1982 Publications

  1. J.W. Thomas, Jr., C.W. Frank, D.A. Holden, J.E. Guillet, “Fluorescence Studies of Polymer Blends:  Effect of Host Matrix on Copolymers of 1-Naphthyl Alkyl Methacrylates and 9-Anthryl Methyl Methacrylate,” Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Physics Edition, 20, 1749-1753, 1982.
  2. R.G. Gelles, C.W. Frank, “Phase Separation in Polystyrene/Poly(vinyl methyl ether) Blends as Studied by Excimer Fluorescence,” Macromolecules 15, 1486-1491, 1982.
  3. R.G. Gelles, C.W. Frank, “Energy Migration in the Aromatic Vinyl Polymers:  3. Three Dimensional Migration in Polystyrene/Poly(vinyl methyl ether) Blends,” Macromolecules 15, 747-752, 1982.
  4. R.G. Gelles, C.W. Frank, “Energy Migration in the Aromatic Vinyl Polymers:  2. Miscible Blends of Polystyrene with Poly(vinyl methyl ether),” Macromolecules 15, 741-747, 1982.
  5. P.D. Fitzgibbon, C.W. Frank, “Energy Migration in the Aromatic Vinyl Polymers:  1. A One-Dimensional Random Walk Model,” Macromolecules 15, 733-741, 1982.