadi Pouransari, Ali Mani, Eric Darve, "Fast linear solvers for variable density turbulent APS DFD 2015.
Ari Frankel, Rick Rauenzahn, Gianluca Iaccarino, Ali Mani, "Convergence of Beer's Law for Radiation Transmission in Particle-Laden Turbulent Flows", APS DFD 2015.
Mona Rahmani, Gianluca Geraci, Gianluca Iaccarino, Ali Mani, "Particle size distribution effects in an irradiated turbulent gas-particle mixture", APS DFD 2015.
Park G., Urzay J., Moin P., "A novel particle SGS model based on differential filter for LES of particle-laden turbulent flows", APS DFD 2015.
Villafane L., Banko A., Elkins C., Eaton J., "Turbulent particle clustering in a fully developed square channel flow", APS DFD 2015.
Ganguli S., Lele S., "Heat Transfer and Drag of a Sphere: Variable Density and Buoyancy Effects", APS DFD 2015.
Geraci, G., Rahmani, M, Mani, A. and Iaccarino G., Solid-particle solar receivers uncertainty in particle size Distribution, 2nd Frontiers in Computational Physics Conference: Energy Sciences, 3-5 June 2015, Zurich, Switzerland.
Boyd, I.D., Modeling of Radiation in Fluid Flow, Center for Turbulence Research Summer Program, Stanford University, July 2014.
Horwitz, J. and Mani, A., On free-stream correction methods for particle-laden flows, APS DFD 2014.
Abdehkhaka H. and Iaccarino G. Secondary flow and particle transport in a square duct, APS DFD 2014.
Pouransari, H. and Mani, A., Towards understanding of particle-based solar receivers: Impact of preferential concentration on heat transfer statistics, APS DFD 2014.
Frankel, A., Pouransari, H., Iaccarino, G., and Mani, A., Turbulence-radiation interactions in a particle-laden flow, APS DFD 2014.
Coletti, F., Frankel, A., Pouransari, H., and Mani, A., Settling of hot particles through turbulence, Meeting of the APS DFD 2014.
Chen, J., Kolla, H., Pouransari, H., and Mani, A., Inuence of thermal radiation on turbulent kinetic energy spectrum in particle-laden flows, APS DFD 2014.
Pouransari, H., Frankel, A., and Mani, A., Spatially developing particle laden turbulence subject to radiative heating, 10th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, September 2014.
Zamansky, R. and Mani, A., Characterization of the temporal evolution of the particle clustering in radiation-induced turbulence, Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburgh, PA, November 2013. Stanford PSAAP II Project - Year 4 Annual Report
Vie A., Pouransari, H., Zamansky, R., and Mani, A., On the simulation of turbulent particle-laden flow subject to radiation: Comparison between Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches, Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburgh, PA, November 2013.
Zamansky, R., Coletti, F., Massot, M., and Mani A., Particle clustering in radiation-induced turbulence, European Turbulence Conference, Lyon, France, September 2013.
Zamansky, R., Coletti, F., Massot, M., and Mani A., Particle-laden buoyant ow subject to radiation, International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-8), Poitiers, France, August 2013.
Zamansky, R., Coletti, F., and Mani A., Particle-laden buoyant flow subject to radiation, International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Jeju, Korea, May 2013.
Pouransari, H., Zamansky, R., and Mani, A., A low-Mach approximation computational framework for particle-laden flows subject to radiation, Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburgh, PA, November 2013.
Frankel, A., Pouransari, H., Iaccarino, G., and Mani, A., Radiative heating of a turbulent particle-laden flow: Effects of radiation regimes on turbulence dynamics, Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburgh, PA, November 2013.
Technical Reports (16)
M. Bassenne, M. Esmaily, D. Livescu, P. Moin and J. Urzay, "Dynamic spectrally-enriched LES subgrid-scale modeling for preferential concentration of inertial particles in turbulence." Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, 2017.
L. Jofre, G. Geraci, H. R. Fairbanks, A. Doostan and G. Iaccarino, "Multi-delity uncertainty quantication of irradiated particle-laden turbulence." Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, 2017.
L. Villafane, A. Banko, C. Elkins and J. K. Eaton, "Gas heating by radiation absorbing inertial particles in a turbulent duct ow." Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, 2017.
M. Esmaily and J. Horwitz, "Investigation of a four-way coupling regime using a corrected point-particle approach." Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, 2017.
M. Bassenne, J. Urzay and P. Moin, "Extraction of coherent clusters in particle-laden turbulent flows using wavelet filters.", Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, 2016.
L. Villafane-Roca, M. Esmaily-Moghadam, A. Banko and J. K. Eaton, "A robust method for quantication of preferential concentration from nite number of particles.", Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, 2016. Stanford PSAAP II Project - Year 4 Annual Report
M. Esmaily-Moghadam and A. Mani, "Analytical prediction of the segregation of inertial particles in turbulent flows.", Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, 2016.
M. Bassenne, J. Urzay and P. Moin, "Spatially-localized wavelet-based spectral analysis of prefer-ential concentration in particle-laden turbulence.", Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, 2015.
G. I. Park, J. Urzay, M. Bassenne and P. Moin, "A dynamic subgrid-scale model based on differential filters for LES of particle-laden turbulent flows.", Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, 2015.
M. Rahmani, G. Geraci, G. Iaccarino and A. Mani, "Polydisperse particles in an irradiated turbulent gas-particle mixture.", Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, 2015.
H. Pouransari, M. Mortazavi and A. Mani, "Parallel variable-density particle-laden turbulence simulation.", Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, 2015.
M. Esmaily-Moghadam, L. Jofre, G. Iaccarino and A. Mani, "A scalable geometric multigrid method for non-symmetric linear systems arising from elliptic equations." Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, 2015.
Subramaniam, S., Mehrabadi, M., Horwitz, J., and Mani, A., Developing improved Lagrangian point particle models of gas-solid ow from particle-resolved direct numerical simulation, Proceedings of the 2014 Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, 5-14, 2014.
Frankel, A., Pouransari, H., Coletti, F., and Mani, A., Settling of heated inertial particles through homogeneous turbulence, Proceedings of the 2014 Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, 15-25, 2014.
Pouransari, H., Kolla, H., Chen, J. H., and Mani, A., Spectral analysis of energy transfer in variable density, radiatively heated particle-laden ows, Proceedings of the 2014 Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, 27-36, 2014.
Vie, A., Pouransari, H., Zamansky, R., and Mani, A., Comparison between Lagrangian and Eulerian methods for the simulation of particle-laden ows subject to radiative heating, Annual ResearchBriefs, Center for Turbulence Research, 15-27, 2014.
PhD Thesis (6)
Andrew Banko, "Radiation Absorption by Inertial Particles in a Turbulent Square Duct Flow", 2018
Ari Frankel, "Radiationn Transport in PArticle-Laden Turbulent Media", 2017
Elliott Slaughter, "A High-Productivity Programming Language for Implicit Parallelism with Logical Regions", 2017
Hoora Abdehkakha, "Wall-bounded Particle-Laden Turbulent Flows, 2017
Sean Jerey Treichler, "Portability through Composable Asynchrony", 2016
Michael Edward Bauer, "Programming Distributed Heterogeneous Architectures with Logical Regions", 2014
Software Documentation
· Legion -
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· Terra -
· Containment Domains -