JetSurF (Version 1.1)

Release date: September 15, 2009

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Performance that we know


Release notes:


This interim version of JetSurF (version 1.1) consists of 352 species and 2083 reactions. JetSurF 1.1 adds the pyrolysis and oxidation kinetics of n-butylcyclohexane at high temperatures into JetSurF 1.0.  The development effort centers on n-butyl-cyclohexane, but the model includes also the high-temperature chemistry of n-propylcyclohexane, ethylcyclohexane, methylcyclohexane and cyclohexane.


The model is “un-tuned” and work-in-progress.  The development effort centers on achieving consistent kinetic parameter assignment and predictions for a wide range of hydrocarbon compounds.  This effort is reflected in the validation tests documented in the Performance that we know page.


JetSurF 1.1 is an extension to JetSurF version 1.0 – a detailed model that describes the pyrolysis and oxidation kinetics of normal alkanes up to n-dodecane at high temperatures. JetSurF 1.0 consists of 194 species and 1459 reactions and has been was validated against experimental data ranging from laminar flame speeds, ignition delay times behind shock waves, to species profiles in flow reactors.


JetSurF 1.0 is appended here with a set of reactions (158 species and 624 reactions) to describe high-temperature pyrolysis and oxidation of cyclohexane and its derivatives. The following class of major reactions of cyclic-alkanes have been considered:



Reaction type

Source and Method of Rate Estimation


C-C bond fission on the lateral alky group (conserving the ring)

Back rate constant from 2C2H5 n-C4H10 (k)


C-C bond fission on the cyclic structure (opening the ring)



H-abstraction by H, O, O2, HO2 and CH3

Cohen’s method. Used the rate constants of

C3H8 + X n-C3H7 or i-C3H7 + HX


Mutual isomerization of alkyl radicals

Tsang, Manion and co-workers.

n-pentyl [1], n-hexyl [2], n-heptyl [3], n-octyl [4]. Rate parameters for the CkH2k+1 (9≤ k ≤ 12) radicals are equal to those of n-octyl [4].


All possible C-C bond b-scission in alkyl radicals

See above



Other details for the reaction kinetics of cyclohexane and its derivatives will be provided in the near future. 

Additional information may also be found in JetSurF1.0 release notes.


Lennard-Jones parameters for long-chain alkanes were estimated the correlations of corresponding states of Tee et al. [5], as discussed in [6].



1.     W. Tsang, J. A. Walker, J. A. Manion, Proc. Combust. Inst. 27 (1998) pp.135-142.

2.   W. Tsang, J. A. Walker, J. A. Manion, Proc. Combust. Inst. 31 (2007) pp.141-148.

3.   W. Tsang, I. A. Awan, W. S. McGivern, J. A. Manion, Soot precursor from real fuels: the unimolecular reaction of

          fuel radicals. In Combustion Generated Fine Carbonaceous Particles (H. Bockhorn, A. D’Anna, A. F. Sarofim,

          H. Wang, Eds.), Karlsruhe University Press, in press, 2008.

4.   W. Tsang, W. S. McGivern, J. A. Manion, Proc. Combust. Inst. 32 (2009) 131-138.

5.   S. Tee, S. Gotoh, W. E. Stewart, I&EC Fundam. 5 (1966) 356-363.

6.   Holley, A. T., You, X., Dames, E., Wang, H., Egolfopoulos, F. N. Proc. Combust. Inst. 32 (2009) 1157-1163.